短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Feb. 2023
↑ ブルートレイン急行「かいもん」(福岡市貝塚公園にて) ↑ Blue Train Express "Kaimon" (At Kaizuka Park, Fukuoka City)
A piper is walking,
Followed by paper airplanes,
Which fly slowly
I saved a mannequin
Which was about to be dumped. It
Returned me a favour
Turning yellow-green
Gradually, my fingers
Became caterpillars
くるくると回転していた虹が止まる 目が回ったのかふらついている
The spinning rainbow has
Stopped spinning, yet it wobbles
As if it is giddy
Invisible ice
In the air, upon which adults
And children are skating
Like a meadow, the back
Of my had ripples in the wind,
Covered with small grass
The water in the tank,
Turning into a transparent
Creature, goes for a walk
Standing on their hind legs,
Frogs are tossing one of their
Fellows on its back
その人は顔から風が扇風機のように吹いてくる 年中いつも
All the year round, wind blows
From the face of the person
As if from a fan
Detached from their stems,
The flowers of sunflowers
Fly around, spinning
As if into a swamp,
People began to sink into
The floor and all have gone
With the voice of a frog,
The strawberries croak to each
Other, when they are ripe
Stopping the alarm clock
That started ringing, I was thrown
Into another world
苦みのある虹が架かった 苦いのが苦手な人がいやそうにする
When a rainbow which tastes
Bitter appears, people who don’t
Like bitterness frown
Imagination, when
It’s too powerful, makes real
Things unnecessary
A puppet show, in which
A mermaid is chased after
Without any reason*
*A puppet show is “ningyou(a puppet)-geki(a show or a play)” in Japanese, while a play in which a mermaid is chased is “ningyo(a mermaid)-ou(chase)-geki.”
A lake came near and
Threatened to swallow the pond, which
Flew away, flapping
All the stars in the sky
Are croaking like frogs. Sometimes
They hush all at once
Others thought I was
In an alien suit, though I was
Turned into an alien
The three cats which mew
In unison tell me
To follow them
When I mewed to
A cat, it glanced at me
Very disdainfully
ずたずたに切られて虹が落ちている 破片はぴくぴくまだ動いている
Fragments of the mangled
Rainbow lie on the ground, still
Twitching and wiggling
A sunflower went
Into a house, with a sign which
Said, “Sunflowers Wanted”
Though I have nothing
On my eyes, all I see looks
The hourglass inverts
Itself, somersaulting, and
Measures the time again
ゴキブリがずらっとピアノの鍵盤のように並んでいる 「弾きなさい!」
Cockroaches are
Lined up in a row like
Piano keys. “Play!”
笛の音が聞こえてきたら逃げなさい 意志の自由を奪われる前に
When you hear a piper
Coming, run away before you
Are robbed of your free will
Don’t pray that you’ll be made
Happy. You’d only be robbed of
Your earthly desires
むにゅむにゅと妻がヤカンの注ぎ口に入って行った 私も入った
Somehow, my wife
Went into the kettle spout,
So I followed her
I do prefer
The unhappiness of being
Nagged by desires
夜空からおぎゃあおぎゃあと声がする 星がまた一つ生まれたようだ
From the night sky,
The first cry is heard. A new star
Seems to have been born
脱皮した三日月の皮がたまにある 半透明でごわごわしている
Sometimes we find
A slough of the crescent. It is
Translucent and stiff
This house grows slowly
Like a tree. Though it is not large
Enough, it gets larger
When I happened to put
A spoon on a chopping board,
It began to writhe
何となく自分の耳を引っ張ったらぽろっと取れた 痛くなかった
Without any reason,
I pulled my ear, which came off
Quite painlessly
I found a man looking
Around restlessly, with the sound
Of “kyoro-kyoro”*
*“Kyoro-kyoro” is an adverb which emphasizes the restlessness of the act of looking around, which, of course, is done without any sound.
On New Year’s Eve, the bells
Of temples are exhausted,
Being tolled too often*
*In Japan, the bells of Buddhist temples are tolled 108 times on New Year’s Eve. The bells must be exhausted, especially because “being tolled” is “tsukareru,” which has the same pronunciation with “getting tired.”
くしゃみをする食べ物を食べた よく噛んで食べても腹の中でくしゃみする
I ate a food which sneezed.
Though I chewed it well, it sneezed
Even in my stomach
From mushroom to mushroom,
A glowing sphere flits, without
Falling on the ground
The marbles decrease
In the bottle one by one, each
Time a rainbow appears
A golfer was sucked up
Into the hole when trying
To pick up a ball
Meshing with each other,
Those serrated galaxies are
Turning like cogwheels
Suddenly opening
Its mouth wide, the crescent caught
A fish which came near
Caging up my despair,
I went out, but, melting the cage
Down, it ran after me
The mannequin got one
Hundred times larger and did much
Damage to the city
Thrusting its head to it,
The black cat tries to go through
The mirror, in vain
言葉なのに積み木のように積むことができる たくさん積んでは崩す
Though they are words, they can
Be piled up like building blocks, and
Can also be knocked down
Getting narrow and
Wriggling like a snake, the moon
Crawls around in the sky
Buckets are doing
A relay race, trotting
With batons in their hands*
*The Japanese equivalent of “a bucket brigade” is “a bucket relay,” which can also mean “buckets doing a relay race.”
Over the palm which spreads
Like a sea, it recedes toward
The tip of a finger
She cuts the sky, nightly,
Like a sheet of paper
Into various shapes
Being too heavy
Themselves, some rainbows collapse
And fade away
Refusing to fall straight
To the ground, the pebble always
Falls spirally
Every snowflake today
Is in the shape of a piece
Of a jigsaw puzzle
The self-professed
Hibernator did sleep
Through the winter
Each time the person
Strikes the night sky like a drum,
All the stars vibrate
目覚めると自分の身体が見えなかった 鏡を見ても透き通っていた
I woke to find myself
Invisible. Mirrors did not
Reflect me, either
All the townsfolk
Run all at once and stop; run
All at once and stop