
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and English Versions: Aug. 2024

     Stared by a person
     With eyes like those of a snake, I
     Put out a snaky tongue

消すたびににゃあと声を出す猫消しゴム こっちでにゃあにゃあ、あっちでにゃあにゃあ
     Cat plastic erasers
     Mew each time they are used.
     Here and there we hear mews

     Making a human as
     Small as an insect, the wineglass
     Traps it in and eats it

大きめのトンボが宙を飛び交ってる よく見たら羽根の生えた歯ブラシ    
     Enormous dragonflies,
     No, winged toothbrushes are
     Flitting in the sky

ガガガガガ、ガガガガガガと声がした 蛾がガガガガガと声を出していた   
     A moth was singing*

     *In Japanese, “a moth” is “ga.”

     Puffing out their brow
     As well as their cheeks, people
     Play an outstaring game

     Like the bed of a tip
     Lorry, the whole night sky was raised,
     Tipping out all the stars

     In the residential
     Area, at times, some house
     Spouts like a whale

手のひらがはさまれている「ハンドイッチ」 グールは骨もばりばり食べる  
     “A handwich” with a hand
     Between two pieces of bread. Ghouls
     Crunch bones easily

人間の抜け殻があった 羽化したての巨大な蝶がすぐそばにいた       
     A huge butterfly hatched,
     Leaving an exuviae
     Of a human

人々が虹に向かってピースをする 虹も応えてV字形になる        
     People made a V-sign
     Toward the rainbow, which in turn
     Became V-shaped

     A snowman, whose lower
     Ball has a face, whose features
     Are all upside-down

太陽が便秘のように沈めないで苦しんでいる ガンバレ!ガンバレ!     
     As if constipated,
     The sun is unable to sink.
     “Strain hard! Strain hard!”

     On a round fruit,
     Put another with features,
     To make a fruit man

     The blue sky gets dazzling,
     With glaring points emerging
     One after another

地震でもないのに塔ががたがたとしばらく揺れた 塔の大笑い        
     The tower trembled,
     Though there was not an earthquake.
     It’s the tower’s laughter

ある枝は松、別の枝は桜などいくつもの木が合体 「木マイラ」       
     There stood a tree version
     Of the Chimera, with branches
     Of various trees*

     *In Japanese, “a tree” is “ki,” so “the Chimera” can be “Chi(=ki=tree)mera.

牛ゼミや馬ゼミが幹で鳴いている 「モウモウモウモウ」「ヒヒーンヒヒーン」
     On the trunks of trees,
     Cow-cicadas are mooing, and
     Horse-cicadas neighing

     Against a camel’s hump,
     Which has become like a ball of
     Fluffs, wind is blowing

首の上に土星がのってる土星人 「わっかっかっか」と高笑いする      
     A mini-Saturn is
     On the neck of Saturnians:
     They guffaw, “Wakkakka . . .”*

     *In Japanese, a guffaw is often described as “Wahhahha . . .” and the rings of Saturn are “wa” or “wakka.”

生なので少し柔らかい生電柱 生じゃないのはぶつかると痛い        
     Raw utility poles
     Are a bit soft, but cooked ones are
     Hard to bump into

星が降って砂漠になった 一晩じゅう後から後からさらさらと降って     
     A desert of stars,
     Which had fallen all night

     Holes in the shape of
     A squirrel, or an elephant,
     Are punched in the blue sky

     Countless fish in
     One of the seven colours formed
     A rainbow in the sky

     Only the sun
     Remembers the now round rainbow
     Used to be pointed*

     *2024年1月作品の改作です。*This is a revised version of one in Jan. 2024.

     Spiral up nowadays
     Like a soft ice cream

その魚は「ぎょっ」と驚く音読み系 「うぉっ」と驚くのは訓読み系     
     When astonished,
     On-reading fish cry “Gyo!” while
     Kun-reading ones “Uwo!”*

     *The Japanese cry “Gyo!” or “Uwo!” when astonished. By the way, the Chinese character, or kanji, of “fish” is “魚.” There are two ways of reading kanji in Japanese: an on reading (the reading by its Chinese-derived pronunciation) and a kun reading (the reading by the native Japanese equivalent). As for “魚,” its on reading is “gyo,” and one of its kun readings is “uwo” (“sakana” is also its common kun reading).

     With a knife, I cut
     The spectrum. The section was
     Seven-coloured layers

ラグビーのボールのようにカメを抱えパスしたりする 蹴りはしないけど*   
     They hold a turtle, or
     Pass it like a rugby ball,
     Though not kick it*

     *Only imagine this: never perform it. You'll be scolded by Taro Urashima, a famous Japanese saviour of a molested turtle.

     Detached from the ground,
     A lake, still keeping its shape,
     Is sucked up to the sky

     Precognitive or
     Controlling me, the mirror
     Anticipates my moves

     All the fingers of
     My hands and feet have begun
     Chirping, merrily

     Soft like jellyfish,
     Cymbals are floating in the air
     Until its turn comes

     Just before the concert,
     All the wind instruments began
     To refuse to sound

     At the bus stop “Yo-yo,”
     People waiting in a line are
     Playing with a yo-yo

     At the bus stop “Sob,”
     People waiting in a line
     Are all sobbing*

     *I hear that, besides “Yo-yo,” “Sob,” the bus route has stops like “Handstand,” “Cuddling,” or “Anguished.”

     Having surrounded me,
     Those with an hourglass-like trunk
     Stood on their hands

     Having climbed to
     The doorbell, the snail gave it
     A push with all its might

     Mixed in the brilliance of
     The blue sky, the lights of the stars
     Are reaching our eyes

     “Trombone sunflowers,”
     Lengthening and shortening
     Their stems, are chorusing

     All the humans inside
     Evacuate before the show
     Of “The Tower Dance”

     A queer night sky,
     With wild stars on rampage, snuggling
     Stars coming to snuggle*

     *In Japanese, “a shooting star” is “nagare-boshi,” so in Japanese, changing “nagare-boshi” a bit, one can coin a word “abare-boshi” (“a wild star which goes on rampage,” or “amae-boshi” (“a star which snuggles).

     When tired, the bells
     Of brass instruments wither
     Like a morning glory

私が水を飲んだらしおれていた花が元気になった どうして?        
     When I drank water,
     A withered flower revived.
     Are we connected?

     Instead of walking or
     Running, persons on their birthday
     Skip for a whole day

瓶の中で立っている水 飲まれたりする度だんだん背が低くなる       
     Water is standing
     In a bottle, but gets shorter
     Each time it is drunk

     Having conquered this
     Galaxy, we proceed to
     Invade another

雪だるまの頭にキャベツがもぐり込んで脳みそになる 自称CI       
     The cabbage has become
     A brain, or CI, in the head
     Of a snowman*

     *CI: a cabbage intelligence

     Caught in a cobweb,
     A paper plane is being
     Devoured by a spider

     The anglerfish is
     Depressed, as its luminescent
     Lure is ineffective*

     *In Japanese, “an anglerfish” is “chouchin-ankou,” while “depressed” is “iki-shouchin,” so when an anglerfish is depressed, the Japanese can punningly call it “iki-shouchin-ankou.”

     “Cabbages gathered
     And stood in rows, thus forming
     A patch of cabbages”

     Running with all their might,
     Hippopotamuses are
     Doing the long jump*

     *In Japanese, “the running long jump” is “hashiri-haba-tobi,” while “a hippopotamus” is “kaba, ” so hippo’s running long jump can be punningly said as “hashiri-kaba-tobi.

     A huge space bee
     Has come, which collects honey
     From galaxies

     A bolt of lightning
     Showed a skeleton in a cloud
     Just for a moment

蟹になった手と海へ来た 手首からはずして浜辺で遊ばせてやる       
     From the wrists, I removed
     My hands, which had become crabs, to
     Let them play on the beach

     Puckering one of its
     Windows and opening it,
     A building is talking

     Blank-faced ghosts was playing
     The staring game, when their faces
     Met as if kissing

     A snail was rolling
     A round pebble, pushing
     Its face against it

     Over the back of
     The airplane seat in front of me
     A broccoli is seen

     The small letter “i” was
     So surprised that it was
     Overturned upside down!

飛行船が飛んでいくのを見たマンボウ どんどん丸くふくらんでいって    
     Seeing an airship,
     The sunfish began to swell and
     Rose into the air

     The whole city rose
     Into the night sky, and
     Began to whirl

蝶なのにトンボのように浮かんでいる トンボがあたふた蝶のように飛ぶ   
     Butterflies, hovering
     Like dragonflies; dragonflies, like
     Butterflies, fluttering

飛行船がぱっと消え去り数滴の滴が降った 乗客も消えた          
     Changing into some drops,
     An airship vanished, together
     With the passengers

     How desirable old
     Age is, if our faces get
     Feline as we get old
