

なぜこの様な研究をしたか?whyの部分を、どのように ぐりぐりと掘っていったのか。社会人で大学院に通い、論文に悩みまくっている人に読んでほしい。















インタビュー前に捉えた全体像 2022年11月

インタビューの質問は、マーケティングファネルの各段階ごとに、「どんな施策」と「どんなコンテンツ」を「仕組みの独自性」があるかを聞いていった。チャネルや情報発信に意識的なところ、候補者満足を見える化するところ、相互理解を全体で取り組み共通言語化しているところなど(この辺りは別途有料noteに書こうと思います。)共通していたのは、採用のプロセスは「仲間集め」であり、体験と並走が相互理解を高め、それが入社後にも続いていくという観点。この観点について、各社で本当に色々考えがあり、いいアイデアとそれを実行する運用にゾクゾクした。後に先行研究の調査で、"Employer Branding"という言葉に出会う、詳細は後日のnoteに。

物理好きの 閑話休題




  • 経営戦略

    • 人事戦略

      • 採用活動




経営戦略に基づく人事・採用活動 に対する違和感は、本当にそれで働く人は幸せになったのだろうか?という、過去の経験に基づくものだった。

  • 組織の方向性と、個人のやりたいことは、一致する時間がある。

  • 本当に、自分の人生を選びたいなら、必要とされる場所のうち今の会社は、選択肢の一つに過ぎない。


  • 会社が違っていたとしても、どこかで話を聞き、共に仕事をすることもある。











今回の研究にどんな価値があるか? を構成する要素
 ・必要性 (なぜ、この研究が必要なのか?)
 ・有用性 (どんなふうに、有用なのか?)
今回の研究に価値があるのか? を構成する要素



  • 「解き方」を、マーケティングの消費者購買行動論で使われたものを持ってきたおかげで、人事採用領域において「希少性」が出てきた。

  • また、経営戦略から人事・採用活動とは別方向から問いを立てたことで、新しいムーブメントでの「必要性」に響くことができた。


I will provide the English translation of the diary entry below using ChatGPT3.5.

As a graduate of graduate school and a business elite, I want to share a bit about how I dug into the question this time. Why did I choose to delve into this particular research? How did I dig and uncover the "why" aspect? I hope this is helpful for professionals who are studying in graduate school and struggling with their thesis.

To recap from earlier, my research topic in graduate school as a working professional was, "In the decision-making process of IT engineers changing jobs, are they influenced by information disseminated by companies or by information from employees currently working there?" From there, I chose to focus on "revealing the elements that should become visible."

The start was full of twists and turns.

Before delving into why I chose this research theme, I want to talk about the twists and turns that led me to this point. Initially, I was considering "Recruitment Marketing for IT Engineers" as the theme for my research. The purpose behind this was to address a challenge at work where hiring IT engineers was highly competitive and not going smoothly. I aimed to propose some sort of solution to this situation.

Looking back, I realized I was trying to do things "the right way." I thought that if I followed certain steps or had experience in web marketing, I might be more effective in implementing operational processes than regular HR professionals. I was seeking the "correct answer," as described in the "entrepreneurial mindset," but I hadn't fully grasped my life's axis in this pursuit.

Looking back, Vol. 1

"The question" is ambiguous, but there is a desired "answer" to obtain. However, it's like having borrowed both the assignment setting and the desired ideal state. The "how to make it clear" part lacks experiential value (HOW and knowledge). (i.e., it's inconceivable.)

Looking around at my seminar classmates,

When I look around at my seminar classmates, there's one who used to be the Japan head of a foreign pharmaceutical company and is now a mother of two, quite beautiful, and I've also interacted with her in other courses. Then there's one who is a mild-mannered gentleman with qualifications as a patent attorney and a small and medium-sized enterprise consultant, steadily advancing his research. And there's another who is a female president, tackling her second term in graduate school with an incredibly smart approach to her thesis; she started in April and by June, she's already collaborating with specialized media to gather research data. Why are we in the same seminar? Well, I chose it myself, so the question itself is a bit strange. Objectively speaking, I feel like I'm always a week behind. I've been dropped into quite an amazing place. It's almost laughable.

If I were to speak to my past self, I would say, "Impatience is experiential value." If you perceive it as potential energy, it's like "being in a state where the bow is drawn automatically."

Looking back, Vol. 2

I need to dig into myself. But I lack familiarity with the terrain.

Whether I'm anxious or laughing, it doesn't matter. I have to dig into myself here. However, I don't have the tools to dig, and I don't know where to dig because I lack familiarity with the terrain. Where do I start digging—through the "question," the "solution method," or the "value to clarify"? Well, since I don't have familiarity with the terrain to begin with, I decided to increase my input of basic knowledge and ask people who seem knowledgeable. First, I started following HR personnel, executives, individual IT engineers, and recruitment support staff from companies that are making distinctive moves in hiring on social media, categorizing each one and checking their tweets and retweets daily. I focused on the topics, problems, and desired know-how within this cluster. What do they see in their field of vision? What are they experiencing every day? Next, I sent direct messages to HR personnel who are planning and executing recruitment and conducted interviews. I learned a convenient method from someone who was using Calendly for scheduling interviews with graduate students and sending interview questions in advance, so I adopted this approach eagerly—it was killing two birds with one stone!

The interviews were each refreshing, leaving me feeling overwhelmed.

The activities of companies with distinctive recruitment strategies offered new discoveries in every aspect, from how they involve people and teams to how they evaluate roles, processes, and reflections. I found it fascinating. My intellectual curiosity was satisfied, and I felt frustrated because I also wanted to do these things but hadn't fully done them yet. (Below is a map I created around November 2022 to get an overall sense before conducting interviews, noting distinctive recruitment strategies for each channel.)

During the interviews, I asked about the unique aspects of strategies and content at each stage of the marketing funnel. I focused on areas such as channel and information dissemination awareness, visualizing candidate satisfaction, working on mutual understanding as a whole and standardizing communication (I plan to write about these aspects in a separate paid note). What was common among them was that the recruitment process was about "gathering comrades," where experiences and parallel runs enhanced mutual understanding, and this continued even after joining the company. Each company had various ideas regarding this perspective, and I was thrilled by the good ideas and how they were implemented. Later, in my research, I came across the term "Employer Branding," which I will detail in a future note.

Physics enthusiasts, unrelated talk:
Let's talk about the concept of "11 dimensions in the universe." The first dimension is the world of a straight line. The second dimension is the world of a flat plane where lines exist vertically and horizontally. The third dimension is the world of a solid shape with added height. Up until here, we can see and touch them, so they are understandable to us as inhabitants. Then there's the concept of considering time as another dimension. But what about dimensions beyond that? How do we perceive them? Well, even if we as inhabitants can't grasp them in a tangible way, there are ways of understanding such worlds. Therefore, it might be okay to acknowledge that there are dimensions beyond what we can see when trying to understand "people." Understanding is wonderful. However, there's also an equal wonder in not understanding. Is the world fascinating because of that?

Quiet topic

I've come this far, so I decided to dig deeper.

At the start, I set an interim goal of "increasing input of basic knowledge and asking around." Now that I've reached this point, I've gained a comprehensive understanding of what other companies' HR departments are doing, the cycles they're creating, and why they're doing it. HR departments conduct recruitment activities to execute HR strategies based on business strategies.

  • Business Strategy

    • HR Strategy

      • Recruitment Activities

This hierarchical structure, no matter how far you go, always has "Business Strategy" as the parent. It's obvious. However, when I pause and think, "Is this really correct?" I feel a sense of discomfort, wondering if it's a solid foundation or just air within me.

Ah, I see. What I really wanted to understand (clarify) lies around here. If I dig into this area, I'm sure I'll get there eventually.

One person wrote a novel.

The discomfort towards HR and recruitment activities based on business strategy stemmed from a past experience: did the people who worked under those strategies truly become happy? Years ago, there was a plan to turn a department with over 200 employees into a subsidiary and reduce the workforce to 120 people. The execution of this plan involved restructuring operations and personnel, as well as implementing evaluation systems that did not expect growth within the strategic framework. When viewed from a macro perspective, the operations were seen as "muscular," but from an individual's perspective, it was about rebuilding pride and standing up again from areas where they felt they were not valued. This person used this experience as inspiration for a novel, which was recognized as an excellent work in a literary magazine.
From that experience,I learned that

  • there are times when the direction of an organization aligns with what individuals want to do.

  • If you truly want to choose your own path in life, then the current company is just one option among many where you can be needed.

I learned this from each of the 100 people in the sample. Additionally, having that sample size allowed me to realize and experience that

  • even if companies are different, there are opportunities to listen and work together somewhere along the line.

I had experience in an internet-related company, but I've heard that whether someone has experienced high volatility businesses or works in companies with factories, to some extent, they've had similar experiences.

The Root of Discomfort

The discomfort I felt stemmed from the fact that relying solely on the "business dream (information based on business strategy)" as articulated by management makes choosing a workplace highly uncertain. While there are periods where an individual's fulfillment aligns with the organization's direction, if we want to make these periods more fulfilling, wouldn't it be more realistic to listen to the voices of employees who work together in terms of "how to do things/work style"?

"The approach" lies in delving deeper into the "question."

To be honest, I encountered the previous paper while feeling a vague sense of discomfort. In other words, after attempting to emulate the "approach" and then delving deeper, I arrived at the underlying "question."

When considering the approach taken in the influential paper as a reference for disseminating information during job transitions, one can clearly discern the impact by comparing the influence of corporate communications and employee communications.

Digging in different fields to find something Discomfort

To add another note, when the signs of "clearly discerning" emerged, I felt a realization about the true nature of my discomfort. Was this what my discomfort was all about? It was more of a gradual realization, like the slow melting of frozen snow, rather than an instantaneous one, and it may vary from person to person.

Articulating the true nature of one's discomfort is quite an experience. It's like a question that has been kept under wraps throughout one's professional life. Since I had been covering it up myself, I couldn't understand it. Feeling like I lacked familiarity with a different field, I inputted knowledge and others' experiences, and that's when the "discomfort" started to vaguely surface. Encountering similar "approaches" then elevated the "discomfort" into a "question," I believe.

Even though I feel like I'm progressing in a rather inefficient way, if every detour can be beneficial in the end, it's not so bad after all. It's like a richly aromatic stroll through life. For those struggling with their graduate thesis, I hope they can proceed with a smile, knowing that even with all these detours, there are cases where people have reached their destination. It's like providing a support system for them. As for understanding these aspects through an experiential learning model, I'll leave that to my mentor. That's all for today.

Next time's teaser.

I was instructed by the seminar's faculty advisor to explain the value of my thesis using the following three elements, which I learned a little from the professor: "It's just a formality."

The elements that make up the value of this research:
 ・Necessity (Why is this research necessary?)
 ・Utility (How is it useful?)
The elements that make up whether this research has value:
 ・Rarity (When I came up with the same idea, I tried it myself and demonstrated it.)

Next time's teaser.

Here are the two points that can be said from what I wrote this time. I'll write about the detailed content in the next entry.

  • Thanks to using the "problem-solving approach" from marketing's consumer purchasing behavior theory, it brought about "rarity" in the field of human resources and recruitment.

  • Also, by posing questions from a different direction than management strategy towards human resources and recruitment activities, it was possible to resonate with the "necessity" in a new movement.

Thank you for reading until the end. If you liked it, please hit the "Like" button. If you're looking forward to more, please follow me. Thank you and see you next time!

