IRONE World Peace Keeping Mission to save the Planet of Earth by Upper Wing Thinking with Sophia!
The attached music is "South Exit" by Eric Dolphy from his Album "Last Date," however, we know the actual Exit will appear just pivoted our mindset by upper wing thinking, just imagine.
We have the mission to find the Exit to save the Planet of Earth from the human-made disaster of WWIII, which the Ego-conflicts of hegemonic powers will wage in the buffer zone!
War is a human-made disaster that the hegemonic powers wage
in the buffer zone! 🐾🐾
Japan, in the meltdown of the 3/11 Fukushima nuclear power plant
The second war had already come to an end! 🐾🐾
Eliminate human-made disasters to protect the earth
in preparation for natural disasters!
👉 We are chasing the mission of the heavenly and earthly save people!
Until the end of Japan, the enemy state of the United Nations enemy clause has got deferred,
Don't be a mowing ground of hegemonic nations! 🐾🐾
As a World Peace Promoter with a Peace Constitution
Declaring a neutral country and pivoting the focus to the United Nations
Promoting Democratization among States through UN Reform
Towards the abolition of nuclear weapons! 🐾🐾
To contribute to the maintenance of world peace! 🐾🐾
👉 This is the role of Japan after WWII! 🐾🐾
#文理融合 #リベラルアーツ #国際性 #理論と実践 #アルペなんみんセンター #Sophia_University_Alumni_Association #Sophia #ソフィア文化芸術ネットワーク #Upper_Wing_Thinking #上智大学ソフィア会 #SNSソフィア会 #法学部ソフィア会 #上智大学経鷲会 #理工学部ソフィア会 #地球環境学科同窓会 #鎌倉ソフィア会 #湘南ソフィアンズの会 #上智大学吹奏楽研究会 #上智大学吹奏楽団 #上智大学管弦楽団 #上智大学音楽協議会 #湘南モーツアルト愛好会 #上翼思考 #上智 #平井裕 #鴨川威 #松井敏明 #夏里尚子 #田中荘子 #池田晶子 #栂野理恵 #柴崎輝美 #吉村司 #猿渡洋子 #河野典子 #内田恭子 #吉川久子 #小川エリ #内田寛人 #二科会 #NIKA