Perfect imperfection 傷つきやすさ礼賛
"All existence is vulnerable for vulnerability is the framework and the sensitivity that makes existence possible. All That Is is vulnerable to All That Is and the possibilities and probabilities of creation that dwell deeply within it. To close anyone off, any channel off, is to deny creativity and existence. The deep mystery of consciousness has to do with vulnerability. If the leaf were not vulnerable to the sun, it would not bloom. If it were not vulnerable to the winter and cold temperature, it would not die, and if it did not die, it could not, again, come back into the earth as a new blossom. It could not change its form. Therefore, each of you be free within yourselves and be without fear.
You want to create a perfect thing. If you want to create another personality then you think in terms of a perfect personality and the perfect personality does not exist, for perfection in your terms means death. When you think in terms of perfection, you think in terms of purposes already achieved, none coming after; but existence makes its own new purposes that arise of the joy and exaltation, as well as pain and challenge." --Seth
「すべての存在は傷つきやすいのだ。なぜなら、傷つきやすさはフレームワークであり、存在を可能たらしめている感受性だからだ。All That IsはAll That Isに傷つきやすい。そして、その内奥にあるすべての可能性と創造の蓋然性に傷つきやすい。誰かを締め出したり、チャネルを閉ざしたりするのは、クリエイティビティと在ることを否定することに等しい。意識の奥深い不可思議は傷つきやすさと関わりがある。もし花弁が太陽に傷つきやすくなければ、花は咲こうとしないだろう。冬や低い気温に傷つきやすくなければ、それは死のうとはしないだろう。そしてもしそれが死ななければ、再び、新しい花として地球に戻ってくることは出来ないだろう。それは、形を変えることが出来ないだろう。それゆえに君たち一人一人、自らの内に自由であれ。恐れることなく在れ。