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[00:00] Introduction
[02:31]★今日のおすすめ★ Israel's military pushes deeper into Gaza amid negotiations for humanitarian pauses
With tens of thousands of civilians still fleeing the heavy fighting in northern Gaza, Israel agreed Thursday to open a second route south and pause fighting for a few hours each day, almost a week after Israeli troops invaded in a bid to rout Hamas. Leila Molana-Allen reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い34日目; Late today, President Biden says Israel has an "obligation" to distinguish between terrorists and civilians and to follow international law; The White House announced today that Israel agreed to a second corridor along Gaza's coast, where there will be daily four-hour humanitarian pauses in the bombing; today, it's been reported that mediators are trying to negotiate a three-day pause in fighting in exchange for a dozen hostages held by Hamas. President Biden confirmed this morning that he asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the swap, but gave no details; Hamas announced today it's ready to release an elderly woman and a young boy for humanitarian reasons, but said no deal had been made yet with Israel; 》
[07:09] News Wrap
Former President Trump's legal team asked a judge in New York to immediately end his civil fraud trial, the man (= David DePape ) accused of attacking former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband went on trial, and more than two dozen labor unions are calling for an industry-wide investigation of driverless cars.
《Close calls at the nation's airports were front and center at a Senate hearing today. ニアミス多発について上院公聴会; FBI Director Christopher Wray says there's a potential conflict of interest in selecting a location for the bureau's new headquarters. That's after the General Services Administration chose Greenbelt, Maryland. The Associated Press reports Wray sent an e-mail today saying a GSA executive picked land owned by a former employer; In Pakistan, schools, stores and parks in Lahore have started a four-day closure as toxic smog stifles the city. Authorities say the heavy gray haze has made tens of thousands of people sick. The smog is largely due to farmers burning crop waste at the start of the winter wheat planting season; Tracy Chapman's folk anthem "Fast Car" is a winner again 35 years after its release. It took song of the year last night at the Country Music Association Awards. The tune gained new popularity thanks to a chart-topping cover by Luke Combs; 収穫残渣; 》
[11:00] Republican presidential hopefuls make their case to voters but remain far behind Trump
Five Republican presidential candidates cut down the interruptions and raised the substance level, especially on foreign policy, during a two-hour debate held Wednesday night in Miami. This without the party's frontrunner, Donald Trump, who remains far ahead of the field in polling. Lisa Desjardins reports.
《大統領選共和党候補討論会第3回; 5人参加、トランプはまた欠席; 今回は前の2回と比べると中身のある討論"Dick Cheney in three-inch heels"; Trump held his own show, a rally nearby, where he bragged about the 91 felony charges he faces; 》
[15:45] Manchin won't seek reelection, creating a new challenge for Democrats' Senate majority
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced Thursday that he will seek reelection next year, raising the stakes in the Democrat’s battle to maintain power in the upper chamber. A longtime moderate, Manchin staved off GOP challenges to his seat in a deep red state but his commitment to the center had him often at odds with the party’s more progressive base. Lisa Desjardins has more.
《ジョー・マンチン上院議員(ウェストバージニア州選出、民主党)、次の選挙に不出馬を表明; 民主党の上院での多数党維持が困難になる可能性; 再選が難しい状況で、無所属で大統領選出馬を模索か; 》
[18:09] So let's just start by explaining -- reminding viewers that, right now, our U.S. Senate has 51 Democrats and 49 Republicans. So let's say Manchin's seat, as it is expected now, goes Republican, 50/50. So let's look at the rest of the map for next year's Senate elections. We have got 34 seats up for grabs. And if you look at this map, you can see there aren't a lot of -- there are several Democratic seats that are going to be tough. Montana, light blue, that's Jon Tester. That might be tough to hold. Look at that yellow seat. That's Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona and also yellow in Ohio. That's Sherrod Brown. Those are three seats. Democrats have to run the table basically to keep all three of those seats.
[** to be so successful in a particular situation as to dominate and overwhelm one's opponents ]
[19:16]★今日のおすすめ★ Why the Screen Actors Guild agreed to a end a strike that crippled Hollywood
The actors' union SAG-AFTRA has reached a tentative deal with the Hollywood studios, ending the longest strike for TV and film actors in history. The deal worth more than $1 billion includes new levels of minimum compensation, bonuses tied to streaming and the first protections against artificial intelligence. Fran Drescher, president of SAG-AFTRA, joins Geoff Bennett to discuss.
《ハリウッドの俳優組合(SAG-AFTRA)が制作会社と暫定合意; 史上最長の俳優ストライキ終結へ; フラン・ドレシャー組合長へのインタビュー; 大きな争点は何だったのか; 交渉成功の秘訣とは; フレデリック・ダグラス; 》
[20:17] We broke pattern with the other two unions, the WGA [* = Writers Guild of America representing writers of film and television ] and the DGA [* = Directors Guild of America, the labor union representing directors of film and television ] . So we got more minimum wage growth than they did, which is unusual and unprecedented. And we got an amazing deal for our lowest-earning members, who are our background performers.
[** to break pattern = to change or interrupt a routine. この文脈では、他の組合の例に倣わない。違うことをする ]
[21:17] People don't do the right thing unless they're forced to. And as Frederick Douglass said, power concedes nothing without demands.
[** = Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, c.February 1817 or 1818 – February 20, 1895) was an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. He became the most important leader of the movement for African-American civil rights in the 19th century. After escaping from slavery in Maryland, Douglass became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York, during which he gained fame for his oratory and incisive antislavery writings...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Douglass ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります )]
[23:54] That means that you're in control of your likeness. You're in control of if you want to be duplicated, if you want some kind of a synthetic version of you on screen. And that puts a lot of control back into the performer's hands, because the performer's likeness, the performer's performance, everything that makes them them, I think that there was quite a bit of back-channeling to get the messaging across that, without this, we're going to protract the strike.
[** likeness = an image; a pictorial, graphic, or sculptured representation of something]
[** to back-channel = to use a back channel < back channel (noun) = An unofficial communications channel used to make informal negotiations ]
[24:47] So, without the protections that we absolutely felt we needed, there was no way that we were going to sign a three-year contract, because, three years from now, the whole idea of it is going to be a completely different animal. And if we don't put a saddle on that wild pony now and pull in the reins, we're never going to be able to catch it.
[** to pull in the reins = to regain or tighten control over someone or something; to begin doing something more carefully or cautiously ]
[26:10] They walked away from the table at one point, but that intimidation tactic did not work for us. And then they would take a week, at least, before they'd come back with even a supposal, let alone a counter, [* counter = counterproposal ] once they did come back.
[** supposal = This is a method where each side explores the possibility of a position and the response to that position without making a formal proposal. “If we do this, will you agree to that?” http://www.pasboerc.org/NewSFUploads/2053Collective Bargaining Issues and Strategies.pdf ]
[27:41] Top Hamas official in Tehran discusses relations with Iran and the attack in Israel
One of Hamas' biggest financial backers and supporters is Iran, although the Biden administration has said there is no intelligence that shows Iran approved the Hamas Oct. 7 attack in Israel. Special correspondent Reza Sayah reports from Tehran, where he spoke with a top Hamas representative to Iran during a rare interview.
《イラン駐在のハマス代表団のトップ(Khaled Al-Qaddumi)にインタビュー; Kuwaiti-born Palestinian Khaled Al-Qaddumi has served as the permanent representative of Hamas in Tehran, a post that underscores the Islamic Republic's close ties with the Sunni Islamist and militant movement designated by the U.S., the European Union and others as a terrorist organization; Relations between Iran and Hamas frayed during the Syrian war, when Hamas backed its fellow Sunni Syrian rebels and stood against Tehran's Shia militias and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In 2017, the two reconciled under the shared view that Israel is not a legitimate state; Today, Hamas officials openly praise Iran's military and financial support that, according to the U.S. State Department, has reached $100 million a year; Increasingly, Russia is emerging as another key supporter of Hamas. Late last month, Moscow hosted delegates from Hamas and the Islamic Republic; 》
[30:11] Soon after the October 7 attacks, there was speculation in Washington and beyond that Tehran helped plot the assault that Hamas calls the Al-Aqsa Flood.
[** Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups named the (October 7) attacks Operation Al-Aqsa Flood (or Deluge ...), while they are referred to in Israel as Black Saturday...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas_attack_on_Israel ]
[31:06] In general lines, we are in coordination with Iran and Hezbollah, with the components of the resistance axis.
[** axis = An alliance or coalition ]
[36:21]★今日のおすすめ★ Senate Democrats expand their probe over ethics concerns on the Supreme Court
Senate Democrats are trying to implement a code of ethics for the Supreme Court amid reports that several conservative justices accepted free trips and failed to disclose them. Democrats on the Judiciary Committee intend to subpoena Republican donor Harlan Crow and conservative activist Leonard Leo. Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who chairs the subcommittee, joins Geoff Bennett to discuss.
《度重なる連邦最高裁判事の倫理問題、上院民主党の倫理規則制定の動き; Sheldon Whitehouse上院議員(ロードアイランド州選出、民主党)に聞く; Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee intend to subpoena Republican megadonor Harlan Crow and conservative legal activist Leonard Leo as part of their investigation; First of all, were these gifts declared as income, if they should have been? And if the donor declared them as a business expense, how do you get away with claiming that it's personal hospitality? And if it's a gift, there are also gift tax considerations once you get over $17,000; So it looks like the reporting failures aren't just violations of the disclosure laws. They may also be violations of the tax laws; The problem is on the court side. Supreme Court justices, like other judges, have an obligation to file disclosures that show what gifts and emoluments and so forth they have received; we know, just based on public reporting and public comments, that Justices Kagan, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett have publicly voiced support (for an enforceable code of conduct). -- And Roberts himself, yes; What you have is billionaires with a demonstrated pattern of trying to influence the Supreme Court through a whole variety of groups by giving donations and participating, who are at the same time also giving enormous, massive, secret gifts to justices; if it happened in any other court in the United States, it would have been investigated. There would have been fact-finding, and there would have been a result and consequences. It's only the Supreme Court that is living outside the bounds of the rules; Clarence Thomas; 》
[36:19] GEOFF BENNETT: A series of reports this year about several conservative Supreme Court justices accepting free trips and failing to disclose them [** 関連ニュース1 関連ニュース2 ] has prompted renewed efforts by Senate Democrats to implement a code of ethics for the High Court. Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee intend to subpoena Republican megadonor Harlan Crow [** 関連ニュース ] and conservative legal activist Leonard Leo [** 関連ニュース1 関連ニュース2 ] as part of their investigation.
[42:23] SHELDON WHITEHOUSE: I think the holdup is probably Thomas and Alito, who seem to be the ones with their hands furthest in the cookie jar, who probably don't want any further inquiry into that, and who seem to be liking billionaire-funded lifestyles of the rich and famous.
[** < caught with one's hand in the cookie jar ]
[42:37] GEOFF BENNETT: There are Republicans who say this entire effort, this entire enterprise is aimed at defanging the Supreme Court's conservative supermajority as it moves jurisprudence to the right.
[** = philosophy of law; the body of case law (regarding a certain subject) ]
[43:50] In the time that remains, I want to get your reaction to West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin announcing today that he's not running for reelection in 2024. At a minimum, it's going to be difficult, if not impossible, for Democrats to hold onto that seat in deep red West Virginia.
SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE: Yes, I think that probably puts an extra seat on the table for Mitch McConnell, and that means we have to fight particularly hard to win in Texas and defeat
[** Mitch McConnellは上院少数党(共和党)院内総務。この部分の意味は、共和党が上院議席を一つ増やすということ ]
[44:49]★今日のおすすめ★ Disability Reframed: How climate change risks disproportionately impact people with disabilities
As the planet warms scientists say natural disasters are becoming more destructive and more frequent, and the data shows certain communities are hit harder than others. Judy Woodruff reports from Florida on the disproportionate impact on people with disabilities as part of our series, "Disability Reframed."
《気候変動の影響で障がい者に大きなしわ寄せ; Research shows people with disabilities are up to four times more likely to die in disasters than the general population. And, according to U.S. census data released in January, most people with disabilities never return to their homes after a disaster; When we say we can't save everybody, when we say that every disaster is going to bring about a number of acceptable losses, when we use phrases like that, what we are truly saying is, individuals with disabilities will die; In hard-hit New Orleans, over 70 percent of the deaths were among people age 60 and older, and most of them had medical conditions or disabilities that increased their vulnerability; In Katrina's aftermath, Congress mandated the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, appoint a coordinator to help people with disabilities through disasters. Sherman Gillums Jr., a former Marine, took over that job in August 2022; improving conditions for those with disabilities requires their input and that authorities take them seriously; Last year, a report from McGill University and the International Disability Alliance found governments worldwide largely ignored people with disabilities in their climate mitigation and adaptation work. It said less than a third of countries who signed the landmark 2015 Paris climate agreement even mentioned people with disabilities in their long-term plans; 》
[46:02] As (Hurricane) Ian approached, the two huddled in a Fort Myers motel. LYNNE BITZINGER: I was on the first floor in an ADA room, and when the water started surging, we had to escape to safety. I have never seen water like I saw. Everything was underwater.
[** = A hotel room that complies with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
http://acronymsandslang.com/definition/7716305/ADA room.-meaning.html ]
[47:40] He also went into shelters to make sure they complied with the Americans With Disabilities Act. He found cluttered aisles, residents unable to reach staff, and a shortage of accessible restrooms.
[** accessible = built or designed as to be usable by people with disabilities ]
[51:38] JUDY WOODRUFF: But criticism of FEMA persists. Lynne Bitzinger said she jumped through many hoops with the agency, only to be denied housing assistance.
[** to jump through hoops = to face or have to complete many challenges in pursuit of something that one wants, especially challenges that seem arbitrary or excessive ]