短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Sep. 2024
As salt or sugar
Dissolves in water, the person
Dissolves in the air
人々が夜空を見上げ騒いでいる 確かに夜空の様子が変だ
People are perturbed,
Looking up at the night sky, which
Looks indeed weird
手がたまにマンボウになる 手首側に目がついていて指側がしっぽ
Sometimes my hands become
Sunfish. Eyes are on the wrist side;
The tail on the fingers side
As if going up
Some stairs, the person goes up
To the sky, step by step
Kicking a small ball
With their paws, cats are playing
Football, at a full run
青空は広大な月 太陽の光を受けて青く輝く
The blue sky is
A vast moon, shining blue,
Reflecting sunlight
手の形をした魚たち 手の甲に当たる部分に目が二つある
Hand-shaped fish, with a pair
Of eyes on the part which is
Like the back of a hand
君たちはアホーディオンと呼ばれている 悔しくないか? さあ、反撃だ!*
Accordions, you are
Called “ahordion.” Rage, and
Make a counterattack!*
*アコーディオン アジテイターに気をつけて!
*In Japanese, one of the expressions for “a fool” is “ahou,” so “ahordion” sounds insulting to accordions. Even if so, accordions, be wary of an agitator!
Into the basket,
A basketball is shooting
Itself, repeatedly
夜明け前は収穫の時間 一斉に東の方から摘まれていく星
Just before dawn is
The time for harvest, the stars all
Picked from the east westward
The dips of power lines
Assure us we can be slack, with
The curves of smiling lips
地球儀を地面に置くとくっついて離れない 「これは私のものだ」
When you put a world globe
On the ground, it sticks to the earth,
Insisting, “It’s mine”
シマウマは蛇腹のように伸縮する 縞柄の虎も猫も伸縮
Zebras are elastic
Like a bellows; so are striped
Tigers and cats
We can climb up smooth walls,
Though not up rough ones, using
Suction cups on our limbs
逆立ちをしている Q に付き合って隣で私も逆立ちをする
Q was standing
On its head, so beside it,
I also stood on my hands
Reduced to the size
Of one fifteenth, the humans are
All scared of cats
A seal is carrying
Its shell on its back. When alarmed,
It retreats into it
水中であやとりをする人魚たち 魚がじっとそれを見ている
Wondered at by fish
Around them, mermaids are
Playing cat’s cradle
A trunkless elephant,
I thought, but its trunk could
Stretch and contract
A humpless camel,
I thought, but its hump was strolling,
Changing into a cat
I grow impatient
To use the public service
Of foxtail grass shaking
“I have been disguising
Myself as human, but cannot
Continue. So, farewell”
The turtle brought Taro
Urashima, though my house is
Not the Dragon’s Palace*
*Taro Urashima is the hero of a famous legend in Japan. He rescued a turtle which was being abused by children. Later, the turtle came to Taro, and brought him to the Dragon’s Palace to return a favour.
温暖化でカラスの羽根が白くなった カラスはやっぱり知能高いね
Due to global warming,
Crows have got all white. They are
Indeed intelligent
To utility poles
And high trees, thunderstorms
Are the most frightening
Astride the basketball’s
Basket, an octopus spurts ink
At humans who come near
Sunlight makes dewdrops
Brilliant, but dries them up
Like the stars at dawn
A pair of nearby stars
Unite and, after an hour,
Separate again
From the trunk of
A large tree, a supple trunk grows like
That of an elephant
ダイコンとニンジンの色が入れ替わった 次の年には元に戻った
Japanese radishes
And carrots exchanged their colours,
But next year, they didn’t
A cabbage came
Rolling, and said to me,
“A cabbage roll”
手に取って虹を握ると白くなった 真っ白だけど虹のおにぎり
When made into a ball
In a hand, a rainbow gets white,
Like a rice ball
人ではなく虫たちが星になるのだった 夜じゅう鳴いてやがて星になる
Not humans, but insects
Which chirp throughout the night
Become stars in the sky
The crabs make a V sign
Like the Japanese, when we point
A camera at them
砂浜を歩いているのに足跡がつかない 私はもう死んでいる?
Though I am walking
On the beach, I can’t make footprints.
Am I already dead?
暑い日には引っ張りダコの冷血漢 抱きしめているとちょっと涼しい
On sweltering days,
The coldblooded persons
Are good to embrace
Though vertically-striped
At the lower parts, rainbows are
Lateral-striped on top*
*In Japanese, a lateral-stripe is “yoko-jima” or “yoko-shima,” and “yoko-shima” can also mean “wicked.”
Shortening, my thumb
Disappeared, but later
Reappeared on the head
初歩的な「人工感情」 単純でほめると喜びけなすとすねる
The “artificial
Emotion” delights when praised, quite
音楽に合わせて蛸が踊り出す プロのダンサーみたいにうまい
Octopuses begin
Dancing to music like
Professional dancers
鼻の上に留まった蠅に言動を操られている あっ飛び去った
A fly on my nose is
Controlling my words and deeds.
Oh, it flies away
ある日急に全人類の顔がゾウそっくりになった みな目が優しい
One day, the humans got
An elephant face. Everyone
Had gentle eyes
Holding both of their hands
Upward and standing on the ground,
People become plants
近くへ来た鳥が「一緒に来い」と言い飛び立つ わたしも腕を拡げ飛ぶ
The bird flew off, saying
“Come with me!” So, opening
My arms, I flew up, too
太陽というものが空にあることをいつ知っただろう どう知っただろう
When and how did I
Get to know that there is
The sun in the sky?