
対訳エッセイ | A Private Paper on Tamori😎

 It has been one of the most important things for me to write about Tamori-san since the inception of my Note. Therefore I have some scruples when it comes to writing about him. However, I have come to feel that no matter how much time I spend on thinking and writing about him, what I write about him will leave much to be desired.
 If it doesn't make any difference whether I write well or not, I had better write about that now, not in the future. 


 As far as I can recall, it was a TV program called "The Best Night" that I first watch him on TV.
   At that time, I was an elementary school pupil. To be sure, I was not fully able to understand his conversation with his guest, however, his appearance on TV engraved my memory. 


 After the talk was over, Tamori-san played the trumpet and his guest sang a song. 
 I remember neither the name of the female guest nor the contents of the conversation and I guess they talked about something erotic, but their performance was undoubtedly earnestness itself. 
 During the performance, Tamori-san seemed to play the trumpet without thinking of anything, puffing out his cheeks. 


 Since I first watched Tamori-san on TV, I have been a huge fan of his. There have been a lot of discussions and debates about where his genius came from, but I think, firstly,  his greatness is based upon "Earnestness."  And secondly, in the presrnce of Tamori-san, there seems to be neither the bossers nor the bossed. Who is more famous than who, who is more experienced than who---that doesn't matter. He always treats his guests as equal. 


  As I expected, this article leaves much to be desired. I cannot completely express what is in my mind. When another  occasion arises, I may write more about Tamori-san. 



山根あきら | 妄想哲学者