イギリス発の幼児向けアニメ「Peppa Pig」の主人公は4歳のPeppaという子豚ちゃん。Peppaの英語も、また登場する家族やお友達の英語も、複雑な文法は使わず、シンプル単語でゆっくりはっきり話すため、基礎英語の耳づくりにもってこいな番組です。その上、YouTubeで1話5分ほどの手軽さも嬉しい限り。
中学英語で不足しがちな本物英語のインプット、まずは「Peppa Pig」でプラスしてみる具体例をまとめました:
① まずはそのまま観てみる
YouTube👇で、0:00-4:34までの「Flying on Holiday」を再生。
🐷 余裕で理解できれば「Peppa Pig」必要なし。他の英語圏の番組や動画をどんどん観ましょう。
🐷 ぜんぜん聞き取れなくても大丈夫。②に進みます。
② 英語字幕+0.85倍速で観てみる
🐷 ちょっと聞き取れるけれど、まだまだ「???」でも大丈夫。③に進みます。
③ スクリプトを読んでみる
このエピソードの英語を文字起こししたスクリプトを読んでみます👇 文字で見ると理解できたりもします。単語の説明も少々含めました。
🐷 「読んでもわからんぞ」の場合は、もう少し簡単なインプット材料が必要なので、またご紹介させてください♪
🐷 「なるほど〜、こういうことを言っていたのね〜」と内容がわかったら、英字幕あり+0.85倍速で、また気が向いた時に数回観てみましょう。
========== SCRIPT ==========
Peppa and George are going on holiday.
They are packing their bags.
[Daddy Pig] You can’t pack everything.
[Peppa] But we need to take all our toys daddy!
[Daddy Pig] Just take the important ones.
[Peppa] Okay. I’ll take Teddy and George can take dinosaur.
Mummy pig is packing a big bag for the holiday.
[Daddy Pig] That’s a lot of stuff, Mummy pig.
Are you sure we need it all?
[Mummy Pig] Yes, it’s all very important.
[Daddy Pig] Okay.
It is Suzy sheep.
[Suzy Sheep] Hello Peppa.
Do you want to play?
[Peppa] I can’t play today, Suzy.
I am going on holiday
[Suzy] Oh, where are you going?
[Peppa] I don’t know.
Somewhere there is holidays.
[Suzy] That sounds nice.
[Peppa] Oh, granny and grandpa.
Why are you here?
[Grandpa] We are here for Goldie the fish.
[Granny] We are looking after her while you are on holiday.
[Mummy Pig] Here is Goldie.
[Peppa] Don’t feed her too much, granny.
[Granny] Okay, Peppa.
It is Mr. Bull in his taxi.
He is taking Peppa and her family to the airport.
[Mr. Bull] Oh, daddy Pig.
Let me take that bag for you.
That’s heavy.
Are you sure you need everything in here?
[Mummy Pig] Yes, it’s all very important.
[Everyone] Bye!
This is the airport.
[Mr. Bull] Good bye! Have a lovely holiday.
[Check-in staff] Tickets please.
[Mummy Pig] Here they are.
[Check-in staff] Any bags?
[Daddy Pig] Yes.
I’m afraid this one is a bit heavy.
[Check-in staff] Don’t worry.
Just pop it on the scale.
Anything valuable in it?
[Peppa] Yes.
[Check-in staff] You can take those little bags on the plane with you.
Just join the queue over there.
This is the x-ray machine.
[Peppa] What’s this Daddy?
[Daddy Pig] It’s a machine that looks inside things.
[X-ray staff] Put your bags on here please.
[Peppa] Look, it’s my bag with Teddy inside.
[George] Dinosaur.
[Peppa] That’s magic.
This is the airplane that will take Peppa and her family on a holiday.
George loves aeroplanes.
[Flight attendant] Welcome aboard.
We hope you enjoy your flight with us today.
[Peppa] Can I sit next to the windows?
[Daddy Pig] Of course, Peppa.
[Mummy Pig] Yes George.
You can sit next to the window too.
[Captain] This is Captain Emergency speaking.
Is everybody ready?
[Everyone] Yes, Captain Emergency.
[Captain] Then let’s go!
[Peppa] Look Teddy! We are flying!
[Papa Pig] What can you see out the window?
[Peppa] It’s all cloudy and rainy.
Oh, now it’s sunny.
[Papa Pig] That’s because we are on top of the clouds.
The plane is flying higher and higher.
[Peppa] Oh, are we flying up to the sun?
[Papa Pig] No.
But we are going somewhere sunny.
[ ♪ ]
Flying high
in the plane
up above the clouds and rain.
[ ♪ ]
Flying high
sunny sky
flying high and high and high.
Peppa and her family are flying through the sky on their way to a sunny holiday.
④ 理解度チェックの6問
What did Peppa put in her suitcase?
What did George put in his suitcase?
Why did Peppa’s grandparents come?
How did Peppa get to the airport?
How many suitcases did Peppa’s family check-in?
Where did Peppa sit on the airplane?
(注)くれぐれもPeppa Pig修行にならぬよう、何十回も観ることのないよう、楽しく、気軽に、勉強感ゼロ、これが大事です。
For my lovely student M.