
晚上好,我是京都大学的粉丝!(Hello,I'm Kyoudai Fan! from China)

Today we had English tests!Here are the questions:




It wasn't so difficult,but I don't know if I can get 90 or more.

Today I have a good news:I asked to my English Expression teacher(he is a little strange,but he's the best teacher:he is a versatile teacher who analyzes more than 30 tests of センター試験  and teaches you how to prepare for the English test such as Eiken, TOEIC, and GTEC.)about my Eiken results(1780/1950),and he said that it is possible to pass the 英検準一級,so I'm very happy.

Today we removed garbage from a river next to our school.There weren't many garbage,but we found an umbrella next to the river!Why....?

That is all for today.Thank you to read!

See you🤗!


最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます! もしよければ、ぜひサポートをよろしくお願いいたします。 ほかの学生と同じような大学生活を送るためには、多大な学費が必要ですので、とても助かります! どうか、よろしくお願いします!(o*。_。)oペコッ