短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Mar. 2023
↑ 愛知県のある小さな神社にて ↑ At a small shrine in Aichi Prefecture
何頭もイチゴ畑に鯨がいる 腹這いになってイチゴを見ている
In the strawberry field,
Whales are gazing at strawberries,
Lying on their bellies
My forehead stuck to
That of someone else, and
Would not come off
My head sometimes sheds
Pollens, which in the distance
Become a throng
地球には「天気」があるよ ケケケケケ、「天気予報」ってものまであるよ
“There is ‘a weather’
On the earth.” “Aha! There is
‘A weather forecast,’ too.”
Once in a while,
The crescent, like a cat, stretches
Itself and yawns
Looking at it closely,
I found the hump of the camel
To be a coiled snake
There is a pair of lips
On the wall, and advancing
At the speed of a snail
A pair of buses are
Fighting furiously,
Snarling like cats
バスをバスが追いかけて走るバスチェイス 乗客たちも熱狂している
A bus is chasing
Another bus, themselves and their
Passengers both frantic
As if turning in bed,
The crescent turns the other way
In the sky at times
When the train is not
Crowded, a fur seal goes back
And forth in the aisle
All other people
Vanished, changing into foam and
Left me quite alone
I found a galaxy
Caught in a hunter’s trap, and
Released it to the sky
There are holes here and there
In the blue sky, as if eaten
By a caterpillar
Like oscillating fans,
Sunflowers move their flowers
Slowly from side to side
Like a bunch of
Bananas, dozens of crescents
Stick to each other
After a while,
The rainbow began to melt and
Dripped down like ice cream
“Ready! Leap!” the frogs
At the start line began to leap,
Heading for the goal
Both the swells of the hourglass
Expand and contract
Surrounded by squirmy,
Squashy things, I myself become
Squirmy and squashy
電線に並んで鳥が虹の方を見ていた 虹が消えても見ていた
The birds on a wire watched
The rainbow, but kept watching
After it disappeared
みむめもが間抜けだったらはひへほは腑抜け やああい、みむめも、はひへほ
When you call someone fool
And wimpy, say “mimumemo”
And “hahiheho”*
*There is a word “manuke” in Japanese, which means “foolish.” “Manuke” can mean “lacking ma,” as “nuke” means that something “lacks” something. In Japanese kana syllabary, the column headed by ma is ma-mi-mu-me-mo, so “mimumemo” lacks “ma” and can be “manuke (foolish).” Likewise, “hahiheho” lacks “hu” and can be “hunuke,” which means “wimpy” in Japanese.
The crescent has a hand
And holding an hourglass in it
Keeps shaking it
What I thought in my mind
Was being broadcasted with my
Voice on the radio
The crescent has become
Pea green, and looks like a soybean
Pod with several swells
I box on the ring
With a frog monster, which is
As tall as a human
Handkerchiefs which float
In the air follow me, flying,
When I take a walk
Like a constellation,
Some glowing dots appear when it
Gets dark on the palm
From each of the three holes
On the bowling bowl, a finger
Comes out and draws in
カブトムシが手の甲にとまり飛び立った あとには「甲」と字が書かれていた
Leaving a character
“甲(kou)” on the back of my hand,
The beetle flew away*
*In Japanese, the back of a hand is “甲,” and a beetle is written as “甲虫,” “甲” meaning a warrior’s helmet and “虫” an insect.
私の背中で穴を掘り始めた 痛いので指でつまんで投げた
I pinched and threw them
Away, as they began to dig
A hole on my back
The galaxy can change
Its form at will into, say,
A sphere, or a cube
The round convex traffic
Mirror is fringed with petals
Like a sunflower
A round galaxy
Came near, like a flying
Saucer of aliens
Creating some swirls
In the distance, gradually
I draw them near
Spiral galaxies are
Regarded as something like
Typhoons or hurricanes
指先から小さな虫が飛び立った それが惨事の始まりだった
A small insect flew off
From the tip of my finger, which
Triggered the disaster
黒と白のブチの模様の雲の群 時々モウと声が聞こえる
Clouds go by, all of which
Are white and black like Holsteins,
Some at times mooing
When one of my palms is
Held to an ear, a human voice
Is heard from the inside
I tickle the potato,
Which writhes when tickled
そのゴリラは紙飛行機を折って飛ばす 山羊が追いかけてむしゃむしゃ食べる
The gorilla flies
Paper planes of its own making,
Which goats relish
手のひらが巨大な鳥のように飛ぶ 怒ると拳になって落ちてくる
Like huge birds, palms are
Flying around: when offended,
They dive, becoming fists
The shell of a snail uncoiled
And became straight, but afterwards
It coiled again