今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.26]
PBS NewsHour Jan. 25, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:28]★今日のおすすめ★ 米独 ウクライナに戦車供与へ
[07:01]★今日のおすすめ★ John Kirby国家安全保障会議戦略連絡調整官に聞く
[10:45] Between the Abrams that we're talking about and the Leopards, we're talking, give or take, [* give or take = approximately ] about 100 tanks.
[14:52] 今日のその他のニュース
[19:20] 議会本格始動 担当記者に聞く
[25:34] アジア系コミュニティーで相次ぐ銃撃事件 銃暴力反対の活動家に聞く
[25:59] it's a number that bears repeating [* 繰り返して言う価値がある。繰り返して言うにふさわしい]. This year is only 25 days old, and, already, there have been at least 40 mass shootings in the United States.
[26:28] She's also a key member of the AAPI Against Gun Violence Coalition. [*AAPI = Asian American and Pacific Islander 日系アメリカ人ももちろん含まれる]
[31:24] ローマ教皇 同性愛を違法とする法律を批判 「罪ではあっても犯罪ではない」
[34:06] But there's no question that the countries that have legislated against homosexuality, in doing so, have drawn on [*to draw on = to rely on; to make use of as a source] public knowledge that institutions such as the Catholic Church have stood behind such legislation historically, and many of them still do currently.
[36:57]★今日のおすすめ★ 危機的状況にある若者の心の病 同年代のボランティアを使うオレゴン州の取り組み
[38:01] They take calls, texts and chats, and the issues they hear about run the gamut. [* to run the gamut = To encompass the full range or variety possible. (wiktionary)]
[41:19] She says she can also sense when something seems off [* off = 調子が悪い。いつもの状態と違う。] with friends or classmates.
[42:33] And so you have certain floors with highly trained nurses and pediatricians taking care of infants and babies with RSV [* = RSウイルス].
[47:38] 高まる米国内過激派の危険 ワシントン州の全体観的アプローチ
[52:27] So how do you prevent older citizens from being drawn into these alt-right conspiracy theory groups, like the Oath Keepers or anti-government groups? [* alt-right = a right-wing, primarily online political movement or grouping based in the U.S. whose members reject mainstream conservative politics and espouse extremist beliefs and policies typically centered on ideas of white nationalism; often supportive of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia. alt=alternative]