
トマ・ピケティ「21世期の資本」を英語で読む 10週目



The most striking fact is that the United States has become noticeably more inegalitarian than France (and Europe as a whole) from the turn of the twentieth century until now, even though the United States was more egalitarian at the beginning of this period.



In my view, there is absolutely no doubt that the increase of inequality in the United States contributed to the nations's financial instability. The reason is simple: one consequence of increasing inequality was virtual stagnation of the purchasing power of the lower and middle classes I the United States, which inevitably made it more likely that modest households would take on debt, especially since unscrupulous banks and financial intermediaries, freed from regulation and eager to earn good yields on the enormous savings injected into the system by the well-to-do, offered credit on increasingly generous terms.

私の見解では、アメリカ合衆国における不平等の増加が国の財政不安定に寄与したことに疑いの余地はありません。その理由は単純です:不平等が増す一つの結果として、アメリカの下層及び中間層の購買力が実質的に停滞しました。これが必然的に、 modest households(質素な家庭)が借金をする可能性を高めることになります。特に、規制から解放された無良心な銀行や金融仲介業者が、裕福な層からシステムに注入された莫大な貯蓄で良い利回りを得ようとして、ますます寛大な条件でのクレジットを提供していたためです。



The final and perhaps most important point in need of clarification is that the increase in very high incomes and very high salaries primarily reflects the advent of "supermanagers," that is, top executives of large firms who have managed to obtain extremely high, historically unprecedented compensation package for their labor.



Both countries attach a great deal of importance to the central role of schools and vocational training in fostering social mobility, yet theoretical discussion of educational issues and of meritocracy is often out of touch with reality, and in particular with the fact that the most prestigious schools tend to favor students from privileged social backgrounds.



To sum up: the best way to increase wages and reduce wage inequalities I the long run is to invest in education and skills. Over the long run, minimum wages and wage  schedules cannot multiply wages by factors of five or ten: to achieve that level of progress, education and technology are the decisive forces. Nevertheless, the rules of the labor market play a crucial role in wage setting during periods of time determined by the relative progress of education and technology.



In all the English-speaking countries; the primary reason for  increased income inequality in recent decades is the rise of the supermanager in both the financial and nonfinancial sectors.




Obviously, this does not mean that the European and Japanese evolutions of the past few decades should be neglected. On the contrary: their trajectory resembles that of the United States in some respects, with a delay of one or two decades, and one need not  wait until the phenomenon assumes the macroeconomic significance observed in the United States to worry about it.



