

Job Descriptionに記載のある職務に見合った実力がないと採用しない、それがジョブ型雇用です。大学生や高校生の皆さんで、一流企業の仕事を未経験でできる人っていますか?ゼロだと思います。








The Impact of the Shift from Academic Society to Job-Based Employment on the Underprivileged

In Japan, there has been a growing movement to shift from the traditional academic society to job-based employment. This shift is seen as a way to promote meritocracy and create a more level playing field for all citizens. However, there is concern that this shift may have a negative impact on the underprivileged, who may not have the same opportunities to gain the necessary skills and experience to compete in a job-based market.

The author of the Japanese text you provided argues that the shift to job-based employment has already had a negative impact on the underprivileged. The author points out that in a job-based market, employers are looking for candidates with the skills and experience to do the job. This means that the underprivileged, who may not have had the same opportunities to gain these skills and experience, are at a disadvantage.

The author also points out that in a job-based market, employers are less likely to provide training and development opportunities to new employees. This means that the underprivileged, who may need more support to develop their skills, are at a greater risk of being left behind.

The author's arguments are supported by evidence from other countries that have already made the shift to job-based employment. For example, in the United States, studies have shown that the gap between the rich and the poor has widened in recent decades. This is partly due to the fact that the job market has become increasingly competitive, making it more difficult for those from disadvantaged backgrounds to get ahead.

The shift to job-based employment is a complex issue with both potential benefits and risks. It is important to be aware of the potential impact of this shift on the underprivileged, and to take steps to mitigate these risks. Some possible measures include providing more opportunities for the underprivileged to gain skills and experience, and ensuring that employers provide training and development opportunities to all employees.

In conclusion, the shift from academic society to job-based employment has the potential to create a more meritocratic society. However, it is important to be aware of the potential impact of this shift on the underprivileged, and to take steps to mitigate these risks.


よろしければ、チップをお願い致します。いただいたチップは、よりよい社会にするための研究活動に使わせていただきます。 ※今は何をするのかは秘密