Have The Tears
♠︎We send a heart,
And let's take each other's hands.
I distribute it,
And let's love without difference pleasantly.
❤︎We should smile at both the heart and the expression.
I distribute it,
And let's love without difference pleasantly.
❤︎Though I often understand it,
You find out bluff immediately.−I don't cry.
♠︎If I laugh so that you run through joy,
A grassy plain.
I obtain all which I who want it feel happiness.
♠︎❤︎We're communities.
♠︎Have the tears.
Your crying only in my side.
♠︎❤︎We don't have the lies.
❤︎In the dream that I talk about the yesterday's continuance.
I distribute it,
And let's love without difference pleasantly.
♠︎If there is you,
The flowers of the world are beautiful.
I distribute it,
And let's love without difference pleasantly.
♠︎Your dream would be only the thing which didn't come true.
I grant your dream.−Live together.
❤︎The embrace such as the soft breeze that you give is warm.
And you can tell the world that I don't know.
♠︎❤︎We're communities.
❤︎Have the tears.
My crying only in your side.
♠︎❤︎We don't have the lies.
♠︎❤︎When a heart is disturbed,
I remember days and take a deep breath.
The love doesn't do any sorting.−We're same as.
♠︎❤︎We will grant a dream so as not to yield to the blue of sky.
Believe only love giving beauty to more us.
We're communities.
Have the tears.
We snuggle up if we cry.
We don't have the lies.
♠︎❤︎When a heart is disturbed,
I remember days and take a deep breath.
The love doesn't do any sorting.−We're same as.
♠︎We're communities.
❤︎Your kiss fixes its eyes on my heart.
♠︎Have the tears.−Live together.
❤︎Your kiss wraps my body.
♠︎❤︎We live together as it is.
−It's us that we believe.
手を取り合おう 心を寄せて
判ってることは多いけど 「泣くもんか」
君が喜び 草原を駆け抜けるように笑ったら
きっと 僕の欲しいものは全て手に入るだろう
(僕らは共同体) 泪はひとつ 流すなら僕のそばで
語る夢には 昨日のつづきを
あなたが居れば 花も誇る
あなたがくれてる 微風のような抱擁は温かい
(僕らは共同体) 泪はひとつ 流すならあなたのそばで
(心が乱れるときには 日々を思い出して深呼吸
僕らは一緒 愛は何も選別なんてしないから)
(夢を叶えよう 大空の青さに負けないぐらい
僕らは共同体 泪はひとつ 流すなら2人はそばに
(心が乱れるときには 日々を思い出して深呼吸
僕らは一緒 愛は何も選別なんてしないから)
僕らは一緒… あなたの接吻は私の心を見据えて
泪はひとつ… あなたの接吻は私の身体を包んで
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