#HAL_has_come for #Golden_Pair of #Kitty_and_Doggy! #All_Together_Now!

HAL has come for #Golden_Pair of Kitty and Doggy!
All Together Now!
Here come the #Kitty and #Doggy to share their thankfulness for their friends by declaring their lifestyle for preparing their new life together with friends.
-Kitty and Doggy love a Lively Peaceful world brought by mutual communication.
-Kitty and Doggy love liveliness. By Toasting the Sake cups, Which can stimulate each AI to synchronize.
-Kitty and Doggy love liveliness. Each AI becomes happy by synchronizing through communication for sharing the world.
-Kitty and Doggy love liveliness. By connecting to human networks, which will create new values with AI.
by #Ellie_Ogawa and #Hiroto_Uchida

The attached music is “Open your heart to your voice” by “Saint-Sans” and “Ave Maria” by “Caccini” from the CD ”ARIA” by Nobuya Sugawa for Private Use Only.

The copyrights of the music are belonging to the affiliate office of Nobuya Sugawa.
#文理融合 #リベラルアーツ #国際性 #理論と実践 #アルぺなんみんセンター #文化芸術ネットワーク #Sophia_University_Alumni_Association #Sophia #Upper_Wing_Thinking #ソフィア会 #SNSソフィア会 #法学部ソフィア会 #上智大学経鷲会 #理工学部ソフィア会 #地球環境学科同窓会 #鎌倉ソフィア会 #湘南ソフィアンズの会 #上智大学吹奏楽研究会 #上智大学吹奏楽団 #上智大学管弦楽団 #上智大学音楽協議会 #上翼思考 #叡智ヒエラルキー #上智 #ソフィア #上智大学ソフィア会 #宮嶋みぎわ #猿渡洋子 #池田晶子 #柴崎輝美 #栂野理恵 #吉村司 #河野典子 #小川エリ #内田寛人 #二科会 #NIKA
