男女の物語#89: 「Kei Komuro, Husband to Japan's Former Princess Mako, Passes the N.Y. Bar Exam on His Third Attempt」 <ー 久々 眞子さんと結婚した小室さん登場 米国での司法試験、日本との比較 なお、今回の記事でどうやって出逢ったのか初めてわかりました
「Kei Komuro, Husband to Japan's Former Princess Mako, Passes the N.Y. Bar Exam on His Third Attempt」
People: 23 Oct,2022
「Kei Muro, Husband to Japan's Former Princess Mako, Passes the N.Y. Bar Exam on His Third Attempt」: 既に一部の方はご存知と思いますが...長かったですね~ ついにあの秋篠宮家の長女、眞子さんと結婚した小室さんNYの弁護士試験に合格です。
The broadcaster quoted Tokyo-based attorney Okuno Yoshihiko as saying he received a call on Friday, in which Komuro expressed his gratitude to his mentor. "This time, he passed," Okuno said, adding that Komuro expressed gratitude and pride in becoming "a member of the lawyers' community" and pledged "to study harder as a lawyer."
合格しても、前途多難ですね~ 依頼者が来るかどうか? そもそも、米国での弁護士は日本とは違う立場がありますしー。
弁護士が「ambulance chaser」とか、皮肉で言われるぐらいですから。
ambulance chaser:
a lawyer who tries to get work by persuading someone who has been in an accident to claim money from the person or company responsible for the accident:
An ambulance chaser contacted her the day she was injured and persuaded her to sue the city council for negligence.
Approximately 9,600 candidates, including repeat applicants, sat during the July exam earlier this year.
According to the N.Y. State Board of Law Examiners, 6,350 of them passed. The success rate for first-time takers was 85 percent and 23 percent for repeat candidates.
「法務省は2022年9月6日午後4時、令和4年司法試験の合格発表を行った。 最終合格者数は1,403人で、2021年の1,421人と比べて18人減少した。 受験者数3,082人に対する合格率は45.52%」
そう考えると米国の弁護士が「ambulance chaser」になってもおかしくありません。
The pair first met while attending a study-abroad event at a Tokyo restaurant in Shibuya, a district in the city. They were both students at the International Christian University in Tokyo at the time.
Amid the controversy surrounding their marriage, Mako skipped the traditional rites and also refused a $1.3 million government payout traditionally paid to women losing royal status when they wed.
April it was reported that the former princess, who holds a master's degree from England Leicester University in Gallery Arts, was working as an unpaid volunteer at a New York museum.
検索キー: Kei Komuro, Husband to Japan's Former Princess Mako, Passes the N.Y. Bar Exam on His Third Attempt