





トビアス・オディアムボ・オゴイ(Tobias Odhiambo Ogoi)といいます。1975年9月27日生まれ、3児のシングルファザーで、 趣味は 自然散策と旅行、写真を撮ること、人と交流すること、そして、子どもたちと一緒に遊ぶことです。大学では科学実験技術専攻で、カウンセリング心理学、コンピュータの基礎 (アプリケーションソフトの操作とハードウェアの基本メンテナンス )についても学びました。また応急処置、防火と安全に関するスキル、HIV/AIDSの母子感染予防(PMTCT)についても知識があります。パラリーガルとして、子どもの権利、性と生殖に関する健康と権利、ジェンダーに基づく暴力などに日々取り組んでいます。 また農業面では園芸作物とバナナやコーヒーなどの換金作物の栽培に従事してきました。 そしてミッションやユース・インターナショナル(Missie jongeren)など、さまざまな立場でユース・リーダーを務めてきました。私は、地域の子どもたちや貧しい人々に大きな情熱と愛情を注いでいます。若者たちが何かに取り組み、フォーマルでもインフォーマルでも生きていくためのスキルを身につけるのを見届けたいと思っています。








・テーブル、椅子 - ほとんどのテーブルと椅子は大人用です。 
・トイレ - 大人用の大きな穴があいているトイレしかありません。






Name: Tobias Odhiambo Ogoi
Year of Birth: 27th Sept. 1975
Marital status: married with three children. (now – widower) 
Education: Studied Science Laboratory Technology
Counselling Psychology
Computer basic Application software operations and basic hardware maintenance 
Others: First Aid, fire and safety skills 
Prevention Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT)
Paralegal: Child rights, Sexual reproductive Health and Rights and gender-based violence etc. 
Farming: all my life I practice farming on both horticulture and cash crops like bananas and coffee 
Been Youth leader in different capacities: e.g. Mission and youth international (Missie jongeren) etc. 
Hobbies: Nature walk and traveling. 
Taking photos and socializing and sharing of ideas
Nb/ I have great passion and love for children and the destitute in the community. I would like seeing youth engaging in something and acquire survival skills either formal or informal
In PLAS: I work as Project consultant: I do coordination of project activities through monitoring, data analysis attending to activities for greater enhancement and implementation of the project in Kenya. 
I was motivated to this job, through inward self-drive (passion) Of working with community and children. Similarly, I like part of the psychological understanding of both parent and children i.e. communication skills. Sexuality and developmental stages in children, problem solving mechanism on gender-based violence and helping people understand and solve their problems in diplomatic way rather than physical fighting. Lastly, PLAS’s high integrity in their operations
My thought on the project: This is a well thought of and great idea. Targeting the most vulnerable persons in the community i.e. OVCs and the caregivers. This group of persons in our community are suffering in silent, no one knows they are suffering BUT, PLAS knows this through baseline survey and research. 
To Japanese supporters “you have such a big heart” and actually being touched with both human and mankind feelings am not sorry to say you do understand what is called human suffering, you also believe that every human beings are important and they can make a difference if they are shown the way. 
Message to Japanese supporters: Many thanks for your support. It has brought in positive psychosocial and economic changes in this community. We will still appreciate if this support could reach even more persons in this community or same community undergoing same circumstances. Whenever we conduct our survey to the communities in about 4 counties i.e. Siaya, Homabay, Kisumu and Migori consecutively. We noted one thing in common: Lack of finance, school fees, school bag, Uniform at times food and medications. However, in the real sense we cannot give direct funding for these continuously. Since, majority have capacity to produce but lucks practical skills and knowledge to do so. 
Personal suggestion:
If we can focus on giving skills and practical knowledge on basic production of goods and services that can also promote better sustainability in future? 
Example: bridging the gap on the items lacking in addition to what we’ve provided like kitchen garden. By providing means of producing uniforms, shoes, school bags, and things like small bakeries that uses easily available energy like charcoal. They will be able to meet financial needs and get the items at reasonable cost… if sewing machines can be provided and short-term trainings on operations for interested persons etc. 
Children (in regard to child welfare) 
Children: ECD children lack the following infrastructures in schools:
Tables, chairs -most tables &chairs are for adults  
Pit latrines – with very big holes meant for adults 
Sanitary towels for girls (adolescents)  
These conditions destruct a child’s mind during learning hence a child cannot concentrate to achieve his/dream.




