
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Mar. 2022

↑庭石クッチー上の顔 ↑The garden stone "Kucchie," the upper face

部屋の壁にいくつもヤカンの注ぎ口が生えてきて白い湯気をたまに吐く               On the walls of the room,
     Kettle spouts have grown and
     Sometimes eject white steam

顔が見える あちらこちらに顔が見える どの顔もみな私そっくり           I see faces,
     I see faces here and there,
     All of them just like me

ある本の全ての文字が昆虫の大群となり草を食べに行く                All the letters
     In a book have become insects
     And gone out to eat grass

     In the air of my room,
     A number of palms are drifting
     Like jellyfish

壁じゅうに靴がびっしり貼りついて声をそろえて高笑いする               A number of shoes have
     Stuck all over the walls and
     Guffaw in unison

     I screamed only
     In my mind, surely not out loud,
     But I heard the echoes

     You are all soap bubbles;
     Don’t burst with a loud bang
     As if you were balloons

一日は魚で次の日は人間 そういうタイプの人魚だそうだ          
     One day she is a fish;
     The next she is a human:
     A new type of mermaid

     Eating vegetables
     With a polka-dot pattern,
     I got polka-dotted

     I sensed a rainbow
     Approaching from behind; I turned
     Round, but it hid quickly

パラシュートが真上の空で次々と開いた しかし薄れて消えた        
     Parachutes opened
     Just above us, but they all
     Faded and disappeared

     Here they have come again,
     The migratory paper planes
     And paper balloons

     The Baumkuchen
     Miffed, being called “Sweaty”
     And “Yellowish”*

     *昔「バムバムは汗ばむ黄ばむ気色ばむ ただ今ちょうど気色ばみ中」という作品を作ったことがありますが、今回のはそれの二番煎じです。
     *“Baumkuchen (tree cake)” is a cake of German origin. It is very popular in Japan. The Japanese version of my tanka here consists of puns between the “Baum” which is often pronounced “baamu” in Japanese and three Japanese verbs “asebamu (get sweaty),” “kibamu (get yellowish),” and “keshikibamu (miff).”

髪のように眉毛がとめどなく伸びる 染めたりウェーヴかけたりできる    
     My eyebrows grow
     Endlessly like hair. They can
     Be dyed and waved

     There’ll be a loud howling
     If you put a stethoscope
     To your own forehead

人々が両腕を広げ走り出した そして全員空へ飛び立った          
     With their both arms outstretched,
     People started running, and all
     Took off into the sky

     Instead of melting,
     The snowman fades away, getting
     Bit by bit transparent

     As a candle flame is
     Extinguished by the wind, the whole
     Universe vanished

     The rainbow twists itself
     To the right and to the left,
     Like a gymnast

     The whole night sky
     Began to sway like a tree
     Blown by the wind

空腹でも夜は寝ればいい 起きている間を何とかするのが「暮らす」     
     To “live” is to while
     Away the daytime until
     The night brings us sleep*

*We Japanese say “to live” or “to lead a life” as “kurasu,” which literally means “to make the sun set.” Maybe there are two reasons for this expression. First, sunset brings us sleep, which enables us to forget hunger or other daily necessities, but during the daytime, we have to cope with those urgent needs by hook or by crook until the “tender” night comes. Such feeling about the arduousness of life led to that expression, I imagine. Second, not needs but the complete lack of needs may be behind the expression. For some, the arduousness of life lies in too much leisure. They have to find something to do to while away the time until the sun sets.

     As a firework which spread
     In the sky disappears,
     The stars all vanished

ぬいぐるみを中に入れると本物の生き物になる箱 その逆も可        
     If you put a stuffed
     Animal in the box, a live
     One will come out

     Though I have still flesh,
     The mirror reflects me
     As a skeleton
