
Floral Dreams:by Angela Barker Thomas



“If you love something, set it free; 

if it comes back to you, it is yours; 

if it doesn’t, it never was.”

So speaks the wisdom of some other breaking heart,

a heart that must have known in seasons past

a thorned love such as this.

But oh, my Beloved, I was yours, in the only way I knew to be.

I was yours so completely that when I finally awoke,

I had to share with you the fragrance of my flowered dream,

regardless of the spines it would surely press into your trusting heart,

for our union held no secrets;

always, you were my best friend; always, my confidant;

always, my truest love.

But you knew all along,

And overlooked.

And forgave.

And prayed each day as I arose,

that I would not remember the dream

or yearn for the fragrance of flowers.

My innocence was enough for you,

Your tangled love grew ‘round me, vines without blossoms,

cherishing me so tenderly that in my daylight hours 

I was deaf to whispers of the floral spirits around me.

But one night came the dream so vivid and so real

that I awakened, and found my soul longing

for the scent of the bouquet,

craving the soft feel of petals.

You acknowledged my revelation

and sadly, unselfishly,

untwined the ivy that bound our souls together,

withdrew your masculine leaves that had sheltered me

from harsh sun and cold rain since my maiden years.

Always, your unfaltering understanding,

your wish for me to realize my heart’s desires...

I transcend my familiar existence,

burn with a novel passion that draws me to another.

Even these emotions, my Beloved,

my exuberant heart wants to share with you,

you who always applauded my joys.

How I wish I could have loved you

with the intensity your gentle being deserves!

How you treasured the honesty of my love for you,

 accepted me in my larva stage,

nurtured me in my cocoon...

And you loved me steadily, predictably.

And said the sleeping half of me was enough.

And upon seeing my waking half,

clinging to the dream remembered,

you gently nudged me toward the floral fields. 

I am a butterfly, guivering,

flying off in search of colorful blossoms,

guided by their perfume 

wafting illusive and promising on the fickle breeze.

At last, I pursue dreams that you knew all along

lay stirring under the surface of my dull sleep.

My infant legs are strengthening by tiny bits of balk

gleaned from your stalwart vines,

bark torn from your husk,

where you peeled yourself from me

as you, in ultimate love,

loosened me to freedom.


By Angela Barker Thomas, 

for Rumi, 

December 15, 2001

Rumi,  My sister shared your story with me. It touch me so much, I thought all night of you...The next morning I wrote this poem for you...Peace on your journey. Angela





