短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Jun. 2020
真ん中のあたりで開いた本たちがコアラのように木にしがみつく 200601
Books, which are opened
In the middle, are clinging to
Tree-trunks like koalas*
*The Chinese character in Japanese for “tree” is “木” which derives from the shape of a tree, while that of “book” is “本” which seems to be a tree with something clinging to its trunk, like a koala, for instance.
ひまわりの花と花とが二つずつ磁石のようにくっついている 200601
Like so many magnets,
Sunflowers stick, face to face,
To each other
私はこぶしを握ると額から後頭部にかけ磁力線が出る 200601
Clenching my fist
Generates lines of magnetic
Force around my head
星々を望遠鏡で見ると雪の結晶のような形をしている 200602
The stars all look
Like snow crystals, when seen
Through a telescope
分裂はすみやかに起きたくさんのクラゲになって夜が泳ぎ去る 200603
Dividing rapidly
Into countless jellyfish,
Night swims away at dawn
駱駝から瘤を奪って走り去る ラグビーのようにそれをパスする 200608
They rob a camel
Of its hump, and, running away,
Pass it among them
時を告げる太陽のくしゃみ 一時には一回十二時には十二回 200609
Hourly the sun sneezes,
Once at one o’clock, twelve times
In a row at twelve
人目を避け旅を続ける紙飛行機 たまに見つかり追いかけられる 200611 The paper plane journeys,
Avoiding human eyes, but
Sometimes being chased
太陽が急にどこかへ行ってしまい取り残されている惑星たち 200611
The sun has gone somewhere,
Leaving its still revolving
Planets behind
空中に浮かんだ人に触れられると自分も宙に浮かんでしまう 200611
A person in the air.
Those who are touched by the person
Also get afloat
サボテンのまねをしている人がいた 私は横でギターを弾いた 200611
A man was mimicking
A cactus. Beside him,
I played the guitar
本を二度宙に投げたがすぐ落ちた 三度目本は鳥になり去った 200613
Twice it fell, but when
I threw it the third time, the book
Flew, becoming a bird
ジャガイモのように芽を出す月 やがてしぼんで腐り役目を終える 200615
Sprouts are growing
Out of the moon, which slowly
Withers and decays
私が心の中で呼ぶだけで蝶が飛んできて額にとまる 200615
Only by calling
Mutely in my heart, butterflies
Come to perch on my brow
足の生えた立方体が卓球部に現れて言う「僕、立つキューブ」 200620
A cube which has legs,
Coming to the ping-pong club, said,
“I am a cube which stands”*
*In Japanese, “the ping-pong club” is “takkyuu-bu,” while “a cube which stands” is “tatsu-kyuubu,” though “cube” is usually “rippou-tai.”
人々はみな影が薄くなっている ほんのかすかに見えるくらいに 200620
People have become
Almost transparent, but not
Quite invisible yet
吸盤が手足や胴に現れたが服に隠れて外に見えない 200620
Suckers like those of
An octopus have emerged, though
Under my clothes
シャボン玉が空中でぱっと蝶に変わる テントウムシに変わるのもある 200623
Some soap bubbles change
Into butterflies, while others
Into ladybirds
書物からしみ出してきた文字たちが寄り集まって小川になった 200624
Letters, oozing and
Trickling out of books, gather
Into a stream
螺旋状の身体になって人々がびよんびよんと跳ね回っている 200625
People are all bouncing,
Their bodies becoming
Helical coils
星々が暴動を起こしむくむくと形が変化しつつある銀河 200625
A turbulent
Galaxy, where some of its stars
Are rioting
ピストルや大砲の弾がブーメランのように途中で引き返してくる 200626
Bullets and cannonballs,
Turning on the way, boomerang
To their shooters
地図の上を転がるトマト 転がるのが止まった瞬間ぱっとかき消えた 200627
A tomato rolled
Over the map, and, when
It stopped, vanished