
Pay attention to ‘concepts’ and redefine them

Time management is one of the most popular topics in coaching. We feel constantly chased by time or lack of time. We try to control time by materialising it with watches, alarms, notifications, calendars, planners, etc., but can we control time while time is only a concept? There is only a space around us, but we believe in the concept of 'time' by understanding it.

Our world is full of concepts. Concepts can be perceived intellectually through thinking, learning and understanding, and they can be anchored emotionally.

If we take 'time' as an example, thousands of years ago, someone defined the concept of 'time'. Throughout history it has been developed by people in power, authorities and intellectuals who have defined 'time' as it best suits their needs. In fact, it was common to change calendars when the person in power changed.

Concepts are abstract ideas with loose forms. They can only be shaped by those who think, learn and understand. Those who give up doing so may have to suffer the consequences of someone else's reasoning and meaning.

In the modern world, our 'time' is shaped by media and business. We are imprinted that time needs to be controlled and used efficiently and effectively; There is no such time as blank; If you do not optimise your time, you are a looser and you do not live well.

Stop being fooled by others' definitions of 'time'. Before planning and taking action, step back and take a moment "What is time for you?"

Time can be chronological, but it can also be cyclical. Time can be like the flow of a river, ephemeral. Time can be spiral. Time can be relative. Time can be just empty space. Time may just be 'being'.

Define your own 'time' rather than being controlled by someone else's definition. When you set your own definition, you create a new and solid connection with the concept, which you may feel good about.

What kind of healthy relationship do you want to have with 'time'?

Why now?

As we are in the midst of a societal transition, it is high time to redefine any common concepts we are all familiar with. Those we thought were permanent are no longer permanent. They need to shift and be flexible as we and our society change.

We are challenged because we face change with old definitions of the common concepts. For a long time we have stopped thinking, learning and understanding about them, accepting what society has imposed on us.

Here are some examples of concepts. Anything that is invisible and intangible can be a concept. Even if it is IT technology or diseases, they can become concepts because ordinary people rarely see or relate to them. We grasp the invisible and intangible by thinking and reasoning.

Happiness, well-being
Family, spouse, partner
Confidence, various feelings and phenomenon of inner world
Peace, war, conflict
Boundaries, boarders
Stress, pressure
Internet, radio waves, social media, AI, cyber attacks…
Radioactivity, nuclear
Viruses, pandemic
Universe, space
World, globe
Sustainability, carbon zero

Image by Pine Watt, Unsplash

