
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Dec. 2022

ある一部がくびれた銀河 砂時計のようにくびれを星が移動する       
     The galaxy has
     A narrow part, through which stars
     Stream as in an hourglass
カタツムリに「お入り」と言うと殻に入る 「出なさい」と言うと殻から出てくる                                 
     When I shout “in!”, the snail
     Goes into its shell. When I shout
     “Out!”, it comes out
私が加わるといつもじゃんけんがあいこになった 何度やっても       
     Whenever I join
     Rock-paper-scissors, the game
     Continues endlessly
     Show-window dummies stretch
     Once in a while like a cat and
     Resume their poses
     As fog clears up,
     An entire galaxy has
     Faded away
猫たちをマッサージして手なずける 病みつきになって皆もまれにくる    
     Giving cats a massage,
     I make them addicted to it.
     They never leave me long
カンガルーのようにポケットがある月が出ていた 子供を中に入れている   
     The moon has a pocket
     Like a kangaroo, and its child
     Peeps out of it
     All the sunflowers
     Bend in an S-shape and stretch,
     As if exercising
     The maracas stuck
     To my hand, when I picked it up,
     And would not come off
綱引きをしている蛙 綱が急にぶちっと切れてひっくり返る         
     Frogs were having a tug
     Of war, but the rope parting,
     They all tumbled over

     *In Japanese, “a frog” is “kaeru,” and “tumble over” is “hikkuri-kaeru.”
     The job of the bell
     Of a temple is tiring,
     As it is tolled*
     *In Japanese, “tiring” is “tsukareru,” and “be tolled” is also “tsukareru.”
     As the moon waxes
     Toward the full, nocturnal
     Creatures wear moon glasses
     If they only looked
     Towards the sun, they would not
     Notice the rainbow
     Several hats and caps
     Fly across the sky like wild geese
     In V-formation
虫になって文字が逃げ出す しかし鳥にたいてい見つかり食べられてしまう  
     Becoming insects,
     Letters run away, but most of
     Them are eaten by birds
     To rainbow stops,
     The rainbow comes at the time
     On the timetable
たいていは虹は私の中にいる しかし時々外へ出て架かる          
     The rainbow is inside me.
     Sometimes, it goes out
