
ロジックをつかめ!分詞構文-Beautiful June Wedding-



まず、分詞構文とは何なのか?を押さえたい方は、先にロジックをつかめ!分詞構文-A Tale of Hydrangea-お読みいただければと思います。


  Sarah had always dreamed of a beautiful June wedding, where the flowers were in full bloom, and the sun shone brightly over the rolling green hills.
 On a sunny June afternoon, Sarah and David stood hand in hand under the azure sky, ready to embark on the most beautiful journey of their lives.
 The garden, with its colorful blossoms and lush greenery, served as the perfect backdrop for their union. Friends and family gathered to celebrate them.
 Sarah, adorned in a gown, carried a bouquet of vibrant roses that mirrored the blush on her cheeks. She walked down the aisle, her heart pounding with anticipation. David stood tall in his elegant suit, his eyes never leaving his bride.
 As they exchanged vows, promising to love and cherish each other for all their days, a cheer erupted from the guests. The church bells rang out in celebration, echoing through the town and announcing that Sarah and David had begun their journey as husband and wife.


1,712字 / 17画像
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