短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Nov. 2017
蝶が二匹私のそばを飛んでいった その時話し声が聞こえた
When two butterflies
Passed by me flying, somehow
I heard chatting voices
People come walking,
With their cheeks puffed up. I crush
All the puffs, two by two
Migratory stars
From galaxy to galaxy
Fly in formation
“The Big Dipper Village”
Dotted with seven houses
Which form a dipper
I got on a bus,
But it turned into a train,
Then into an airplane
Human-faced small birds
Are flying around. They have lips
Instead of bills
A character which meant
“A moth” was on the ground. It flew
Away as a real moth*
“Moth” in Japanese is “ga,” which is written in a Chinese character as “蛾.”
ぽんと打つとにゃあと声がする駱駝の瘤 撫で続けるとごろごろと鳴る
The camel’s hump mews
When tapped. It purrs when you
Continue to stroke it
Letters blow up
From the ground like a fountain and
Disappear in midair
Letters come out
From the tip of a straw and float
Like soap bubbles
An old man is
Shadowing me. Possibly he
Is me from the future
When they are dying,
Their bodies gradually fade,
And vanish at their death
思い出にひたると口がもぐもぐと動いてしまう 反芻のように
My mouth moves mumblingly,
When I am steeped in memory
As if ruminating
Four kinds of marks of cards
Detach themselves and fly around,
Each kind flocking