
National Offer Day

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March 3rd was the "National Offer Day."

In London, most state schools are comprehensive/all-through, which admit students based on their residentials. However, a few Grammar Schools also select students through academic tests.

"National Offer Day" is when the final results of these admissions are announced all at once.

Independent schools (Public schools), where children from affluent families attend, also include all-through schools that admit students without entrance exams from the primary level (Prep schools). On the other hand, there are also highly competitive and prestigious schools known for their rigorous academic exams. 

Whether state or private, these selective exams are taken by children when they turn 11 years old, just as they enter Year 6. They are commonly referred to as "11+ (Eleven Plus)." These exams are similar to the junior high school entrance exams in Japan.

However, while Independent Schools determine offers through exams and individual interviews, State Grammar Schools send test results after the autumn exams, indicating whether the student has met the pass mark. You'll receive an encouraging email saying, "Congratulations!" - but in reality, the number of students exceeding the pass mark exceeds the school's capacity. Therefore, based on these results, you must submit a list of preferred schools to the local council by the end of October, ranking them in order of your preference (in Richmond, up to six schools), and then wait for the National Offer Day. Even if you've achieved the pass mark for multiple schools, you might not receive an offer and end up in an all-through school. However, it is a well-designed system that efficiently matches school rankings with individual preferences, allowing more children to receive offers in one go.

And my son...

He has been offered a place at a top-tier grammar school!

Considering he'd be competing with native speakers after less than three years in the UK, I was prepared to say, "Even if it didn't work out, the challenge itself was meaningful." The local all-through school also has a good reputation, which would be fine.

However, my son exceeded my expectations and delivered the outcome.

Just so you know, offer emails in London usually arrive after 5 pm. This year, it came at 17:47, and I must admit I was pretty nervous for the hour leading up to it.

The Chirashi-Sushi dinner I had prepared for my daughter's Hinamatsuri (Girls' Day) also served as a celebration of his acceptance, and we opened a bottle of Prosecco.

So, my son will be a Tiffin boy starting in September.

I don't know how many people reading my blog are interested in the grammar school exams in London, but because it's a niche topic, those interested might want to know the details. Now that things have been decided and I feel relieved, I'd like to share some helpful information in the future.
