短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: May 2023
↑ ベニバナツメクサ(クリムゾンクローバー。愛知県のとある川の土手にて) ↑ Crimson Clover (Trifolium incarnatum. At a riverside bank in Aichi Prefecture)
人々が虹を訪れる 手で虹に触れたり記念写真を撮ったり
They visit a rainbow,
Touching it and taking
Souvenir photos
幻の風が吹いている 木々はそよぎヒュウヒュウ音はするけれど無風
A phantom wind is
Blowing. Though trees are swaying and
Hissing, there is no wind
鉛筆で縄跳びをする びよんと伸びロープのようになった鉛筆で
I jump rope with
A pencil, which has been stretched
And softened like a rope
手のひらに小石を載せるとイチゴになる たまに蛙になったりもする
On my palm, a pebble
Turns into a strawberry, but
Sometimes into a frog
晴れた夜アザラシが空を飛び回る 星から力を得ているらしい
On clear nights, seals
Fly about in the sky, apparently
Powered by the stars
With those glasses,
You see a ring floating
Above each person's head
あちこちの関節が「エヘヘ」「エヘヘ」と言う 腹が立つけれど黙らせられない
My joints and knuckles laugh
Scornfully. Aggravating, but
I cannot shut them up
人間の着ぐるみを脱いで休憩する しかしそろそろまた着る時間だ
I’m on my break, out of
My human suit, but it’s time to
Get into it again
My head has a chimney
Which comes out to emit smoke
And then retracts again
When a cat got on it,
The tortoise’s legs grew longer and
Began to stride along
All the employees
In the building were working
In the shape of an ant
The two rainbows, facing
Each other, have a sumo bout,
Leaning forward to push*
*“Sumo” is a kind of wrestling, which has been played for a long time in Japan. The wrestlers do what is called “shiko-wo-humu” on the ring just before the bout, stamping right and left feet alternately. In the Japanese version above, the rainbows are said to stamp their feet before the bout.
The cat has got a mane.
When I called to it “Lion,” it
Howled instead of mewing
Blown by a gust, the head
Of the person scattered
Like dandelion fluffs
A pair of various
Creatures play a game of
Outstaring each other*
*There is a traditional game for children in Japan called “niramekko,” which derives from “niramu (stare).” In it, a pair of children stare each other, puffing his or her cheeks as if in anger. The first one to laugh is the loser.
幽霊の樹木の林 どの樹木も根元がなくて宙に浮いている
A forest of ghost trees,
Each tree of which has no base,
Floating in the air*
*In Japan, ghosts are supposed to have no feet which touch the ground.
I saved an alien,
And am now being welcomed
By Space Oto Princess*
*In Japan, there is a famous legend that a man who saved a turtle harassed by bad children is welcomed by Oto Princess (Oto-hime, “hime” meaning “a princess”) at a palace under the sea.
身体が煙のようにもわもわとしている 私は死んだのだろうか
My body has become
Like a mass of smoke, afloat
In the air. Am I dead?
ひだひだのオーロラがティシュペーパーの箱から出ている 引き抜くと次も
One after another,
Auroras come out of a box
Of tissue paper
On the face of
Folk dance clocks, twelve figures dance
Hand in hand every hour
Unplugging itself
From a socket, the plug takes
A walk on its two legs
Once a day for a while,
Seesaws and swings keep moving, though
No humans are on them
On pairs of specially
Made skates, frogs do ice dancing
And figure skating
Q がまた大発生しあちこちから鳴き声がする Q、Q、Q、Q
Q’s have broken out
Again, here and there squeaking
“Q, Q, Q, Q, Q, Q”
Like a block of ice
On water, the person floats
In the air and dwindles
Among the group of
Hot air balloons, a question mark
Flies across the sky
Like a fluffy sheep,
The moon, tonight, in the sky,
Is all covered with fur
Mainly I feed
On auroras, but sometimes
On rainbows, too
When you shake a rainbow
At the base, innumerable
Drops will fall, they say
On being unfettered,
The rainbow began to stride
Around, happily
Of an evening,
Some people are urged to howl,
Like wolves, on levees
植木鉢に猫が立っている 同じ猫がいつも立っている 植物なのか?
The cat is always
Standing in the same flowerpot.
Is it a plant?
配偶者と子供を毎月変えることが義務である世界 「ひと月よろしく」
It is compulsory
To change spouses and children
Monthly in that world
虹に管が近づいていく 管の口に煙のように吸い込まれる虹
A tube approached
The rainbow, which was sucked
Into it like smoke
I can run one hundred
Metres in three seconds. Maybe
I’m not a human now
When drawn by the ankles
And the neck, the person
Stretches like rubber
The man sympathises
With ice which is skated on,
Imagining its pain
つららなのにぶらぶら動く さてはこれが「ぶらら」なのかとしげしげと見る
The icicle was
Swinging. I watched it more closely.
“Is it a burara?”*
*The “icicle” is “tsurara” in Japanese (it can be also spelled “tsulala” as “r” and “l” are not distinguished). “Swinging” is often expressed onomatopoeically as “burabura.” Therefore, if there are icicles which swing, they are aptly named “burara.”
During the mating
Season, bicycles often try
Desperately to swerve
Meddlesome signposts
Here and there: “Hell is this way;
Heaven is that way”
Each time a thick fog
Comes on and breaks up, the world is
Completely transformed
地球儀を右へ回すと空で西へ太陽が動く 左だと東
Turn the globe to the right,
And the sun moves west in the sky.
To the left, east
レモンたちは機嫌がいいとぷるぷると出っ張りを振る 今機嫌がいい
When happy, lemons
Twitch their protrusion. They appear
To be happy now.
The extinguisher rain
Poured down, and the city
Melted away, sizzling
Once in a while, the man
Goes out, becomes a rainbow
In the sky, and returns
When I uncorked
The bottle, things like arrows
Went into the air
Like a paper ball,
My head opened and countless
Question marks flew out
「骨のない人間募集」と貼り紙がしてある きっと食べやすいから
A sign which says: “Boneless
Humans Wanted,” perhaps because
They are easy to eat
タンポポの綿毛の球のような月 風が吹きつけ芯だけになった
Of the moon which was like
A ball of dandelion fluffs,
Only its core is left
Though we don’t know,
Some insects may soar and try
To reach the moon at night
「だもの」というけだものがいて人間にはもちろん似てない けだものだもの
There are beasts called
“Damono.” Being beasts, of course,
They are not like humans*
*One of the equivalents of “beast” in Japanese is “kedamono.” As one way of saying “because” is “damono,” “because they are beasts” can be in Japanese, when the subject is omitted, “kedamono damono,” which sounds like a pun. Incidentally, there is a famous phrase by Aida Mitsuo, a calligrapher, “ningen damono (because we are humans).” “Being beasts,” or “because they are beasts” is an antithesis to it.
起き上がりこぼしのように倒れても起きる建物 「倒れちゃだめでしょ?」
Like a self-righting doll,
The building gets up each time
It is knocked over
The letters “appearing
Longer than usual” get
Clearer on a rainbow
人間が視線を向けると現れる掛け時計 目をそらすと消える The wall clock appears
Only when someone looks at it,
Disappearing each time
芸をするイチゴが載っているケーキ 宙返りしたりピルエットしたり
Strawberries on the cake
Do tricks, some somersaulting,
Others pirouetting
Nothing but soap bubbles
Came out of the tap, so
I blew soap bubbles, too