
「歓び」ということ / On “joy”


I wrote down a few thoughts to explore the direction of my work more deeply, and I’m leaving them here as a reference note.The English text follows the Japanese text.







My work takes “death” and “joy” as its primary themes. That does not mean I am equating “death” with “joy.” Death is a fate from which none of us can escape, yet it rarely allows us to grasp its true nature clearly or express it in words. Even so, silently accepting such a fundamental issue places an enormous burden on us. The fact that the irreplaceable “I” will return to nothingness—this absurdity is something we manage to endure in everyday life only by forgetting. However, as Freud points out, what is repressed inevitably returns to consciousness. In the end, we are all forced to face death sooner or later.

Of course, human beings are not built strong enough to confront such an absolute absurdity at all times. That is precisely why religion preaches an afterlife and eternal salvation, weaving countless myths. Yet for those of us living in the modern era, it is not easy to believe such things literally. So what should we do? I believe “joy” holds one key.

Here, “joy” does not mean individual pleasure. Rather, it refers to the sense arising from the fact that this world truly exists, overflows with light, is fully realized down to the smallest detail, and is so bright it seems blessed. That sense underpins our very lives and brings healing in a way that transcends reason. Perhaps Matisse’s Rosary Chapel or the sunlit fields Van Gogh painted in Auvers during his final two months appear so brimming with euphoria precisely because this “joy” is made visible there. Light fills me without expecting anything in return—this, I believe, functions as an overwhelming affirmation of life, and can ultimately serve as our final support that reaches beyond the loneliness of death.
