短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Nov. 2023
↑ 府中四谷橋(東京都) ↑ The Fuchu-Yotsuya Bridge (Tokyo)
Letting a frog sit
On its top, the balloon
Travels with it
猫顔のウサギが跳ねてる ウサギ顔の猫が四つ足で歩き回ってる
A cat-faced rabbit is
Leaping; a rabbit-faced cat is
Walking on all fours
紙でできた身体になった 古紙なので身体じゅう絵や字がついている
Letters and pictures
Cover my whole body, which is
Composed of used paper
A flower petal
Has settled on my nose, and
Would not leave it
Even when humans are
Absent, swings and seesaws move
For a while hourly
地球儀が海の部分だけ濡れている 触ると冷たい北極、南極
Of the world globe,
The sea parts feel wet and
The polar regions cold
In this season, “face clouds”
Are often seen, which resemble
Diverse creatures’ faces
猫たちはキャベツ畑に近づかない がばっと丸呑みされてしまうので
Cats keep off cabbage fields,
Lest they should be swallowed up
By a cabbage
On entering that town,
Some mysterious force makes one
Lurch and totter
Should plants have emotion,
Would they get bored, having
Nothing to do?
蛙も載るエスカレーター ぴょんと跳ねて上手に乗って上手に降りる
Frogs take escalators,
Leaping forward on it and
Off it, dexterously
白菜がキャベツのような形になる 「背伸びするのに疲れちゃったよ」
“We’ve got tired from
Stretching up.” Chinese cabbages
Have become cabbages
Becoming butterflies,
Orion’s Belt came to me,
Flying abreast
ひまわりの花は丸いんじゃなかったか どのひまわりも正六角形
All the flowers of
The sunflowers in the field have
Got hexagonal
In the darkness,
All the hexagonal cells of
The beehive glow
The mold looks like
A sunflower field, when seen through
A magnifying glass
こぶし大のテントウムシが飛び回る 時々人の肩にも留まる
A ladybird
The size of a fist settled
On my shoulder
猫のような形の銀河が尻尾からだんだん消えた 「チェシャー猫銀河」
From the tail to the head,
The Cheshire Cat Galaxy
Disappeared slowly
Gorillas, Gorillas,
Blue ones, green ones, red ones,
Yellow ones, purple ones
What has become of
The goofy butterfly, which went
Blown by a fresh gale?
鏡像に代わってもらう 「頼んだよ。鏡の中で少し休むから」
Making my mirror
Image do my job, I take
A rest in the mirror
“Though small, I am a whale,
Not a tadpole.” “I am very
Sorry, Ms. Mini-Whale”
Always mewed to
By humans, the parrot and
The budgerigar mew
歌う虹が架かると歌が聞こえてくる 音痴だが消えるまでの辛抱
When a singer rainbow
Appears, we have to endure
Its off-key songs
The elephants
Greet each other, lifting
Their hats by their trunks
The cat, whistling
Its favourite tunes, beats
Time with its tail
完全に同じ模様の猫たちだ 分身の術を使っているな
The cats have perfectly
Same markings, using a ninja
Replication technique
From each of women’s
Handbags, a snake raises its head,
Looking around
しゃべる空としゃべる地面が会話する そして時々一緒に笑う
The sky and the ground
Are conversing, and sometimes
Laugh together
暗くなるとホタルのように顔面が光っては消える 光っては消える
Like a firefly,
The person’s face glows and
Ceases to glow
On the planet,
Plants make their leaves glow like
Fireflies at night
矢印が飛び回っている その後について飛ぶ物がだんだん増える
An arrow sign is
Flying around, its followers
Increasing in number
Drifting lightly
Like a soap bubble, a galaxy
Passed and vanished
A trump-trampolin, whose
Canvas is covered with hearts,
Diamonds, spades and clubs*
*In Japanese, cards of a card game are called “trump,” deriving from “a trump card” which brings a win to the player, and the pronunciations of “trump” and the “tramp” of “trampolin”
in Japanese are not differentiated, thus making “trump” and “tramp” a pun on each other.
人間よりキャベツの方が賢そうに見えるよ 何だか脳みたいでしょ
Cabbages look wiser
Than humans. They are brooding
With their brain-like bodies
月がたまにレモンのような形になる 「猫が伸びをするようなもんだね」
Sometimes, the moon becomes
Like a lemon. “It’s just like
A cat stretches itself”
Climbing up a slide,
Snails turn around on the top, and
Enjoy rolling down
白い皿にイチゴを置いたら白くなった 黄色い皿では黄色になった
Put on a white plate,
Strawberries turned white, and yellow
On a yellow plate