

ここ数年でDEI原則(Diversity, Equity Inclusion)というアプローチが米国の助成財団を中心に進んでいる。費用対効果の高い支援を目的とするのはもちろんなのだが、支援が新たな排除を生んではいないか?という問い掛けが投げかけられているのだ。

例えば、2013年の米国でエスニック・マイノリティを対象にした助成額が7%に過ぎなかったことに対し、米国の人口構成に占めるエスニック・マイノリティの総計は40%に達していたという(D5 Coalition,2016)。日本でも、助成の対象とな受益者の年齢や性別、国籍など基礎データを洗い出したらどんな傾向が出るだろうか?おそらく、性別や国籍の偏りは人口構成に比べてかなりの偏りが出ているはずだと思う。



このノートは、米国のArabella Advisorsが執筆した「助成活動における見えざる偏見」(Eliminating Implicit Bias in Grantmaking Practice) という記事の一部を翻訳し、また、それをどう我々の財団の助成活動に取り入れようとしているかの記録だ。


Re-evaluate risk tolerance. 
Organizations that aim to help underserved communities are often under-resourced themselves.  ...we changed our process so that—rather than simply ruling out organizations whose financials raised questions—we had follow-up conversations with their leaders to learn how they planned to achieve financial stability going forward. In this way, our advisory board members gained a more-comprehensive understanding of the organizations—insight on which they could draw when assessing their comfort level with awarding grants to these organizations.




Consider compensating certain applicants for applying. 
The hope & grace fund uses its discretion to provide stipends to small organizations that were not selected for a grant but submitted complete applications, to compensate them for their opportunity cost. One possible rule of thumb is $25 to $50 per hour for the average number of hours it takes to fill out the grant application.







最後にD5 Coalition,2016のDEIの定義を紹介しておく。多様性や公正性、包摂性のような言葉がバズワードになりがちだが、ここまで書ききってくれるとようやく自分たちに何が足りないのかが分かるようになる。

The word “diversity” can mean different things to different people. We define it as a value that brings unique perspective or life experience to the decision-making table, but focusing particularly on:• Racial and ethnic groups: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Hispanics/Latinos/Latinas, African Americans and other blacks, and American Indians and Alaska Natives• LGBT populations• People with disabilities• Women. This definition captures what our communities look like today. It focuses on populations that have been—and remain—underrepresented in grantmaking and among practitioners in the field, and have historically been excluded in the broader societ

Philanthropy has assigned a variety of meanings to “equity.” For some, equity is a label for a specific social outcome; for others it defines a condition needed to bring about social change.At times, the differences in definitions have impeded collaboration and coordination among allies in the movement to advance DEI, but it is encouraging to see more and more organizations joining the equity conversation, and bringing an equity lens to their grantmaking in order to achieve a more just society.To us, improving equity means promoting justice, impartiality, and fairness within the procedures and processes of institutions or systems, as well as in their distribution of resources. Tackling equity issues requires an understanding of the root causes of outcome disparities within our society.

“Inclusion” refers to the degree to which individuals with diverse perspectives and backgrounds are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes of an organization or group. While a truly inclusive group is necessarily diverse, a diverse group may or may not be “inclusive.”

