【カヴァナ大使の福島訪問】 被災した福島の若者たちと、「福島第一原子力発電所」を視察
東日本大震災から11年。当時、福島第一原発付近に住んでいた清水ナイキくんは、震災で家族で引っ越しを余儀なくされました。高校生の時にSupport Our Kidsの海外ホームステイプログラムに参加し、アイルランドを訪問。滞在中の2週間は、現地で様々な体験をしました。アイルランドで大きな影響を受け、現在は大学で環境問題を学んでいます。今回、11年ぶりに地元いわきへ戻り、福島第一原発を視察しました。
Eleven years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Naiki Shimizu, who was living near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant at the time, was forced to move with his family because of the disaster. When he was in high school, he participated in the Support Our Kids program and visited Ireland. During his stay, he had various experiences there for two weeks. Based on his experience in Ireland, he is currently studying environmental issues at university. This time, he returned to his hometown of Iwaki for the first time in 11 years to participate in an inspection of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Support Our Kids アイルランド2019 参加
Text by Naiki Shimizu, a participant of the Support Our Kids Ireland 2019 Program
First, at TEPCO Decommissioning Archive Center, the Deputy Mayor of Okuma Shima gave a presentation on the current situation in the town of Okuma, where the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is located. While the evacuation zone has gradually been lifted and the town's residents are returning, the town is still in the process of reconstruction and it is necessary to continue to tackle the nuclear power plant issue with sincerity. After a briefing on today's itinerary by Mr. Takahara and Mr. Kimoto, TEPCO affiliate staff, we boarded the bus and headed for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
The dosimeter readings on the bus rose sharply from 0.01 microsieverts to 0.1 microsieverts, making us realise that we were gradually getting closer to the nuclear power station. Given that radiation levels were high in areas such as National Highway 6 where no decontamination work had been carried out, but that radiation levels were clearly low in areas where decontamination had been carried out in areas where workers were active, such as the new office main building, we were made to realise that thanks to those who carried out decontamination work, the land with low radiation levels is gradually increasing.
Mr. Kimoto and Mr. Ono, who is in charge of decommissioning, gave a briefing from the new administrative main building. Regardless of position, strict processes were in place for access to the nuclear power station, including the repeated requirement to show an ID and wear a dosimeter.
When we arrived at the Reactor Outlook Overlook Area for Units 1 to 4 on a special bus, we understood the magnitude of the accident at the nuclear power station. It was shocking to see something that was originally solidified with steel and concrete being torn apart. I also felt as if I had visualised the power of radiation, as I myself had been frightened by this invisible and mysterious substance for 11 years. Even though I was told that in terms of radiation levels we were safe, emotionally I was not ready for immediate reassurance. It was a big shock for me.
At the end of the session, we were explained treated water. Although the water can be brought down below the national standard by dilution, etc., they said that the challenge is how to make the people around them understand and feel safe. The explanations given at the nuclear power plant this time showed us that while we understood whether the plant was numerically safe or not, we were keenly aware that it is up to every one of us to decide whether or not we can be reassured. It also reaffirmed that it is not very important to try to determine whether an individual's decision on safety and security is right or wrong. I have realised that it is important for the victims and all of us to know more about decommissioning and to take advantage of the opportunities to visit nuclear power stations, which are also available online, to gain proper knowledge and understanding of the current situation.It is important to understand that more than 3,900 people are involved in decommissioning and other work at the power station every day and that it is thanks to the hard work of many people that the situation has been restored to its current state. I strongly felt that we must not forget to appreciate the people who are working hard every day to create a safe environment, including decommissioning and decontamination work so that we can all feel a little safer.
文章: 菊田龍雅(高校生)
Support Our Kids フランス 2019 参加
Text by Ryuga Kikuta
Participated in the Support Our Kids France 2019 programme:
The Sakura Mart in front of the Decommissioning Archive Center was busy with many people, and I felt that the area had recovered so well that I could not feel any traces of the nuclear accident. However, as we approached the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the scenery outside the window gradually changed. There were fewer cars, weeds as tall and as overgrown as buses beside the road, and most private houses had broken windows. The devastation was unimaginable from what we had just seen in Tomioka town, and only in the area around the nuclear power plant did it seem as if time had stood still since March 11, 2011.
In nuclear power plant facilities, especially in areas that are only accessible by showing ID or wearing a dosimeter, there was a clear distinction between areas that had not been decontaminated and areas that had been decontaminated. The workers' daily radiation exposure is adjusted so that it does not exceed the standard limit by shortening the time they spend working in areas with high radiation levels or working in areas with lower levels of radiation if they are exposed to higher than expected radiation levels.
So we were able to shorten our stay and go down to the reactor open-air overlook area to see the plant in the flesh: Unit 3 was covered and we could see that decontamination work had progressed considerably, but Unit 1 was still in the same state as we had seen on the news 11 years after the disaster. Unit 1 was still in the same state as seen on the news, with the skeleton of the reactor exposed.
At the end of the visit, the staff explained in detail the safety of the treated water through a comparison of the values before and after treatment and a comparison with the standard values. Through the explanation, we learnt that the treated water meets the radiation standards except for tritium, and that tritium can be reduced to a level that is considered to have no impact on the environment by diluting it.
It is said that it will take nearly 40 years to decommission the plant, and the problems related to nuclear power plants will continue to increase in the future, including not only the discharge of contaminated water into the sea but also the problem of disposal of contaminated materials. Through my visit to the nuclear power plant, I felt that it is important for each and every citizen of the prefecture to think proactively, see the issues as their own and seek solutions that are acceptable to as many people as possible, rather than turning a blind eye to the problems faced by nuclear power plants.
文章: 澤田花音(社会人)
Support Our Kids アイルランド 2018 参加
Text by Kanon Sawada
Participated in the Support Our Kids Ireland 2018 programme:
The first thing they explained to us before the visit was an apology for causing the accident. At that moment, I felt strongly that this was not a place to visit half-heartedly.
What I felt was a fear of the unusual atmosphere. I became anxious when I saw the numbers on the dosimeters in the car on the way to the plant going up and up and up. Looking around, I saw people wearing long sleeves, long trousers and heavy masks, despite it being mid-summer. But they were smiling and I could not hide my surprise that this was their everyday life. It didn't feel like I was in Fukushima, but I realised that the scene was only possible because I was in Fukushima.
When we actually saw Unit 1, it was covered, unlike what we had seen on TV immediately after the explosion. I could see with my own eyes that decontamination had also progressed. However, it is also true that I became scared when I learnt that the radiation level in this place is 100 mSv. The staff told us that we would be fine if we adjusted the amount of radiation we were exposed to in a day, but we were not truly reassured. However, I felt that I had to let people know about the current situation at the nuclear power plant, because what the media reports are different from what it is today.
There are plans to discharge treated contaminated water into the sea next spring. Calculations show that the water is purified and safe except for tritium, but I felt that everything was summed up in the words of an official: "Safety and security are not the same". Even though I actually visited the site and found that the water was no different from other water in terms of the figures, I did not feel in favour of discharging it into the sea. I strongly felt that we, as residents of Fukushima Prefecture, must think together about nuclear power, which will remain an issue for Fukushima for the rest of our lives.
文章: 堀江美音(高校生)
Support Our Kids アイルランド 2019 参加
Text by Mio Horie
Participated in the Support Our Kids Ireland 2019 programme:
At TEPCO Decommissioning Archive Center, staff gave a map-based explanation of the situation around the plant. We then moved to the main building, passed through tight security, and boarded a private bus. At this point, the radiation dose was 0.2 microsievert, lower than on National Route 6, and while visiting tanks storing treated water already processed by ALPS, we arrived at the high ground overlooking Units 1-4. The dose here was as high as 30 microsievert, so they had to limit their time outside to 10 minutes to adjust their exposure. Ambassador Kavanagh had many questions for the officials, both on the bus and during the 10-minute tour.
As a native of Fukushima, I wanted to visit the plant. It was only when I came to the site that I realised that I had subconsciously had the impression that the area around Units 1-4 was in disrepair and not a single blade of grass had grown. In reality, however, the area was quite well maintained and the plant area was overgrown with ivy. It was surprising to be able to go up close to Units 1-4 without protective clothing.
I was also impressed by the staff member who explained the general situation of the plant to us, who was very down-to-earth and sincerely apologetic for causing the nuclear accident. I could clearly see that they are making every effort to ensure that local residents understand the safety of the plant. However, safety and security are different. No matter how much safety is communicated, it is difficult to make people feel secure by it. In this sense, I felt that the people at TEPCO and people like myself who are trying to convey the charms of Fukushima are actually facing the same challenge of reputational damage.
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