[12:12] Sen. Durbin discusses deadlock in Congress over Ukraine, Israel aid and border security ウクライナやイスラエルへの支援、議会で頓挫/ディック・ダービン上院民主党院内幹事に聞く
[18:28] The scientific and cultural impact of the International Space Station after 25 years 国際宇宙ステーション25周年
[21:11] So when is the International Space Station slated for retirement? MILES O'BRIEN: Yes, Geoff, it's a little long in tooth at this point. Some of the Russian modules have been leaking and there have been other problems along the way. It's getting old.
[** long in the tooth = getting old; old < Animals' teeth, especially those of horses, are thought to be an indicator of age. As animals age, their gums recede, and their teeth look longer (thefreedictionary) ]
[24:48]★今日のおすすめ★ America at a Crossroads: How the pandemic made it difficult for Americans to separate politics from public health 岐路に立つアメリカ:分断の原因と解決策を探るシリーズの第20回/パンデミックで不明瞭になった政治と医療の境界
[29:38] PETER HOTEZ: Well, there was an entire ecosystem of elected officials on the far right, together with FOX News and other news outlets. It was a predatory, organized, and deliberate disinformation [** disinformationとmisinformationの違いについて ] campaign that convinced Americans that the vaccines didn't work or weren't safe, and they believed it, and they paid for it with their lives.
[34:24] RENATA MOON: The medical school that terminated my employment sent the message that, if you dare question anything related to COVID, if you dare color outside the lines of what is allowed, what the main narrative is, then you will be punished, right?
[** to color outside the lines = To think or act in a way that does not conform to set rules. Likened to the way a child might color outside the lines of a coloring book (thefreedictionary) ]
[37:36]★今日のおすすめ★ Tim Alberta discusses his new book exploring American evangelicals and political extremism 新刊本『The Kingdom, The Power and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism』の著者ティム・アルバータに聞く/白人福音派有権者はなぜキリスト教価値観に矛盾するドナルド・トランプ支持を続けるのか/キリスト教に根差したアメリカを失うくらいなら独裁体制も容認
[38:40] And I think what it revealed more than anything, Geoff, was just this epiphany of, boy, if I, the son of the senior pastor who was here for 25 years leading this congregation, if I, who grew up here -- these people have known me since I was 5 years old -- if I could be treated this way, if I could be regarded as a member of the deep state, as an enemy of the church, as an apostate, if I could be treated that way, then how are we treating those outside the church?
[39:51] Obviously, when Donald Trump first came along in 2015 launching his campaign for president, he was mocked widely by evangelicals when he made his famous 2 Corinthians gaffe when he was speaking at Liberty University at the beginning of 2016.
[40:29] And I think it's important to sort of hone in on this idea that, for the white Christian in America, they are now losing status in ways that they have never seen before, that, if you look, just statistically and demographically, 50 years ago, during the heyday of the Moral Majority, this was fundamentally a different country then than it is today. We are looking at decades-long downward trajectories in terms of the white percentage of the country, the percentage of the country that identifies as Christian, that identifies as churchgoing.
[** Moral Majority was an American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell Sr. and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s. It played a key role in the mobilization of conservative Christians as a political force and particularly in Republican presidential victories throughout the 1980s... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Majority // moral majority (小文字) = 伝統的な道徳観を支持する多数派 ]
[41:03] And there is a sense of impending doom for a lot of these people, that the government is coming for them, that Christianity is in the crosshairs, and that we need to fight back.
[** to come for someone = to seek someone in order to apprehend or attack them ]
[41:53] I think, in many ways, Christian nationalism is revolving around this idea that the Christian nation that we inherited from the founders, that it was an explicitly Christian nation, not just a nation informed by Judeo-Christian principles and values, but explicitly formed to be a Christian nation, that that has to be recovered, that it has to be restored.
[** to inform = to affect, influence; to give form or character to ]
[43:21] GEOFF BENNETT: So, when Donald Trump says he wouldn't be a dictator if reelected, except for day one, what he said earlier this week in that televised town hall with Sean Hannity, what do his evangelical supporters hear? TIM ALBERTA: It's another great question, I mean, and you're right, because there's a dog whistle there. I think what Trump is speaking to here is a persecution complex more than anything else, when he talks about how the Christian church is under siege and so is he, when he talks to these evangelical supporters of his and says, really, they, the deep state, the liberals, the secularists, they're coming after you, but first they have to get through me, and that's why I'm being charged with all these indictments. That's why they're trying to take me down, is so that they can get to you.
[** dog whislte = (politics) an expression or statement that has a secondary meaning intended to be understood only by a particular group of people. 「犬笛」。一般の人は気づかないが、特定の人には伝わる含みのあるメッセージ ]
[** persecution complex = persecutory delusion = A persecutory delusion is a type of delusional condition in which the affected person believes that harm is going to occur to oneself by a persecutor, despite a clear lack of evidence... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecutory_delusion ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) 迫害妄想、被害妄想 ]
[45:30] Rob Reiner on Norman Lear's groundbreaking career and legacy TVプロデューサーのノーマン・リア死去/ゴールデンタイムを変えた足跡を振り返る/49:00~俳優ロブ・ライナーに聞く
[48:02] In 1980, he founded the nonprofit People For the American Way to counter the rising influence of the Christian right in the Moral Majority movement.
[** People For the American Way, or PFAW ... is a progressive advocacy group in the United States. Organized as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, PFAW was registered in 1981 by the television producer Norman Lear, a self-described liberal who founded the organization in 1980 to challenge the Christian right agenda of the Moral Majority... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_for_the_American_Way ]
[53:16] We were on television at a time when there was only 200 million people in the country, and there were 40, 45 million people having a shared experience. You couldn't tape it. You had to watch it when it was on. And so we put these issues out there and we had people talking. Now that discussion has gone away. We're all in these silos. We don't talk to each other, and we're seeing the rise of the very thing he fought his life for, is against fascism and to preserve democracy. And we see this fascism starting to creep back in.
[** silo = A self-enclosed group of like-minded individuals (wiktionary) ]