短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Feb. 2017
↑ 福岡市植物園にて ↑ At Fukuoka Botanical Garden
It is approaching me,
Accompanied by a lot of
Miniature storms
There is an octopus
On the back of an elephant,
Which waters it at times
Settling on the forehead
Of us humans, the lady bird
Copies our memory
その虹は大蛇のように暴れ出した どうしたんだいと声を掛けてやる
The rainbow is
Rampaging like an enraged snake.
Let’s ask, “what’s the matter?”
They are having a tug
Of war, clutching a rope-like
Sequel of words
Pebbles are moving
Ahead leaping like frogs,
Though they have no legs
ゆらゆらとのぼる陽炎 熱源を内部に持ったピラミッドから
The air is shimmering
Just above the pyramid, which
Has a heat source inside
I thought it was a small
Bird, but it turned out to be
A winged gyoza*
*A gyoza is a Chinese meat-and-vegetable dumpling in the shape of a crescent.
I heard a voice
From the tip of my finger. I found
It had got a face
All the walkers stopped
Abruptly and howled like wolves
For several minutes
On the top of each
Hump of camels, there is always
A ball used in sports
その猫は鏡に姿が映らない しかし鏡の向こうへ行ける
Mirrors do not reflect
The cat, but it can go
Into the mirrors
The Chinese character
“Insects” gets caught by a cobweb,
And “the spider” eats it*
*The character for “insects” is “虫” and those for “a spider” is “蜘蛛”.
I attach the crescent
Halved by a boomerang
As horns on my head
I got spiral and
Enjoyed jumping, but felt ashamed
When I was seen jumping