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原文「出典先: 免疫細胞療法 細胞培養ガイドラインhttps://www.jrai.gr.jp/images/topics/jrai_guidelines_20131211.pdf」
(4) 抗生物質の使用は可能な限り避けることが望ましい。
(4) Use of antibiotics should be avoided as possible.
<Specific example>
When the use of antibiotics is considered essential in the initial preparation process, the use should be phased out as much as possible in subsequent processes, and its appropriateness should be confirmed in terms of the residual amount in the final preparation estimated from the scientific evidence, washing method and other reasons, and in terms of its effect on the patient. If necessary and possible, it is desirable to measure the residual amount of the test specimens, in which case, the Microbial Assay for Antibiotics indicated in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia should be used as a reference.
The use of antibiotics is not precluded if it can be demonstrated that they are sufficiently removed. In any situation, patients should be informed of the risks associated with antibiotics, such as allergic reactions, and their informed consent should be obtained. The antibiotics should not be used for patients with a history of hypersensitivity or other adverse events to the relevant antibiotics.
(5) 成長因子を用いる場合には、細胞培養特性の再現性を保証するために、例えば純度及び力価に関する規格を設定する等、適切な品質管理法を予め定めておくこと。
(5) When growth factors are used, appropriate quality control methods should be established in advance, for example, by setting specifications for purity and assay, in order to ensure reproducibility of cell culture characteristics.
(6) 最終調製物に含有する可能性のある培地成分や操作のために用いられたその他の成分等については、生体に悪影響を及ぼさないものを選択すること。
(6) For media components that may be contained in the final preparation and other components used for cell culturing, components that do not adversely affect living organisms should be chosen.
(7) 患者本人以外の異なるソースから得られた細胞を刺激因子等として用いる場合、使用する細胞は、細菌・真菌・ウイルス等による汚染が否定され、その他品質に係る情報について明らかにされたものであること。また、患者に及ぼす影響などの面から、最終調製物における使用する細胞の適切な不活化処理、及び最終調製物からの除去処理を必要に応じて行うこと。
(7) When cells obtained from different non-autologous sources are used as stimulating factor and others, the cells to be used must be free from contamination by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other pathogens, and other quality-related information should be clarified. In addition, appropriate inactivation treatment of the cells to be used in the final preparation and removal from the final preparation should be performed as necessary, in terms of effects on patients and other factors.
2 細胞に遺伝子工学的改変を加える場合
2 Genetic engineering modifications to cells
When transferring a gene into cells, the following details should be clarified in advance.
① 目的遺伝子の名称、ID、構造、由来、入手方法、クローニング方法並びにセル・バンクの調製方法、管理方法及び更新方法等に関する情報
② 導入遺伝子の性質
③ 目的遺伝子産物の構造、生物活性及び性質
④ 遺伝子導入構成体を作製するために必要なすべての原材料、性質及び手順(遺伝子導入法並びに遺伝子導入用ベクターの由来、性質及び入手方法等)
⑤ 遺伝子導入構成体の構造や特性
(1) Information on the name, ID, structure, origin, acquisition method, clone method, and preparation, management, and updating method of the cell bank for the target gene
(2) Properties of the gene transferred
(3) Structure, biological activity, and properties of the target proteins
(4) All raw materials, properties, and procedures necessary for the preparation of the gene transfer constructs such as the origin, properties, and acquisition method of gene transfer and gene transfer vectors.
(5) Structure and characteristics of the transgenic constructs
⑥ ベクターや遺伝子導入構成体を作製するための細胞やウイルスのバンク化及びバンクの管理方法遺伝子導入細胞の製造方法については、平成7年11 月15日付け薬発第1062号厚生省薬務局長通知「遺伝子治療用医薬品の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針について」(以下、「遺伝子治療用医薬品指針」という。) の別添「遺伝子治療用医薬品の品質及び安全性の確保に関する指針」第2章等を参照すること。また、同通知の別記に準じて設定の妥当性等を明らかにすること。
(6) For the methods of banking cells and viruses to produce vectors and gene transfer constructs, and methods of managing the banking and production of gene transfer cells, refer to Chapter 2 and other chapters of the Guideline on Ensuring the Quality and Safety of Gene Therapy Products attachment of the Ensuring the Quality and Safety of Gene Therapy Products (hereinafter referred to as "Guidelines for Gene Therapy Drugs"). In addition, the appropriateness of the setting should be clarified in accordance with the attachment of the notification.
In accordance with the Act on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms (Act No. 97, 2003), a separate procedure is required when perform genetic engineering to cells that do not belong to human cells or others, and cells that have the ability to differentiate or have differentiated but do not develop into individuals under natural conditions, and to viruses and viroids.
However, if, based on the latest findings, it is determined that the genes used in the cell preparation do not chemically or functionally constitute part of the final preparation, the basis for the determination and the fact that the quality and safety will not be affected should be clarified in advance.