公共性の思考〜くまもとアートポリスプロジェクト 立田山憩の森・お祭り広場公衆トイレ〜
『くまもとアートポリスプロジェクト 立田山憩の森・お祭り広場公衆トイレ』のコンペに参加して考えたことをまとめます。
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Thinking about public space: Kumamoto Artpolis Project, Tatsuta Mountain Resting Forest and Festival Plaza Public Restrooms.
What is required of a public toilet as a public architecture
In the past, public toilets were often not given much importance in urban planning or facility design and were often considered as an afterthought. However, in recent years, the development of public toilets has become one of the priority issues as they can affect the image of the location and sometimes even influence customer attraction. In addition, the importance of public toilets that anyone can use with peace of mind has increased from the perspective of universal design and disaster prevention. Despite having installed impressive public toilets at great expense, there are still cases where various problems such as the so-called "4K" (dirty, smelly, dark, and scary) occur due to poor management and usage afterwards. From such experiences, the need to focus not only on the design and installation of public toilets but also on the problems that follow has increased.
It goes without saying that the management system, including cleaning, has an impact on the various problems that occur after the installation of public toilets. However, at the same time, the lack of manners or understanding by users has also been pointed out as one of the causes of problems by the management side. For example, local governments and businesses that manage public toilets often cite graffiti and pranks as common issues. It is also considered that problems arising from unintentional or unconscious acts by users, such as misuse of equipment or misunderstanding of usage rules, are not uncommon, in addition to those caused intentionally.
Recently, LGBT has become a social concern, and various trial and error efforts have been made, such as the installation of all-gender toilets and the use of pictograms.
We considered public toilets in the park while addressing these issues.
Design Proposal
Basic Approach: Creating a Place with the Character of Tatsuta-yama
Tatsuta-yama is a mountain and park where many plants, insects, and birds inhabit, making it a beloved place by residents as a rural mountain and park, despite its location in the urban area. We believe that the public toilet in Tatsuta-yama should embrace everyone who visits the place, harmonize with the environment, and represent the unique character of Tatsuta-yama.
Create an open architecture that embodies the feelings of the residents, inspired by the protected forest.
Aim to make the public toilet a hub that accommodates the activities of people who come and go, as well as the events that take place in the plaza.
Build an architecture that resonates with the diverse activities found in the Tatsuta-yama Forest Museum.
Survey and Analysis → Design Concept
01_ Residents who protected and nurtured the forest (Survey and Analysis) The Rittayama area has implemented regulations prohibiting the felling of trees since ancient times, and the rich forest has been protected by human hands. However, the forest gradually began to disappear due to post-war logging and development, and during the period of high economic growth, the situation became critical due to residential development. Therefore, the local residents formed the "Association of Residents Protecting Rittayama" and embarked on conservation and protection efforts, reclaiming the valuable forest and forming the rich forest that exists today.
01_ Open architecture that harmonizes with the protected forest (Design Concept) To respect and inherit the forest that the local residents have protected, we will create an open architecture that harmonizes with the forest and aims to coexist with nature.
02_ A forest-like space that creates stagnation and flow (Survey and Analysis) The planned area is adjacent to the festival plaza and the residents' living lines, and is a node where multiple walking paths overlap. It is the starting and ending point of the walk and a place where people gather for various purposes as a festival plaza and pass through.
02_ Public restrooms with diverse nodes (Design Concept) We propose a public restroom with diverse nodes that can accommodate various activities that occur in the plaza by creating a space like a forest where people can freely stroll and find their own place.
03_ Spatial composition woven by the forest (Survey and Analysis) Many distinctive artificial forests have been created on Rittayama, and the entire mountain has been developed as a "forest museum" by four promenades that connect them. It allows for continuous experience of the changing forest in different places and is loved by residents. The countless roads that meander along the terrain are filled with a sense of walking, depth, and enclosure.
03_ "Forest pillars" that accompany diverse activities (Design Concept) We propose "forest pillars" made of pillars and square rods to architecturally embody the spatiality created by trees, grass, and terrain. We propose architecture that accompanies diverse activities by creating the overlapping and enclosing feeling of trees felt at the forest museum.
Structural and Timber Utilization Plan
The forest pillars and roof will be constructed using traditional methods of rational structure, and the pillar and beam members will be planned using locally producible and processable timber. The beam member length will be within 6 meters, allowing for the use of locally produced timber. The roof will be supported by an upper branch frame, while a lower branch frame will bear horizontal forces. Rather than supporting the main beam with pillars, the main beam will be supported by the upper branch, allowing for a more flexible plan that takes into consideration the flow of forces. The structure will be composed of upper and lower branch frames, eliminating the need for load-bearing walls and creating an open and spacious building.
Detailed plan for public toilets: A toilet suitable for this place, which includes a variety of activities.
Toilets that accommodate a variety of activities: General public toilets are fixed in the same type regardless of the location and cannot accommodate activities other than using the toilet. Therefore, by dividing the "intermediate area" and "private" functions of the toilet and incorporating the location into the intermediate area, the toilet can accommodate activities in the park and become suitable for this place.
Toilet design to eliminate the "4K" factors: Public toilets are often avoided because they are "4K" (smelly, dark, dirty, and scary). By performing architectural operations to eliminate these factors, we aim to create a toilet that is loved like a natural park.
Plan for private rooms: Park users are expected to change clothes before and after exercise, or carry large items such as sports equipment or bird watching gear. Each toilet booth is larger than the standard size (for example, the men's toilet booth is 2.94m² for the wig box), and space is provided for changing clothes and storing items to create a comfortable and easy-to-move environment.
Plan for the cross section of private rooms: By not extending the walls of the toilet booth to the ceiling, the toilet becomes a comfortable place where you can see the surrounding trees, feel the wind and sunlight. The toilet booths are located throughout the park and have different finishes and layouts, each with its own unique personality, making it a toilet that you want to use repeatedly.
Signage plan: By changing the color and finishing materials of the walls and floors for men's, women's, and multi-purpose toilets and placing signs in highly visible locations, we aim to create a toilet that is easy to understand.