短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Oct. 2024
Putting her stethoscope
On each country on the world globe,
She nods and says, “hmm, hmm”
Lying on their backs
And bending their trunks like U,
Crocodiles do sit-ups
From one edge of a plank
To the other edge, ants begin
To dash, with “Ready! Go!”
集まってぽよんぽよんと跳ねているOたち 一個Qも跳ねている
Among Os which have
Gathered and are bouncing,
One Q is bouncing
When a human head has
Grown on watermelons’ bine,
Let’s let it live
Are you carrying
An oxygen cylinder, not
To inhale others’ breath?
人々がピエロのような顔になって歩いているぞ あっ、私もだ
Everybody is
Walking with a clown-like make-up.
Oh, I’ve found me so, too
The stars are going in
And out of their nest in the sky
Like ants on the ground
Butterflies came out and
Filled the room, on my opening
The drawer of the desk
壁じゅうに魚の尻尾が生えてくる みんな泳いでいるように動く
The tales of fish come out
All over the wall, each swinging
As when swimming
I had long been a frog,
But now a human, and have to
Learn two-footed walking
ドアノブが壁のあちこちについている 「本物は一つ。その他は罠」
Several doorknobs are
On the wall. “One is a real one,
But others are all traps”
Eight persons are
Standing in a queue
People who are all
As small as grains of sand are
Falling in an hourglass
Ships of now extinct
Humans are lying, here and there
On the dried-up seabed
夜になると人々の耳が長くなる 昼間と違った生き物に見える
The ears of the people
Get longer at night. They do not
Look like humans
浴槽に浸かって指を放ってやる 魚のようにみな泳ぎ回る
In taking a bath,
I release my fingers and thumbs,
Which swim around like fish
On the tray I held,
Cups with coffee in them
Began to rotate
Having grown from the ground,
The trunks of elephants are
Swaying in the garden
猫たちが垂直な壁を歩き回る 壁にごろんと寝転んだりする
On the vertical wall,
Cats are walking around, and
Sometimes lie down
板のように平たくなっている人々 ジグソーパズルのピースの形で
The people have got flat
Like a board, in the shape of
A jigsaw puzzle’s piece
In summer, sunflowers
Bloom on the branches of
The towering tree
Changing into the shape
Of a hand, the cloud beckoned and
Saved many people’s lives
The stars are all
Fluttering, which appears
To us as the twinkle
In the aquarium,
Sweet potatoes, cucumbers, and
Carrots are swimming
都市じゅうの灯りが点滅し始める そろって消えてそろって点いて
All the lights of the city
Go on and off
Extracting souls
From humans, I let them swim like
Jellyfish in a tank
With my fingers I crushed
The sun; I blew it off, together
With all its planets
タレを塗って飛行機雲をカバ焼きにしている そろそろ焼き上がりそう
We are now broiling
A vapour trail, seasoning it
With sweet soy sauce
Here and there, forming
A face, eyes, noses and mouths
Live together