心に残った文章たちシリーズ:「A Little Life」 by Hanya Yanagihara
きっかけは読書Youtuberのpaperbackdreamsの動画のレビュー。手に取った理由は本の印象的なカバー写真("The Orgasmic Man" by Peter Hujar, 1969)。ずっしりと思い720ページという分厚さと、病みそうになるほどの重めのトピックにもかかわらず、あっという間に読み終えてしまったから、noteに書き残しておきたくなった。さすが、2015年の話題作。
NYを舞台とし、大学時代に知り合った友人Jude, Willem, Malcolm, JBの4人の人生と、彼らの人生を取り巻く人々を描いた長編小説。とくにJudeという謎と秘密に渦巻かれた幼少期・過去を持つ人物に注目して話が進む。興味深かったのは、この4人の男性の人生を綴っているのが女性作者であるということ。Hanya Yanagiharaさんはハワイ育ちのアメリカ人で、ジャーナリストでもある。
At five-thirty, the light was perfect: buttery and dense and fat somehow, swelling the room as it had the train into something expansive and hopeful.
JB: When did pursuing your ambitions cross the line from brave into foolhardy? How did you know to stop?
JB: Sex; sexuality: these too were things he should have sorted out in college, the last place where such insecurity was not just tolerated but encouraged. In his early twenties, he had tried falling in and out of love with various people ... and yet still didn't know to whom he might be attracted. He often thought that being gay (as much as he also couldn't stand the thought of it; somehow it, like race, seemed the province of college, and identity to inhabit for a period before maturing to more proper and practical realms) was attractive mostly for its accompanying accessories, its collection of political opinions and causes and its embrace of aesthetics. He was missing, it seemed, the sense of victimization and woundedness and perpetual anger it took to be black, but he was certain he possessed the interests that would be required if he were gay.
Jude: But he'd had years to learn how to keep his thoughts to himself; unlike his friends, he had learned not to share evidence of his oddities as a way to distinguish himself from others, although he was happy and proud that they shared theirs with him.
Jude: A beautiful proof is succinct, like a beautiful ruling. It combines just a handful of different concepts, albeit from across the mathematical universe, and in a relatively brief series of steps, leads to grand and new generalized truth in mathematics: that is, a wholly provable, unshakable absolute in a constructed world with very few unshakable absolutes."
Judeは数理論理学を勉強し、弁護士になるが、その彼が美しい数学の証明の定義を熱く語る場面。応用数学は「Video, ergo est」で純粋数理学は「Imaginor, ergo est」と説明する彼。くらーーーい過去を持つ彼が、そんな社会とも向き合って生きていくために身に付けた世の中の見方、性格、人格が滲み出ている一文だと思った。
things get broken, and sometimes they get repaired, and in most cases, you realize that no matter what gets damaged, life rearranges itself to compensate for your loss, sometimes wonderfully.
Harold: I have never been one of those people ... who feels that the love one has for a child is somehow a superior love, one more meaningful, more significant, and grander than any other. ... But it is a singular love because it is a love whose foundation is not physical attraction, or pleasure, or intellect, but fear.
Jude: the only trick of friendship, I think, is to find people who are better than you are - not smarter, not cooler, but kinder, and more generous, and more forgiving - and then to appreciate them for what they can teach you, and to try to listen to them when they tell you something about yourself, no matter how bad - or good - it might be, and to trust them, which is the hardest thing of all. But the best, as well.
little kid-things upset her (he once saw her sobbing because the top scoop of her ice cream cone had tumbled onto her new shoes), the big things (the death of her sister; her screaming, snowball-throwing breakup with her girlfriend ...) seemed to leave her unfazed.
"I'm lonely," he says aloud, and the silence of the apartment absorbs the words like blood soaking into cotton.
All I want ... is work I enjoy, and a place to live, and someone who loves me. See? Simple.
Relationships never provide you with everything. They provide you with some things. You take all the things you want from a person - sexual chemistry, let's say, or good conversation, or financial support, or intellectual compatibility, or niceness, or loyalty - and you get to pick three of those things. The rest you have to look for elsewhere.
He now viewed a successful relationship as one in which both people had recognized the best of what the other person had to offer and had chosen to value it as well.
Wasn't friendship its own miracle, the finding of another person who made the entire lonely world seem somehow less lonely?