






料理やお酒を一口も口にしなくても、ワクワクする… この気分、皆さんも体験したことがありますよね?











私はエンジニアなので、ユーザーのために高品質なプロダクトを作ることを主眼に置いてきました。UPSIDER Techチーム全体では、ユーザーが求めるセキュリティ、信頼性、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供するために努力してきました。UPSIDERが目指している高いゴールに対する私たちの現在地は、まだまだスタート地点に近いところにいると思っています。私たちは日々、プロダクトの改良に取り組んでいます。
UPSIDERに再び置き換えると、システムの挙動からサポートのコミュニケーションに至るまで、全体的にスムーズで快適なユーザー体験ができるようにしなければなりません。私を含むUPSIDER Techチームの大部分は、日々のユーザーとのコミュニケーションには少ないですが、ビジネスチームは透明性のあるコミュニケーションと質の高いサポートを提供するために、たゆまぬ努力を続けています。このような素晴らしいビジネスチームと一緒に仕事ができることをとても誇りに思いますし、謙虚な気持ちでいっぱいです。



冒頭でご紹介したレストラン Storyでの体験に話を戻すと、特別な日の食事ということもあり、今までの人生で最も高価な食事のひとつでした。しかし、その高額な値段にもかかわらず、また行きたいと思えるレストランでもありました。それほどまでに、Storyでの体験は忘れがたいほどに素晴らしいものでした。


Goodbye 2022, Welcome 2023.


Quality for Users' Success and Trust

Who am I?

I’m Ryota, currently leading the Platform Engineering team at UPSIDER. I have always been based in London since the first day I joined UPSIDER in late 2018, and it is no surprise to get a bit of "oh wow, you actually existed!" comments — I get that internally, too. 😅
I am not going to talk about my personal history to bore you to death. Instead, I'd like to share what I believe in — what we are building, what we are working for, and where we are aiming — with some analogies to the culinary world.
Why the culinary world, you may ask — I personally think there is a great connection between coding and cooking, and it can help clarify some of my points with reference to real world examples. Also, it is only suited for the festive season, isn't it? 🎄

Langoustine with corn purée at Story, London

Memorable Experience

Before going into the story of UPSIDER, let's set the tone with the culinary world first, with fine dining experience.
You would walk into a restaurant mainly for meals and drinks, but there is so much more to the overall experience — greeted from waiting staff, escorted to your table, immaculate table setup, perfect room temperature, relaxed ambience, attentive staff, curated menus for food and drink, ... Even without having a single sip or bite, your experience can be an exciting one. From there, you will be taken to a course of dishes and possibly wine pairings. Each dish is executed with delicate skills and exquisite plating. The full course delivers delightful dining experience, and those extremely successful ones are often awarded with prestigious Michelin stars. *1
Speaking of the Michelin stars, I'd like to share my rare dining experience I had at Story, a 2-Michelin star restaurant in London. It is situated in the centre of London, ensuring a cozy atmosphere with large windows looking out to a quiet corner, with friendly and helpful staff — though, at a hefty price tag. It has everything you expect from those expensive fine dining restaurants. But, with Story, you will also find their quirky signature dishes — one of them is brioche and a candle. Yes, you read it right, a candle, made from beef oil. I won't spoil the experience here, but all the dishes were amazingly delicious, with a lot of "stories" and creative and fun ideas behind them.

Brioche and candle — you actually eat with the candle

*1 Michelin stars are not the only prestige in the culinary world, but for simplicity, I’m using it as a reference here.

Adopting Changes for Users' Success

Let's get back to the story of UPSIDER.
Finance is a sensitive field with many legal and regulatory requirements. I'd imagine that, at some point in the past, you have interacted with some financial systems which are made to comply with those requirements, but not designed with much user experience in mind. They are functional and usable, but never pleasant to use. Although I've seen some improvements taking place in the industry, they don't seem to truly solve users' problems at all times.
When we started our journey to provide B2B payment solutions, we had little idea as to how exactly our prospective users would use them. Based on the limited data we gathered, we put some hypotheses to tackle most common ones, and set ourselves ready to tackle new requirements / requests as they come in.
In a sense, this is similar to a sandwich bar — traditional financial systems had only one kind of sandwich they could offer, which didn't even taste good. We might not be able to provide all sorts of tastes and ingredients, but we had some choices and better flavours, and add more options based on user requests.
Quality is about using the right language / library / framework, and how quickly and thoroughly we can adopt changes and requests.
Quality is about using seasonal vegetables and combining right flavour profiles, while allowing adjustments based on preferences and dietary requirements.

Architecting for Users' Trust

While complying with regulations and audits can be challenging, those requirements are not to make our lives more difficult — in fact, they are meant to protect our users. Financial systems need to have security and reliability as their top priority, and it is our responsibility to ensure we build the systems that our users can trust.
Consider this with a restaurant — you found an amazing restaurant by chance, and you came back for another meal. Unlike the first visit, you found some strange smell, and food didn't taste as good. On the next day, you got some stomach flu from that very meal. I'm sure you would never go back to that restaurant ever again.
Except for the large region-wide system issue we faced in our early days, we have never taken down our system for maintenance. We have rolled out thousands of releases till this date, ranging from infrastructure and network updates to application code changes, with zero planned downtime. We believe that the financial systems should never go down for maintenance, and that’s the trust we provide for our users.
Quality is underpinned by security, stability and robustness of the system implementation and architecture.
Quality is ensured by careful sanitation, using fresh ingredients, and constant tasting for consistent flavour.

Communicating for Users' Satisfaction

Because I'm an engineer, my main focus has been to create quality products for our users. The entire UPSIDER Tech team has been working hard to provide security, reliability, and user experience our users deserve. The current quality is nowhere near the high standard we set for ourselves, and we are working day in and day out to improve our products.
With the analogy to the culinary world, though, a product is only a dish. It's only a part of the overall dining experience which consists of many other details I touched above. Even if food is absolutely tasty, if the staff were rude and not taking good care of you, it would be quite difficult to find yourself going back.
We must ensure that the overall experience, from system behaviours to support communication, is smooth and pleasant. Although the bulk of UPSIDER Tech team including myself do not come out for day to day user communication, our business team has been working tirelessly to provide transparent communication and quality support. I'm extremely proud and humbled to work with such a great business team, who have also set a high bar for user satisfaction.
Coding (or, rather Business)
Quality is enforced by providing reliable and solid user support, and clear communication.
Cooking (or, rather Restaurant)
Quality is delivered by knowledgeable waiting staff, and empowered by sommeliers.


There are more areas, including presentation / aesthetic, pricing, training, etc. — I can go on and on, so I will stop here.
Going back to the experience at Story — as it was for a special occasion, it was one of the most expensive meals I've had in my life. But, even with its hefty price tag, it's a restaurant that I'd consider going back for. The overall experience at Story was that good — unforgettably good.
Based on the analysis of each aspect in coding and cooking above, I want to replicate my experience at Story with coding at UPSIDER. I must not be satisfied with something mediocre, and need to be committed to provide sophisticated experiences by focusing on solving users' problems — that's precisely what Story does with their dishes, and what UPSIDER is trying to do with our financial solutions.
If you would like to join our journey, we are hiring in various teams as you can find here.

But please be warned — no restaurant gains a Michelin star by sheer luck. We are committed to provide quality solutions for our users, and our journey will be a challenging one.
I can promise one thing, though — it will be an exciting and rewarding journey.

Thank you all for the great support throughout 2022. We cannot wait for what 2023 would bring for our journey ahead. I wish you all the happy holidays! ❄️

Goodbye 2022, Welcome 2023.
