原文文字数 1608(スペース含めない)
所要時間 約二時間半
原文「出典先: 免疫細胞療法 細胞培養ガイドラインhttps://www.jrai.gr.jp/images/topics/jrai_guidelines_20131211.pdf」
7 設定された室間差圧は、清浄度レベルの維持管理のために高い頻度で定期的にモニターされるべきであり、設定された限界値からの差異が認められた場合は、その原因を調査し、必要な措置および対策を講じることが必要である。異常時に備えて警報システムを備えることが望ましい。
7 The pressure differential between adjacent rooms should be monitored periodically at a high frequency for maintaining the cleanliness level, and if any deviation from the threshold is found, the cause should be investigated and the necessary measures and countermeasures should be taken. An alarm system is desirable for case of abnormalities.
<Specific example>
In addition to periodic monitoring, the room should be monitored at least before entering and after leaving for the confirmation of a stable condition.
8 空気清浄度に応じた適正な換気回数の設定を考慮しなければならない。
グレードBに相当する直接支援区域では 1 時間当たり 30 回以上、グレードCのその他支援区域では 1 時間あたり 20 回以上の換気回数の設定が一般的な許容レベルである。また、調製室内のレイアウト等によって可能であれば下方気流を設定することが望ましい。ただし、適切な換気回数及び気流制御は、クリーンルームの大きさや機器、調製従事者の存在等に依存する為、妥当な換気回数を検討・設定すること。
8 Consideration must be given to setting appropriate ventilation frequency according to air cleanliness.
<Specific example>
The generally acceptable ventilation frequency settings are 30 times or more per hour in the direct support area equivalent to Grade B and 20 times or more per hour in the other support areas equivalent to Grade C. In addition, downward airflow should be set if possible, depending on the layout of the preparation room. However, appropriate ventilation frequency and air flow control depend on the size of the clean room, equipment, presence of preparation workers, and other factors. Therefore, appropriate ventilation frequency should be considered and set based on those factors.
9 所定の換気回数が維持されていることを定期的に確認することを考慮すること。
9 Consideration should be given to periodically checking that the prescribed ventilation frequency is maintained.
<Specific example>
A reasonable frequency of checks may be determined by conducting checks under stable conditions at a frequency of once a year, or by referring to the HEPA filter pressure loss value, data on the pressure differentials between cleanroom, or cleanliness monitoring data obtained through daily inspections.
【表1 空気清浄度レベル】
(Table 1 Air cleanliness level)
(注1)括弧内の ISO クラスは、作業時の浮遊微粒子数に対応したものである。
(Note 1) ISO classes in parentheses correspond to the number of suspended particulates at work.
(Note 2) In some cases, the maximum permitted number of particles is not specified.
第2 重要区域(グレードA)
2 Critical area (Grade A)
It is difficult to set up a sterilization process in the preparation of personalized immune cells, because the final preparation in the container is not further processed and is unprotected against contamination. To maintain the sterility of personalized immune cells, the environment in which the aseptic manipulation is performed must be maintained at an appropriate air cleanliness level throughout the work period. Airborne particles in the environment are also an important factor in causing biological contamination by entering personalized immune cells and acting as carriers of physical or microbial agents. Therefore, the number of suspended particles in critical areas must be minimized through the use of effective air conditioning systems.
1 重要区域では、無菌環境を維持し、他の培養系(細胞が接し得る環境)を含む外部環境への汚染拡散や調製従事者及び公衆衛生への影響を最小限にとどめるよう設計された環境下において、患者自己免疫細胞の無菌操作(例えば、チューブの無菌的接続、培養液や薬剤、試薬等の無菌的添加を含む)を行う。
1 In critical areas, aseptic manipulation of personalized immune cells (e.g., sterile welding of tubes, aseptic addition of culture media, drugs, reagents, etc.) is performed in an environment designed to maintain the sterility and minimize the spread of contamination to the external environment, including other culture systems (where the cells may come in contact), and minimize the impact on preparation personnel and public health.
<Specific example>
In personalized immune cell therapy, containment devices such as biosafety cabinets and isolators are usually used. The use of clean benches, etc. that are not designed for physical containment is undesirable for preventing cross-contamination.
2 重要区域における浮遊微粒子測定と環境微生物測定は、適切な方法を定め、定期的に実施し、表2の環境モニタリング基準を満たすことを確認すること。この区域において微生物による汚染は認められるべきではなく、汚染が見られた場合は、徹底的にその原因を調査し、必要な措置および対策を講じなければならない。
2 Measurement of suspended particulates and environmental microorganisms in critical areas should be conducted regularly by establishing appropriate methods and confirming that the environmental monitoring criteria in Table 2 are met. Microbial contamination should not be allowed in this area, and if contamination is found, the cause should be thoroughly investigated and necessary measures and countermeasures should be taken.
3 重要区域の定期点検項目は、フィルターの完全性試験、流入風速、吹出風速、フィルター圧力損失等を管理項目として、適切な頻度の設定を考慮すること。
3 For periodic inspection items in critical areas, consider setting an appropriate frequency for filter integrity testing, inlet air velocity, outlet air velocity, filter pressure loss, and other control items.
In cases where biosafety cabinets are used, periodic inspections based on the Infectious Disease Act should be conducted at least once a year. If inspection items overlap, they may be conducted at the same period.