日本人が一般的に真面目と言われるのは、災害が多いからなのでは? という思いがあります。きちんとやらないと、生き残れなかった。シンガポールの飛行場の受付の女の子が朝からポッキー食べてるの見て思います。仕事への概念が違うのかも。こちらでは滅私奉公は美徳でしたが、あちらではいかにサボるか、みたいな。暑くてやってらんないよね、みたいな。北欧の方でも1日4時間労働を試験中らしいです。携帯いじったり飯食ったりしないで働いてる日本は、もしかしたら超少数派なのではという気がしました。頭おかしいのは、俺たちだったのか、みたいなw
2016. 11. Goa
Memory - You are nuts
In general, Japanese people are known as being serious or over-polite people.
Is that because there are so many natural disasters in Japan? Partially? If you don’t do things right, you would not make it then. I was looking at a receptionist in a Singaporian airport eating pocky sticks. Maybe the idea of working differs here and there. In Japan, it was a virtue to dedicate yourself 200%. But maybe here, it is about how you save your energy. It is too hot anyway. In Scandinavia, they are doing a 4hours/day experiment. In Japan, convenience store staff would not touch their phones or have lunch in front of customers….well they are clearly the minority.
We are the crazies!
Well, still, a pocky stick though.
"She will be executed if she were in Japan" a friend of mine who was travelling with me found it amusing...
Pocky brings some trust issue here maybe? When an error happens, they might point it out, "hey you were not focusing on your work" something like that... But hey, things are going alright over there.
The traffic challenge in India is so interesting too. Just chaos. Babies, dads, dudes, kids, mums, that is the order on how they get on their motorbike. Anywhere you see 4 people on a motorbike, cows, cars, full bus, walkers, bikers, and crane vehicles….India-Goa, Japanese might be crazy…but they are also crazy too. These two different types of craziness.
There is one Asian dude taking photos of them.
2016. 11. Goa