今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.31]
PBS NewsHour Jan. 30, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:03]★今日のおすすめ★ テネシー州メンフィスの警官による暴行死 被害者家族の弁護士に聞く
[09:24] 警官による暴行動画 心理的影響や対策を専門家に聞く
[11:51] It is potentially reducing the amount of agency [* agency = The capacity to act or exert power; The capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices.] that we think that we have in stopping something like this.
[14:42] Yeah, you know, I think there are two minds of this. The first is, is it good to be released, right? So there's a "yes, and" here. [* yes, and = "Yes, and...", also referred to as "Yes, and..." thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that an improviser should accept what another improviser has stated ("yes") and then expand on that line of thinking ("and"). The improvisers' characters may still disagree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes,_and...]
[16:10] 今日のその他のニュース
[21:08] 中東で暴力の連鎖 Blinken国務長官訪問
[22:19] And now another explosion, a publicly unattributed strike near an Iranian military factory. [* unattributed = 誰の仕業か分からない。]
[22:54] And now we're seeing this escalation, which has -- gives all the fodder, all the fuel for a major, perhaps third intifada. [* intifada= an armed uprising of Palestinians against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Merriam-Webster)]
[25:33] The nature of Iran's weaponry for Russia in its aggression against Ukraine has been off-the-shelf material. [*off-the-shelf =available as a stock item; not specially designed or custom-made;]
[26:25]★今日のおすすめ★ 卵の値上がり
[26:47] TIM BURKE, Owner, In a Pickle Restaurant: I would say 70 percent of our menu either has eggs in it or revolves around eggs or is egg-centric in some way. [* この文のようにeitherはeither A or Bの形だけでなく、3つ以上を並べる時にも使う。]
[27:11] Eggs that, says chef owner Tim Burke, have -- yes, you know it's coming -- put him in a pickle. [* 店の名前がIn a Pickle Restaurantということと、in a pickle = In a difficult situation をかけている。]
[27:21] And that's wholesale prices, forcing Burke to hike his menu, so he doesn't end up in the hole. [* in the hole = having suffered net losses; in the red]
[29:21] We have seen depopulations upwards of 40 million layers over the last year. [*layer = A mature female bird, insect, etc. that is able to lay eggs.]
[29:56] These are going to be the pullets that we sell in here. [*pullet = A young hen, especially one less than a year old.]
[29:59] At the Waltham Agway store, the hens are healthy and flying, well, shuffling off the shelf. [* to fly off the shelves = 飛ぶように売れる、に掛けたしゃれ。 このあとも多くのしゃれが続く。]
[33:03] バイデン大統領 インフラ整備を各地で宣伝
[36:57] 共和党大統領候補の予備選とプロテスタント団体
[38:23] It's not going to be without some fraught political Sturm und Drang [* = turmoil ],
[39:34] But why do you think he isn't the shoo-in for the candidacy? [*shoo-in = one that is a certain and easy winner]
[40:47] There is -- in part because of him, there is such a deep bench. [* = to have a large team of very skilled people at a group's disposal. 交代要員が豊富にいる] I mean, let's remember, three of the most compelling candidates served in his Cabinet.
[43:54] So, I don't count him out. I think he's a sleeper in this race. [* sleeper = Something that achieves unexpected success after an interval of time. ]