2時間で閲覧100件超えの衝撃!😲 「貼るカイロを下着に貼って子宮を温めてたら、子宮頸がん異形成が自然消失した」って話、本当にあるの!?
#脳腫瘍 #高次脳機能障害 #完全寛解 #自家末梢血幹細胞移植 #元看護師 #がん克服 #希望 #健康法 #入院中#子宮頸がん #ポジティブライフ#子宮頸がん異形成 #自然消失 #貼るカイロ #あべまりあさん#温活 #子宮温活 #子宮がん #婦人科 #健康 #病気克服 #希望 #励み #体験談 #拡散希望#threads#スレッズ#ノーミート料理#地産地消#産地直送#悪性リンパ腫#中枢神経系びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫#PCNSL#english#translation#リハビリ#NAS#オンラインヨガ#ヨガ#ストレッチ#LINE#LINEグループ通話#オンライン勉強会#医療#がん#がんサバイバー#看護師#入院#治療#AI#ライティング#インスタ#言葉#言葉の力#心理学#人生哲学#命#命のありがたさ#人生#ママ#スキありがとう#元気#毎日note##毎日投稿#日々のこと#40代日常#ブログ#育児#生き方#感謝#いま私にできること
[Miracle story] Complete remission from stage 4 brain tumour! A former nurse talks about higher brain dysfunction and life after discharge💗Cervical cancer dysplasia, it's true it disappeared spontaneously! 😳✨52 days
Table of Contents.
💗Word of the Day💗.
✨The power to heal illness✨
Life is full of difficulties, such as illness and misfortune. It may seem as if a dark shadow hangs over your heart. But remember. No matter how dark the shadow, there is always a way for light to shine. Let the light of hope, the light of joy, shine in your heart. It may be a small light. But that light will soon become a force that will erase the dark shadows. Maybe you are in a difficult situation right now. But never give up hope. Your heart is always capable of shining a light. The courage to face difficulties, the kindness to love those around you and the strength to believe in yourself. All of these are important elements for lighting up your heart. We hope that this text will help to light a warm glow in your heart.
Quotes and edits from the book
online study session on the miracle of a snowy morning
Good morning. Yesterday morning it was snowing and the temperature was 0°C⛄We considered postponing the early morning study session (6.30 am), but I suggested, ‘Why don't we have a circle-reading session via LINE video call?’ I suggested to everyone, ‘Why don't we have a round-reading session via LINE video call? The other participants were presidents in their 70s, but they all readily agreed. If we do it online, we only have to pay for communication, there are no call charges, and above all, we don't have to worry about walking on snowy roads or driving a car and having a slip-and-fall accident. We were able to have a study session and report on recent developments with smiles on everyone's faces while staying warm at home. It was. I shared information about my NOTE with all the presidents. line video calls are OK for up to 500 people! During the Corona disaster and hospitalisation, thanks to the LINE group call, I was able to connect with people from all over the country and had a lot of fun in my private room 💗I was undergoing anti-cancer treatment, but after one week of treatment, I took a week off to do hand embroidery and sewing💗I suffered during treatment, but the week off was a day when I felt liberated💗In fact, three participants are coincidentally in the same hospital. Another one has the same another hospital. I go to the hospital in a fashion that doesn't make me look like a sick person, so maybe I stand out, or sometimes we bump into each other at the hospital, and they notice me and wave to me. I feel a strange connection with them ✨They are about the same age as my parents, but we are all good friends (laughs)✨.
the circle of hope that spreads through Threads
Shocking over 100 views in 2 hours! 😲 ‘Cervical dysplasia spontaneously disappeared when I warmed my uterus by putting a sticky warmer on my underwear’ - it's real!
I recently started posting on Threads. Perhaps because I write about my illness, the algorithm often shows posts by cancer patients. Today, I shared my experience with one of the contributors who wrote that she had been found to have ‘moderate cervical dysplasia’. I actually found cervical cancer dysplasia mild by accident during treatment for a brain tumour. At that time, I tried a method taught to me by a friend of mine in her 80s, the writer Maria Abe, and it disappeared spontaneously. The method was to put a warmer on the underwear to warm the uterus. When I posted this, it got 100 views in two hours!
an unexpected encounter with cervical cancer
I recently bought a book by author Maria Abe. (When I told her on the phone that I had been hospitalised for a brain tumour and malignant lymphoma, and that during my hospitalisation I was found to have mildly dysplastic cervical cancer, she listened to my story and gave me this advice. 'You should put a warmer on your underwear to warm your uterus. Diet is also important, and I recommend taking broth from vegetables. I haven't been sick for years' I took this advice and bought several books, including related ones. I have a daughter in primary school, so I also bought a book on ancient history with it💛 During the winter, I put a stick-on body warmer every day and Montbell windproof tights (because I was afraid of low-temperature burns).
my health recommendations
Here are some of my health tips:
Putting a warmer on your underwear to warm your uterus
Take broth from vegetables (no meat, local production for local consumption, freshly picked vegetables from my mother's garden sent directly to me).
Maintain a regular rhythm of life.
Moderate exercise (walking is recommended), stretching, yoga (I participated in online yoga at NAS Sports Club during my hospitalisation. The haematologist gave me the OK).
Positive thinking.
These methods are based on my experience. Of course, they vary from person to person, so always consult your doctor before putting them into practice!
how I feel now that I have overcome my illness
After surgery for a brain tumour, I suffered from higher brain dysfunction for a period of time. There were many problems in my daily life, such as memory loss and lack of concentration.3 However, thanks to rehabilitation and the support of the people around me, I gradually improved. Now I am able to live a full life, although perhaps in a different way than before. Because of my experience of illness, I am now able to cherish the small daily happinesses. Time with my family, conversations with friends, good food, everything is a treasure 💎.
My dream is to help others who have gone through similar experiences, and I hope to bring hope to as many people as possible through my messages on NOTE and Threads. I also want to use my experience as a nurse to become a psychotherapist who can help patients with their feelings. Illness is certainly a painful experience. But after overcoming it, a new you and a new life await you. I hope you all keep hope alive. In closing, thank you for reading. I hope you will follow and ski💗.
From 💛Hikari💛.
#brain tumour #higher brain dysfunction #complete remission #autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant #former nurse #overcoming cancer #hope #health #in hospital #cervical cancer #positive life #cervical dysplasia #natural disappearance #applied warmer #Maria Abé #warmth #warmth #cervical cancer #gynaecology #health #overcoming illness #hope #encouragement #stories #spread the word hope #threads #threads #no-meat cooking #local #local food #malignant lymphoma #central nervous system diffuse large B-cell lymphoma #PCNSL #english #translation #rehabilitation #NAS #online yoga #yoga #stretching #line #line group call #line group call Online Study Group #Medical #Cancer #Cancer Survivor #Nurse #Hospitalization #Treatment #AI #Writing #Institute #Words #Power of Words #Psychology #Philosophy of Life #Life #Gratitude for Life #Life #Mama #Suki Thank You #Generosity #Note #Daily #Daily Post #Daily #40s Daily #Blog #Childcare #Living #Gratitude #What I can do now.