
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jun. 2022

おびただしい落ち葉の群が飛び回る 群と群とで戦ったりする        
     A swarm of fallen leaves
     Flies around. Sometimes it fights
     With another swarm

     As an “A” was writhing,
     With its head stuck in the ground,
     I plucked it out

     The ring grants your wishes
     As long as they do not make
     Anyone unhappy

     In the galaxy,
     Many stars vanish in winter,
     But come back in spring

     Letters fly, buzzing,

     Starfish in the air,
     Meshing with each other, whirl
     Like so many gear wheels

見ず知らずの人に両耳を引っ張られた 耳は意外にどんどん伸びた      
     A total stranger
     Pulled my ears, which to my surprise
     Lengthened endlessly

     The heads of the people
     Are now all sea anemones
     With swaying tentacles

     A bill has grown on each
     Of my fingertips. They chirrup
     And peck at seeds

     I walk on the night sky
     Carefully, trying not to step
     On even one star

虹の上で猫が一匹眠っていた 虹と一緒にそのうちに消えた         
     A cat was sleeping
     On a rainbow, with which it
     Faded away in time

     The sunflowers startle
     Humans by showering them
     From their flowers

文字たちが綿毛のついた種を飛ばす 自分の形の小さな種を         
     Letters scatter
     Small seeds in their own shape,
     With puff on them

私は飛び回っていた 人間の身体の形の鳥の群として            
     I was flying around
     In the sky, as a huge
     Human-shaped skein of birds

指たちが身体をくねらせ泳いでいる 捕まえようとすると身をかわす     
     Wriggling their bodies,
     Fingers are swimming. They dodge
     When you try to catch them

     The sun has split
     Into three spheres. They are chasing
     Each other, circling

     I am scared as the faces
     Of the people have got sprouts
     Like potatoes

土の中へしみこむように消えていった大都市 今は跡形もない        
     The metropolis
     Has vanished, as if seeping
     Into the ground

猫のように三日月がたまに伸びをする 気がすむと元の形に戻る       
     The crescent stretches
     Itself like a cat, then resumes
     Its shape, satisfied

     All the walkers
     In the rain vanished, dropping
     Their umbrellas

     Tiramisu was
     A dinosaur sprinkled
     With powdered chocolate

実は犬のおまわりさんに子猫ちゃんは家は近くと答えてた “Near” 
     The stray kitten taught
     The dog policeman that its house
     Was near, mewing*

     *In Japan, there is a famous song for children “Doggy Cop and Lost Kitty” (1960, lyrics by Yoshimi Sato, music by Megumi Onaka), in which a stray cat cannot tell its address or its name to a dog policeman. By the way, the mew of a cat sounds to the Japanese as “nyaa” which is the same as “near,” so the stray kitten teaches the dog policeman that its house is “near,” by mewing, when asked where it lives.

     Like clear jelly,
     People’s flesh has got transparent,
     And their bones can be seen
