

Introduction - What is "God"? When you see the title of this article, "God Grows" (......), you probably feel uncomfortable. God is absolute, unchanging, universal, and inviolable, and words like "growing" don't seem to fit. For those who believe in a particular religion, it must be more than uncomfortable; it must be unpleasant and repulsive. How about "the soul grows"? It might make them feel a little less uncomfortable. In fact, I had initially thought of the title "The Soul Grows. However, the word "soul" is too colorful. It could be taken as a common religious discourse or sermon, such as "salvation of the soul" or "the soul goes to heaven (hell) after the body dies." I am afraid that people will not be able to face the discussion I am about to present honestly because of their preconceived notions of "Oh, that kind of talk," and I am concerned that they will not be able to understand what I am trying to say. With this concern in mind, I have decided to use the word "God" instead of "soul," as it is easier to imagine a more expansive and larger world. Therefore, if you are uncomfortable with the word "God" in this sense, but can understand "soul," please feel free to read it as "spirit.
調整は、例えば上のケースでは「色がつきすぎている」が「too colorful」となっているが、これはダメだ。手垢が付いた、というニュアンスの「色がつきすぎている」だから、too much worn-out とか、他の表現に変えないといけない。
本書は最後まで読めば分かるが、一人一人の中に個別の「神」がいて、その神は成長するという内容だから、Gods grow. としたいところなのだが、タイトルは「God grows」と単数形のままのほうが目を引くかもしれない。
God Grows -Beyond Spirit-Flesh Dualism-
Introduction - What is "God"?
When you see the title of this article, "God Grows" , you probably feel uncomfortable. God is absolute, unchanging, universal, and inviolable, and the word like "grow" doesn't seem to fit. Especially for those who believe in a particular religion, it must be more than uncomfortable; it must be unpleasant and repulsive.
So, how about "the soul grows"? It might make them feel a little less uncomfortable. In fact, I had initially thought of the title "The Soul Grows". However, the word "soul" is too much worn-out. It could be taken as a common religious discourse or sermon, such as "salvation of the soul" or "the soul goes to heaven (hell) after the body dies." I am afraid that people will not be able to face the discussion I am about to present honestly because of their preconceived notions of "Oh, that kind of talk," and I am concerned that they will not be able to understand what I am trying to say.
With this concern in mind, I have decided to use the word "God" instead of "soul," as it is easier to imagine a more expansive and larger world.
Therefore, if you are uncomfortable with the word "God" in this sense, but can understand "soul," please feel free to read it as "soul" or "spirit".
では、これ↑を日本語に訳させるとどうなるのか? やってみた。
神は成長する -霊肉二元論を超えて
はじめに - 「神」とは何か?
この記事のタイトル「神は成長する」を見て、あなたはおそらく違和感を覚えるだろう。 神とは絶対的な存在であり、不変であり、普遍的であり、不可侵である。特に特定の宗教を信仰している人にとっては、違和感を通り越して、不快感や反発を覚えるに違いない。
では、「魂が成長する」というのはどうだろう。少しは違和感が減るかもしれない。 実は当初、『魂は成長する』というタイトルを考えていた。しかし、「魂」という言葉は使い古されすぎている。"魂の救済 "とか "肉体が死んだら魂は天国(地獄)に行く "とか、よくある宗教的な言説や説教と受け取られかねない。ああ、そういう話か」という先入観から、私がこれから提示する議論に素直に向き合えないのではないか、私の言いたいことを理解してもらえないのではないか、という懸念がある。
The other side of spirit-flesh dualism
Introduction ~ What is “God”?
"God Grows"...When you saw this title, you probably felt an uncomfortable feeling. This is because God is an absolute, unchanging, universal, and inviolable being, and words such as "growing" do not fit well with it.
For those who believe in a particular religion, this would not only be a sense of discomfort, but also discomfort and disgust.
So, what if "the soul grows"? This may alleviate some of the discomfort and discomfort. Actually, at first I was thinking of the title ``The Soul Grows.''
However, the word soul has too many colors. It may be taken to be similar to common religious stories or sermons, such as ``salvation of the soul'' or ``the soul goes to heaven (hell) after the body dies.''
I think that preconceptions such as ``Oh, that's what we're talking about'' may get in the way and prevent you from honestly facing the discussion you are about to proceed with.
Concerned about this, I decided to use the word "God" rather than soul, as it would be easier to imagine a broader, larger world. So, if you feel uncomfortable with the word "God" in this sense, and you can understand it as "soul," feel free to read it as "soul."
discomfort and discomfort のところは違う単語にし損なっているし、、後半の文章における主語のとり方にちょっと違和感を感じるところもある。でも、これはこれでいけてるかもしれない。
小見出しの the other side of はやっぱり違うな。ここはDeepLが素直に訳した beyond でいいと思う。
『神は成長する 霊肉二元論の向こう側』

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