Please scroll down for English translations below the Japanese text.
リファービッシュとは、使用済みや返品された製品、展示品や長期在庫品を修理・整備し、新品に準じる状態に再生した製品のこと。特に欧米では、このリファービッシュ市場が急成長中。Appleの認定整備済製品や、フランス発のBack Marketなどが人気を集め、多くの消費者が「新品を買うよりもお得で賢い選択」として取り入れています。
リファービッシュは、以下のような流れです ↓
再パッケージ化 & 再販売
メーカー保証(6か月〜1年間など ※メーカーにより異なります)付きで、安心感もばっちり。
特にスマートフォンやノートパソコンといったIT機器を中心に市場が拡大しており、Appleの認定整備済製品や、フランス発のBack Marketといった企業が牽引役となっています。
消費者の意識も変化しており、環境への配慮から購入を決める消費者が増加しています。Back Marketによると、2014年の創業時にはエコロジーを考慮した顧客はわずか3%だったのに対し、現在では25%以上の顧客がエコロジーを第一に考えてリファービッシュ品を購入しているそうです。
2-1. 欧米市場の拡大とその背景
たとえば、フランスのBack Marketは、スマートフォンやPCのリファービッシュ品を専門に扱うマーケットプレイスを運営。認定業者と連携し、厳しい品質基準をクリアした製品のみを販売することで、消費者の信頼を得ています。
2-2. 企業の成功事例
① Back Market(フランス)
Back Marketは、2014年にフランスで設立されたリファービッシュ専門のマーケットプレイスです。 2023年の売上は前年比220%成長を達成するなど、急成長しています。
② Appleの「認定整備済製品」
Appleは公式サイトで、認定整備済製品(Apple Certified Refurbished) を販売しています。iPhone以外にもiPad、MacBook、Apple Watch、AirPodsなども取り扱っています。
③ The Renewal Workshop(アメリカ)
ファッション業界では、アパレル業界におけるサーキュラーエコノミーの推進を目的として、2015年に設立されたアメリカのThe Renewal Workshop(TRW)がリファービッシュ市場をリードしています。
Myles、prAna、The North Faceなどのブランドと提携し、返品・廃棄予定の衣類を再生。
回収と分類: ブランドから返品や不良品として扱われる衣類を回収し、状態に応じて分類します。
クリーニングと修理: 専門的なクリーニングと修理を行い、製品を新品同様の状態に復元します。
品質保証と再販: 再生された製品には品質保証として「リニューアル(RW)」のラベルが縫い付けられ、TRWのオンラインストアや提携ブランドの店舗で再販されます。

3-1. 日本市場の現状
しかし、サステナビリティの重要性が高まり、家電やIT機器を中心にリファービッシュ市場が少しずつ拡大しつつあります。GfK Japanの調査によると、リファービッシュ家電の購入経験者は全体の4%存在し、今後2〜3年でその割合が8%まで増加する可能性があります。
3-2. 企業の事例
① 日立のリファービッシュ家電

② パナソニックのリファービッシュ事業
パナソニックは、2023年12月よりドラム式洗濯乾燥機と4K有機ELテレビのリファービッシュ品の販売を開始しました。また、2023年6月からはヘアードライヤー ナノケアのリファービッシュ品をサブスクリプションサービスで提供しています。
そして、2024年4月10日から「Panasonic Factory Refresh」というブランド名でリファービッシュ事業を本格的に開始しています。店頭展示品、初期不良品、Panasonic Store Plusの家電サブスクのアイテムが対象製品となっています。

③ エプソンのリファービッシュ事業

④ Back Marketの日本市場参入
Back Marketは、2021年3月に日本市場に参入しました。同社の日本進出の背景には、循環型経済の利点や機器の長期使用への関心が日本でも高まりつつあることが挙げられます。
日本市場でのサービス展開として、Back Marketは「リファービッシャー」と呼ばれる中古品の買取後、修理・整備を行う業者と提携し、品質が保証されたリファービッシュ製品を提供しています。
さらに、伊藤忠グループのBelongと協業し、「Back Market買取サービス」を開始しました。このサービスでは、消費者から中古デバイスを回収し、データ消去やクリーニングを行った上で再販する仕組みを構築しています。
また、Back Marketの調査によれば、日本でも多くのユーザーが中古品の二次流通に関心を持っているものの、データの消去や個人情報に関する不安、店頭への持ち込みの手間などが障壁となっているといいます。同社はこの課題に対応しながら、さらなる市場拡大を狙っていくようです。
先日、YouTubeの「PIVOT公式チャンネル」でBack Marketを取り上げていましたので、もし興味が少しでもわきましたら、是非ご覧ください。
とはいえ、日本ではまだ「中古=なんとなく不安」と思う人が多いのも事実。しかし、Back Marketの調査によると、64.7%の人が品質が高く安全なら中古スマホの購入を検討すると回答しているようなので、品質保証を整え、マーケティングで「新品みたいに使えるリファービッシュ品」をアピールすれば、市場の成長が期待できそうですよね。
この連載noteは、こちらから是非ご覧ください! ↓
Do you know what remanufacturing is? A New Wave of Circular Economy Expanding in the U.S. and Europe
Do you know what "refurbish" is, a word I recently learned? When you buy something, you sometimes wonder if you should buy it new or used, but there is actually another option in between.
That is "refurbished. Refurbished" refers to products that have been used, returned, displayed, or stored for an extended period of time, repaired, and restored to a condition similar to new.
The refurbished market is growing rapidly, especially in Europe and the U.S. Apple Certified Refurbished Products and the Back Market from France are gaining popularity, and many consumers are adopting them as a "smart and economical alternative to buying new".
In Japan, however, the concept is still not well known. Many people feel that "used products = uncertain quality", so they often don't think about choosing refurbished products. (There are probably many people who, like me, never knew about this concept at all, right?)
So in this article, I would like to introduce you to what refurbishment is, how it is accepted in Europe and the United States, and how it is being developed in Japan!
Chapter 1: What is Refurbish?
Refurbish refers to used or returned products that have been repaired and serviced by manufacturers or authorized dealers and restored to the same quality as new products.
1 Collection and Inspection
The returned or used products are collected and inspected for external and internal conditions.
Parts requiring repair are identified.
2 Repair and parts replacement
Necessary parts are replaced and the exterior is cleaned and refreshed.
3 Quality Control
Tests are performed to confirm operation.
Thoroughly removes any incipient defects.
4 Repackaging & Resale
Packaged in new box and sold at a discount from new in many cases.
Comes with a manufacturer's warranty (6 months to 1 year, etc. *depends on manufacturer), giving you peace of mind.
On the other hand, used products are basically sold as is, without inspection or repair, and often without warranty.
Refurbished products are not simply used products, but are repaired, inspected, and warranted by the manufacturer or a specialized vendor, making them a less expensive option with the peace of mind of a new product.
Chapter 2: Global Refurbishment Market Growth
The refurbishment market is growing rapidly in Europe and the United States, reportedly 20 times faster than the overall retail market.
The market is growing particularly for IT equipment such as smartphones and laptops, driven by companies such as Apple's Certified Refurbished Products and Back Market from France. By offering refurbished products with a quality guarantee, these companies have established a brand image that differentiates them from used products and has earned the trust of consumers. The global market for refurbished electrical products is expected to reach $9.36 billion by 2023 and $19.28 billion by 2029.
According to Back Market, more than 25% of customers now buy refurbished products with ecology in mind, compared to only 3% of customers who considered ecology when the company was founded in 2014. This is a significant increase from the previous year, when only 3% of customers considered ecology. Many consumers see it as a more economical and environmentally friendly option than buying new.
2-1. U.S. and European Market Expansion and Background
There are several reasons why the remanufacturing market is expanding in the U.S. and Europe.
Environmental friendliness: There is a growing movement to reduce product waste and promote a circular economy.
Cost-effectiveness: High-quality products can be purchased at a lower price than new products.
Better warranties: Manufacturers and distributors offer quality guarantees and have mechanisms in place to provide peace of mind.
For example, Back Market in France operates a marketplace specializing in refurbished smartphones and PCs. By working with certified vendors and selling only products that meet strict quality standards, the company has earned the trust of consumers. In addition, Apple Certified Refurbished Products offer a one-year warranty on products that have undergone an authorized quality inspection, providing peace of mind similar to that of a new product. This makes refurbished products an easier choice for consumers who have been thinking, "Used products are a bit risky...".
2-2. Company success stories
Back Market (France)
Back Market is a marketplace specializing in refurbished products, launched in France in 2014. It is growing rapidly, with sales expected to grow 220% year-on-year by 2023.
Has established its own quality standards and works with carefully selected refurbishers (repairers).
Offers the same reliability as new products with up to one year warranty.
Offers a wide range of products, including smartphones, PCs and home electronics.
Track record of growth:
Become a unicorn company (valued at over $1 billion) by 2021.
Currently provides services in 18 countries, mainly in Europe and the U.S. It will also enter the Japanese market in 2021 and is growing rapidly.
Apple Certified Refurbished Products
Apple sells Apple Certified Refurbished products on its official website, including iPad, MacBook, Apple Watch, and AirPods in addition to iPhone.
Cleaned and tested to like-new condition.
Batteries and casings may be replaced.
Includes a one-year limited warranty and 90 days of free technical support.
Up to 15% off new prices.
The Renewal Workshop (USA)
In the fashion industry, The Renewal Workshop (TRW), an American company founded in 2015 to promote the circular economy in the apparel industry, is a leader in the refurbishment market.
The company collects products returned by brands and unsaleable garments, and recycles and resells them through its proprietary "Renewal System," reducing waste and making better use of resources.
Partners with brands such as Myles, prAna and The North Face to reclaim garments slated for return or disposal.
Implemented high-quality cleaning and repair processes.
Develops new markets while reducing environmental impact.
TRW says it uses a unique remanufacturing process.
Collection and Sorting:
Garments returned or deemed defective by brands are collected and sorted by condition.
Cleaning and repair:
Professional cleaning and repair to restore products to like-new condition.
Quality assurance and resale:
Reconditioned products are sewn with a "Renewal (RW)" label as a guarantee of quality and resold through TRW's online store and partner brand stores.
TRW's efforts extend the life of its products and help reduce their environmental impact. According to the company, remanufacturing a product reduces its carbon footprint by an average of 51.5% compared to manufacturing a new product.
Chapter 3: The Japanese Refurbishment Market and Corporate Initiatives
3-1. Current State of the Japanese Market
In Japan, the refurbishment market is still in its infancy compared to Europe and the United States. Although the second-hand market is active, the concept of refurbishing has not fully penetrated the general consumer base.
One reason for this may be that Japanese consumers have a "strong preference for new products" and a lingering image of "used = quality concerns".
However, with the growing importance of sustainability, the refurbished market is gradually expanding, especially for consumer electronics and IT equipment, and according to a GfK Japan survey, 4% of all consumers have purchased refurbished equipment, a figure that could increase to 8% in the next two to three years.
The following factors may be behind the market growth.
Growing environmental awareness:
The need for a circular economy is being recognized through the SDGs and the promotion of carbon neutrality.
Corporate sustainability strategies:
Manufacturers have started selling returned or refurbished used products to reduce waste.
Cost advantage:
Refurbished products are beginning to gain attention as an option because they are less expensive than new products and have guaranteed quality.
3-2. Corporate case studies
Hitachi's Refurbished Home Appliances
Hitachi Global Life Solutions began selling refurbished home appliances in 2022. These are mainly large home appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines, and are sold through the official online store.
Collected home appliances are refurbished to be as good as new after parts are replaced, cleaned and tested. Refurbished appliances come with a one-year manufacturer's warranty, giving consumers nearly the same peace of mind as new appliances.
This business is driven by a growing demand for reused appliances, with more consumers choosing repaired and refurbished products over new purchases, especially for large appliances. In addition, by offering refurbished products through the manufacturers themselves, it is likely that they are aiming to guarantee quality with a sense of security and make it easier for consumers to choose refurbished products.
Panasonic's Refurbishment Business
Panasonic began selling refurbished drum washer/dryers and 4K OLED TVs in December 2023. In June 2023, it began offering refurbished Nanocare hair dryer products through a subscription service.
And on April 10, 2024, it launched a full-scale refurbishment business under the brand name Panasonic Factory Refresh. Eligible products will include in-store displays, initially defective products, and items from the Panasonic Store Plus consumer electronics subscription.
Panasonic is unique in expanding its refurbishment business by focusing on high-value home appliances. The market value of refurbished products is increasing, especially for high-end home appliances such as washers/dryers and televisions, due to the high price of new products. Prices are about 20% below new prices. In addition, a subscription model has been introduced for small home appliances such as hair dryers to meet consumers' trial needs.
Epson's refurbishment business
Seiko Epson Corporation's sales subsidiary began handling refurbished office equipment in 2019. Starting with general consumer products, the company is now expanding its offerings to include refurbished business equipment, such as office printers and projectors. The products come with the same manufacturer's warranty as regular products.
The strength of Epson's refurbished products business is that it offers "high-quality refurbished products that can be used with confidence for business applications. Because office equipment such as printers require durability, refurbished products backed by the manufacturer's warranty are an attractive option for businesses that want to ensure reliability while keeping costs down.
Back Market's entry into the Japanese market
Back Market will enter the Japanese market in March 2021. The company's entry into Japan is due to the benefits of a circular economy and the growing interest in long-term use of devices in Japan. Another factor is the increasing demand for refurbished products due to the rising price of new smartphones and growing environmental awareness. To develop its services in the Japanese market, Back Market has partnered with "refurbishers," companies that repair and maintain used products after purchase, providing refurbished products with guaranteed quality.
In addition, in cooperation with Belong, an ITOCHU Group company, we have launched the Back Market purchase service. Under this service, used equipment is collected from consumers and resold after data erasure and cleaning.
As a result of the service's performance, sales in fiscal year 2023 more than doubled year on year, reflecting the growing interest in refurbished products. In addition, Back Market's research shows that many users in Japan are interested in secondary sales of used goods, but data erasure, concerns about personal information, and the inconvenience of bringing goods to a store are barriers. The company appears to be working to address these issues while continuing to expand the market.
Recently, PIVOT's official channel on YouTube featured Back Market, so if you are at all interested, please check it out.
As introduced in this report, the refurbishment market, which is growing rapidly in Europe and the United States, is expected to expand gradually in Japan in the future. The concept of not only buying new products but also "repairing and using" or "choosing refurbished products" is gradually spreading.
According to the Ministry of the Environment, the size of Japan's reuse market will be 2,897 trillion yen in 2022 and is expected to grow to 3,250 trillion yen by 2025. This is a huge opportunity for companies.
We live in an era in which not only brand value enhancement and the creation of new profit opportunities, but also environmental friendliness are highly valued. However, it is also true that many people in Japan still think that "used equipment = somehow unsafe. However, according to a Back Market survey, 64.7% of respondents would consider buying a used smartphone if it was of high quality and safe, so if quality assurance is implemented and "refurbished products that work like new" are promoted through marketing, the market is expected to grow.
In addition, the expansion of refurbishing will not only benefit companies, but also society as a whole.
Japan has always had a "culture of repairing and using valuable things," so if we can update this culture to a modern version and accelerate this movement together with companies, consumers, and the government, we should be able to firmly ride the circular economy trend.
Refurbishing is a big step towards a society where it is normal to repair and use things.
The next time you buy something, I hope you will consider "refurbished products" as an option!