The human easily takes the communication using words.
Repress a partner by the words,
and injure it,
and nobody knows that torment you.
Anyone should know it.
But the human cuts my heart with the weapon of words while pretending to know nobody.
The human will want to preach correctness using justice.
So I bounce it with a body of the steel even if discrimination is the bullet which there isn't,
and I become the hive.
I live even if I can imbue it in blood by scathing words.
I ain't ashamed.
I don't hide,
and I survive it.
I am a human dying sometime,
I can talk now.
I think about things and think of a human and pray you that I don't want to run out of the smile.
The human lives while murdering a human.
In a nightmare,
the child grows up without knowing it with the bad thing.
I dissect my body,
and find my cause of death.
It's more important for me what a weapon is whom I was murdered by.
If there is the blade of words to become my cause of death.
I that I resist it till the last live.
I survive it in this world without entering Nirvana even if I die.
I change by our this hands.
I change it by our this hands.
There isn't the same human in the world.
In the world,
there isn't the different human, too.
The human that nationality or religion are only different,
and we are free.
The human will want to preach correctness using justice.
So I bounce it with a body of the steel even if discrimination is the bullet which there isn't,
and I become the hive.
I live even if I can imbue it in blood by scathing words.
I ain't ashamed.
I don't hide,
and I survive it.
If there is the blade of words to become my cause of death.
I that I resist it till the last live.
I survive it in this world without entering Nirvana even if I die.
Because we are obvious human…
傷付けて 苦しめるのを知らない
いや 誰もが知ってるはずなのに
知らないふりをしながら その凶器で私の心を切り裂く
正義を用いて 正しさを説きたいんだろう
鋭い言葉で血塗れになっても 私は生きる
恥ずかしくない 隠れないで私は生き抜く
今はまだ 活発に話せるから
ちゃんと考え 相手に気遣い
悪いこととは知らずに 悪夢の中 子どもは成長する
身体を開けてみて 私の死因がわかるから
最後まで私は抵抗してやる 私は生きる
死んでも絶対 この世の中で私は生き抜く
変わるんだ 変えるんだ 私たちのこの手で
同じ人はいない 違う人はいない
国籍や宗教が違うだけで 私たちはただの人間
正義を用いて 正しさを説きたいんだろう
鋭い言葉で血塗れになっても 私は生きる
恥ずかしくない 隠れないで私は生き抜く
最後まで私は抵抗してやる 私は生きる
死んでも絶対 この世の中で私は生き抜く
#作詞家 #歌詞 #オリジナル #詩 #音楽 #曲付けOK #LGB #トランスジェンダー #トランスセクシャル #見世物扱い #カミングアウト #障がい #病気 #言葉の恐ろしさ #私たちは人間 #生きている #国籍 #宗教 #肌の色 #差別 #区別 #分別 #すべて無くなれ #人間