人肌恋しい日々が続いていたここ最近、こころをほんわかしてくれる何かを探していたわたし。そんなときに見つけた一冊がサリー・ルーニーさん作「ノーマル・ピープル」でした。2018年に出版された本は2019年British Book Awardsを受賞し、今年2020年4月にBBCでテレビドラマ化されたばかり。(わたしはアマゾンプライムから視聴) そのほかにもNew York Times Bestsellerにもなっていた話題作。受賞作に弱い私はついつい。
アイルランドのスライゴー、ダブリンを舞台にした恋愛小説。ConnellとMarianneという二人の関係を高校から大学時代にかけて追ったストーリー。作者は1991年生まれと年が近く、現在20代の人にはとても共感できると思う。「One Day」by David Nichollsが好きなひとはきっと好き。
めずらしく、テレビドラマの方が本より好きだったかも。本から読み始めたが、そのあと2エピソードくらいドラマをみてから本に戻ったら、より一層本を楽しめた。という、久しぶりなパターン。(こんな風に楽しんだのは、Call Me By Your Name以来)
読みやすいな、と感じた理由は、会話分が地の文と区別されずに語られているからかもしれない。ストーリーは2人の関係性を中心としていて、それ以外のサブプロットが全くないところも読みやすい。二人の主人公に集中できる。ラブストーリーのわりに、文は比較的淡々としていて、感情の描写がそこまであるわけでもない。のわりに、性描写は多い。けど嫌な感じもしないし、淡白でドライな感じ、Overly Dramaticでないところがまた好きかもしれない。でも、個人的にはもう少し描写が欲しかったかも。本だけ読んでいたら正直そこまで印象に残らなかった気もする。テレビドラマは、本では描写されてないところが、登場人物の表情だったり、セリフの間だったり、アイルランドの綺麗な景色だったり、音楽だったりで補われていて個人的に好きだった。(そしてなんと言ってもアイルランド方言が最高♡)単純にわたしの想像力が乏しいだけなのかもれしないが。
Most people go through their whole lives, Marianne thought, without ever really feeling that close with anyone.
He knew then that the secret for which he had sacrificed his own happiness and the happiness of another person had been trivial all along, and worthless.
Their feelings were suppressed so carefully in everyday life, forced into smaller and smaller spaces, until seemingly minor events took on insane and frightening significance.
I just don't have a lot of people who I really click with, he says. You know, I struggle with that... We didn't have a lot in common, like in terms of interests or whatever. And on the political side of things, we probably wouldn't have had the same views. But in school, stuff like that didn't really matter as much. We were just in the same group so we were friends, you know.
He knows that a lot of the literary people in college see books primarily as a way of appearing cultured... It was culture as class performance, literature fetishized for its ability to take educated people on false emotional journeys so that they might afterward feel superior to the uneducated people whose emotional journeys they liked to read about. Even if the writer himself was a good person, and even if his book really was insightful, all books were ultimately marketed as status symbols, and all writers participated to some degree in marketing. Presumably, this was how the industry made money. Literature, in the way it appeared at these public readings, had no potential as a form of resistance to anything.
Not for the first time Marianne thinks cruelty does not only hurt the victim, but the perpetrator also, and maybe more deeply and more permanently. You learn nothing very profound about yourself simply by being bullied, but by bullying someone else you learn something you can never forget.
No one can be independent of other people completely, so why not give up the attempt, she thought, go running in the other direction, depend on people for everything, allow them to depend on you, why not.
They've done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another.