Translations list

No tenìan una segunda oportunidad sobre la tierra (2023) ‎

Cien años de soledad
G.Garcìa Márquez
Translation by relaxmax (from spanish to Japanese!)

“Narrow Road to Interior” by Basho Matsuo translation by relaxmax (2018)

Each Day is A Journey Journey itself is A Home 日々旅にして旅を栖(すみか)とす


andermal erzählt
時そのものが 語ることになる(2023)
はてしない物語 ミヒャエル エンデ
Never Ending Story translation by relaxmax (German to Japanese)


Three Cheers for Our Side
translation by relaxmax (2021)


“HOJOKI” by CHOMEI KAMONO 方丈記鴨長明 translation by relaxmax (2022)

Such is A Man’s fate (women’s too) Living on Earth

The Times They Are A-Changin’ (2023)

Monday’s child is fair of face
Mother Goose
Translation by relaxmax(2023)

Wayne Shorter’s final words I heard on Gilles Peterson’s radio…
translation by relaxmax (2023)

Human being and being human人類とヒトであること
The Six best Doctors in the World
Steve Jobs
translation by relaxmax


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