Another Energy Exhibition is a worldwide art collection of 16 female artists aged from 71 to 105.
(105?! badass cool!)
We are living in a time fighting for many things - not only the virus, but also inequality of races, gender, wealth etc.
I feel this exhibition is a representation of our time.
Here’s some sneak peak of the exhibition:
here’s my most favorite one by Suzanne Lacy,
This is such an amazing initiative that brings up critical topics that people of now confront such as feminism, gender, race, sexual assault. The artist gathered people on the street with yellow scarfs on their shoulders, divided into groups and people sat at the porches. At the exhibition, it shows the video of people talking about their experiences, their opinions etc.
I really like this art as it involves lots of people and made it into such a huge and impactful act. And the voices of participants, and who they are are made it into an art.
here’s another favorite art by Senga Negundi,
She used used-stockings and put certain amount of sand and the woman in the picture performs flexible body movements. This art shows how women’s body can be transformed regarding the birth, age, violence. Also it reflects how people are imposed with social pressure, rules and stereotypes.
Here’s the 105-old artist Carmen Herrera
Here’s some works by Arpita Singh,
Blue Hands
Some other works from the exhibition:
Overall, through the exhibition, I could see how much those artists had been fighting for their rights as well as politics and many other issues. And thinking about how much the society has changed as a millennials - maybe not much as we want to…. But things can still change and it’s important we fight for it. Because now we live on what they had fight for.
@Mori Art Museum
Until 22nd Sept