
"12 Years a Slave"(それでも夜は明ける)小説感想

最近、中高生の授業のために黒人差別の歴史について勉強し直しています。そんな中、4年前に書いた"12 years a slave"の感想文を発見しました。

★原書"12 Years a slave" Solomon Northup


  Born a free man in New York State, an African American Solomon Northup was kidnapped by slave merchants and sold to slavery to spend 12 years as a slave in the deep south until he was rescued and fortunately came back to his hometown.
  The memoir which was published before the Civil War, was made into a movie, which got Academy Award for 2014. I watched the movie first, and read the original novel later. This novel was as great as the movie. Both have the same high spirits and important messages in themselves.
  From time to time, I couldn't stop myself from feeling furious at heart-breaking scenes in which brutal slave-owners lash innocent slaves for no good reason. The biggest thing I couldn't understand was that some white slave-owners loved to read Bible scriptures aloud to slaves on Sabbath. If they are Christians, how can they do such cruel things like buying and treating people as if they were merchandise?
  Ironically, it is the black people who truly understand the words of Jesus, "forgive your enemy and pray for somebody who persecutes you", as can be seen in Northup's words; "It is not the fault of the slave holder that he is cruel. He cannot withstand the influence of habit and association that surround him. Taught from earliest childhood that the rod is for slave's back, he will not be apt to change his opinions in maturer years."   
  Northup is persecuted but he always kept dignity and hope. There is no despair or hatred in his words.
  The novel is designated as "recommended book for high schoolers" in the U.S. The country has a deep-rooted dark shadow, at the same time, they have a power to fight against those problems. The fact that its movie got the Oscar Award shows that people are keen on the issue of human rights. Slavery must never be repeated. It is an informative book for students to learn and imagine what was slavery like centuries ago.

 ニューヨーク州で自由市民として生まれた黒人のSolomon Northupは、ある日、奴隷商人達に誘拐され、南部の奴隷州で強制労働させられる。無事に家族のもとに帰るまで、12年間を奴隷として過ごした日々を回想した小説。


 これは私だけでなく多くの人が言っていることだが、「敵を愛し、自分を迫害する者のために祈りなさい」というイエスの教えを本当に実行しているのは、迫害していた白人ではなく、迫害を受ける側だった黒人奴隷の方だったと歴史が証明している。著者のNorthupの文章の中に、絶望や憎しみはない。本文中に "It is not the fault of the slave holder that he is cruel. He cannot withstand the influence of habit and association that surround him. Taught from earliest childhood that the rod is for slave's back, he will not be apt to change his opinions in maturer years." (奴隷主達が残酷なのは、彼らのせいではない。彼らは自分を取り囲む環境や習慣に抗えなかっただけだ。子供のころから「鞭は奴隷を打つために存在する」と教え込まれれば、成長してからも自分の意見を変えることなどできない)という一節がある。蔑まれ、人間以下の扱いを受けようとも、冷静に白人社会と文化を観察し続ける目の中に、彼の誇りと尊厳が感じられる。


小説の中の英語表現で面白かったのは、Patzy(黒人奴隷の女の子)について"handsome girl"と書かれていたことです。

